PC MIN 09-17-2002 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES 7:00 PM September 17, 2002 Muskego City Hall, Muskego Room, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Mayor Slocomb called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present recited the pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Mayor Slocomb, Alderman Le Doux, Commissioners Hulbert, Brodel, Stinebaugh, Michalski, Assistant Plan Director Wolff and Recording Secretary Asti ABSENT Commissioner Schaumberg Recording Secretary Asti noted that the meeting was properly noticed on September 10, 2002 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. MINUTES Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2002 and September 9, 2002 meetings. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was adopted. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 114–2002- Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan for Aldi and determination of substantial change to the approved MRED Commercial Planned Development District located on the MRED Development property located in the SE ¼ of Section 2 (part of Tax Key No. 2167.995.001 / Janesville Road). This resolution was on the floor and deferred. Assistant Plan Director Wolff stated that petitioner has submitted revised landscaping, photometrics and monument sign plans. After reviewing the revised landscaping plans, the City Forester has requested additional plantings along the east side of the building and along Janesville Road. The consulting engineers have reviewed the revised photometric plans and are satisfied with submittal. The proposed monument sign exceeds code requirements. Staff recommends the petitioner to reconfigure the size of monument sign as outlined in the Zoning Code and shall be approved by Planning Director prior to release of Building Permits. Ms. Marcia Sperber, Aldi representative, stated that she will set-up meeting with Staff to address items of concern. Alderman Le Doux made a motion to amend resolution as presented in Resolution #P.C. 114a-2002. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 114-2002 was amended as presented. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 114-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 119–2002- Recommendation to Common Council to Chapter 18, Land Division, requiring submittals to be accompanied by digital files. This resolution was on the floor and deferred. This item applies to Certified Survey Maps, Preliminary and Final Plats being submitted digitally. The Planning and Engineering staff have prepared digital specifications for digital file submission. A Public Hearing will be held at the Common Council PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued September 17, 2002 meeting on September 24, 2002 Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 119-2002 was Adopted unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL Upon hearing Resolutions #P.C. 172-2001, #P.C. 075-2002, #P.C. 099-2002 and #P.C. 116- 2002 read by title only. Commissioner Brodel made a motion to Defer these items engross. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 172–2001 – Approval of a conceptual Building Site and Operation Plan for Muskego Energy Center LLC located in the NE ¼ of Section 13, T5N R19E (Part of Tax Key No. 2065.999 / Crowbar Road). This item was on the floor and deferred. Resolution #P.C. 172-2001 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 075–2002 – Approval of a Building Site and Operation plan a multi tenant industrial building for the Borchardt property located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2221.016.001 / W185 S8095 Racine Avenue). This item was on the floor and deferred. Resolution #P.C. 075-2002 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 099-2002 – Approval of a sketch land division of the Wernette property located in the NE ¼ and NW ¼ of Section 11 (Tax Key No. 2203.999 / Woods Road). This item was on the floor and deferred. Resolution #P.C. 099-2002 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 116–2002- Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan amendment and determination of non-substantial change to the Muskego Centre Planned Development District to permit the installation of a 14 foot high monument sign for the Martinez property d/b/a McDonald’s located in the SE ¼ of Section 8 (Tax Key No. 2192.974 / W189 S7851 Racine Avenue). This item was on the floor and deferred. Resolution #P.C. 116-2002 was Deferred unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS Upon hearing Resolutions #P.C. 121-2002, #P.C. 122-2002, #P.C. 123-2002 and #P.C. 124- 2002 read by title only. Alderman Le Doux made a motion to Adopt these items engross. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 121–2002- Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan Amendment for Bethel Lutheran Church located in the SW ¼ of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2195.081 / S77 W18426 Janesville Road). Resolution #P.C. 121-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 122–2002- Approval of a subdivision monument sign for Kimberly Estates located in the NE ¼ of Section 18 (Tax Key No. 2229.007 / S80 W20751 Tyler Drive). Resolution #P.C. 122-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 123–2002- Approval of a monument sign for Muskego Elementary School located in the NE ¼ and NW ¼ of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2193.104 / S75 W17476 Janesville Road). Resolution #P.C. 123-2002 was Adopted unanimously. PAGE 2 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued September 17, 2002 RESOLUTION #P.C. 124–2002- Approval of a subdivision sales signs for Prairie Meadow Estates located in the SE ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key No. 2256.996 / North Cape Road). Resolution #P.C. 124-2002 was Adopted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 125–2002- Resolution directing Planning Staff to initiate termination of Conditional Use Grant for a gasoline service station and convenience store for the Loomis- Martins LLC parcel located at the southeast corner of STH45 and STH 36 in the NE ¼ of Section 25 (Tax Key No. 2257.978.003). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Michalski seconded. Assistant Plan Director Wolff stated that this item pertains to the Conditional Use Grants that are not being utilized. A number of the unused Conditional Use Grants would not be in conformance with general surroundings or uses that have not begun to operate. Petitioner has received approval from Plan Commission along with a six month time extension to the Building, Site and Operation Plan. Petitioner has not started construction and the Building, Site and Operation Plan approval has expired. However, the Conditional Use Grant has been recorded at the County and remains active with the land. Staff is requesting to initiate termination of this Conditional Use Grant. Mr. Ryan Mallery, representative of Burke Properties, addressed the Commission requesting that a reclassification be considered allowing petitioner an additional year to initiate gasoline service station operation. Mr. Jack Henry, O’Malley Investments, also addressed the Commission to reclassify the O’Malley Conditional Use Grant which will be discussed under Resolution #P.C. 127-2002. Assistant Plan Director Wolff stated that this resolution reads that the Plan Commission recommends the Conditional Use Grant be terminated completely, without subsequent reclassification as a legal non-conforming use. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 125-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 126–2002- Resolution directing Planning Staff to initiate termination of Conditional Use Grant for a car wash for the Loomis-Martins LLC parcel located at the southeast corner of STH45 and STH 36 in the NE ¼ of Section 25 (Tax Key No. 2257.978.003). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Brodel made a motion to approve. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. This resolution pertains to the previous resolution regarding the same property and ownership. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 126-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 127–2002- Resolution directing Planning Staff to initiate termination of Conditional Use Grant for a gasoline service station and convenience store for the O’Malley Investments, Inc. parcel located at the northeast corner of STH 45 and STH 36 in the NE ¼ of Section 25 (Tax Key Nos. 2257.978.004 and 2257.997 and part of adjacent WE Energies right-of-way). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Assistant Plan Director Wolff stated that this item is similar to the previous resolutions. The petitioner was granted approval of Building Site and Operation Plan along with a six month time extension. Petitioner has not started construction and the Building, Site and Operation Plan has expired. Staff is recommending the Conditional Use Grant be terminated completely, without subsequent reclassification as a legal non-conforming use. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 127-2002 was Adopted unanimously. PAGE 3 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued September 17, 2002 RESOLUTION #P.C. 128–2002- Recommendation to Common Council, minimum drafting and cartographic standards for digital files. This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Assistant Plan Director Wolff stated that this resolution pertains to digital plat requirements. Staff from the Planning and Engineering Departments has reviewed standards and applied text layers for a uniform set of submittal requirements. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 128-2002 was Adopted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE No action intended for these items. The following will be placed on the agenda as a resolution at a future meeting. DOCKET #P.C. 101–2002- Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan for a park shelter for Manchester Hill Park located in the SW ¼ of Section 10 (Tax Key No. 2198.990 / W167 S7650 Parkland Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 109–2002- Approval of the Moorland Corridor South Design Guide as Recommended by the Mayors Task Force on Economic Development, and recommendation of same to the Common Council. DOCKET #P.C. 129–2002- Approval of a Preliminary Plat of Weatherwood Courts on the Laimon property located in the NE ¼ of Section 25 (Tax Key No. 2257.999 / Ryan Road). DOCKET #P.C. 130–2002- Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan amendment for St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church located in the NE ¼ and SE ¼ of Section 2 (Tax Key Nos. 2165.962, 2165.972, 2165.975 and 2168.999 / S66 W14225 Janesville Road). DOCKET #P.C. 131–2002- Resolution directing Planning Staff to initiate termination of Conditional Use Grant for the sale and service of snowmobiles, personal watercraft, and ATVs located in the SW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2223.001 / S83 W18410 Saturn Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 132–2002- Recommendation to Common Council to vacate portions of Parker Drive right-of-way east of Racine Avenue to a maximum 66 foot width, located in the SW ¼ of Section 21, NW ¼ of Section 28, NE ¼ of Section 29, and SE ¼ of Section 29. DOCKET #P.C. 133–2002- Recommendation to Common Council to vacate right-of-way previously reserved for the belt line freeway, located in the SW ¼ of Section 2. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Review and discuss first draft of amended parking requirements. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the language and requirements that are proposed to revise the current ordinance. The Assistant Plan Director stated that the new code allows the Plan Commission quite a bit of PAGE 4 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued September 17, 2002 flexibility compared to the current code. The proposed code is designed to bring items into conformity. The process for the adoption of this proposal will be to hold a Public Hearing before Common Council to obtain input from the citizens. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 9:09 p.m. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary PAGE 5