PC MIN 08-15-2000 PH PARK & OPEN SPACE CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES Tuesday August 15, 2000 Muskego Public Library, Conference Room 5, S73 W16663 Janesville Road PUBLIC HEARING to consider the adoption of the 2000-2004 Park and Open Space Plan. Present: Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Chiaverotti, Commissioners Hulbert, Gummer, Schaumberg, Smith, Brodel, Plan Director Turk, and Recording Secretary Asti. Secretary Asti reported that the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Mayor De Angelis declared the Public Hearing open at 7:07 p.m. Plan Director Turk introduced Mr. Tom Zagar, Grant Administrator Planning and Lakes Projects, has been working with the Park and Recreation Board and Park Staff preparing this plan. Mr. Zagar stated that an inventory of the entire City parks and facilities had been done. An analysis was compiled of the needs and facilities of existing and new parks. The plan includes maps showing location of proposed and existing parks and recreation trails throughout the City. Mayor De Angelis asked for members in the audience to address the Commission with their input of concerns, questions, comments, etc. Mr. Rick Kania, S68 W15099 Koso Drive, is supportive of the plan and its recommendations. Mr. Kania is in favor of acquiring properties for long term parks and facilities. Safety and convenience for children to get to parks are a concern. Bike and pedestrian plans should be expanded; what is proposed is good but can be expanded to hook-up with neighboring communities with long term planning. Mr. Kania would like to see the bike paths paved to allow for cross-country skiing and roller blading. Mr. Gary Stewart, W136 S8415 Holz Drive, read a prepared statement expressing appreciation for the Open Space and Park Plan. Mr. Steward feels that the Open Space and Park Plan must address the needs of the Festival and other major public events held in our parks. Veterans Memorial Park and Old Muskego Settlement Centre should be viewed as city’s community event facilities and not as athletic parks. Updated facilities for these parks should be a priority. Veterans Memorial Park should include a pavilion, storage building, restrooms and pathways. Restrooms are needed at Settlement area. Additional lighting, electrical services and parking should be improved. Mr. Andy Schumacher, S69 W13418 Hale Park Court, expressed concern with the number of additional baseball fields proposed, and feels there is a great need for additional facilities for children in the athletic programs. Ms. Danielle Oster, S63 W14861 Garden Terrace, is a day care provider and uses the parks on a regular basis. Ms. Oster has a number of concerns relating to our existing parks: safety, need for upgrading and maintaining recreational facilities at parks, number of restrooms and proper water facilities at all parks. The padding material in the parks is a safety issue; with some of the parks have insufficient cushioning. Ms. Oster questioned the width of trails and would like to see each trail handled on an individual basis. Ms. Oster wanted clarification on the environmental corridors. PLAN COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES, OPEN SPACE & PARK PLAN, Continued August 15, 2000 Ms. Gail Busalacchi, W155 S7998 Foxboro Circle, would like to see well-maintained tennis courts expanded into our parks. The high school is the only facility that maintains their courts to high standards. Mr. Jim Haag, W194 S7396 Racine Avenue, feels that to make the best use of the parks, especially for the baseball athletes, there is a need to improve and develop our parks. City of Muskego baseball facilities do not come close in comparison to neighboring communities. There is a need for improvement of current baseball facilities to be used by athletes at all levels. Ms. Betty Czarapata, S77 W19688 Sanctuary Drive, encouraged by decisions that have been made by the City to preserve natural surroundings. Ms. Czarapata would like to see limited lawn space in lieu of natural prairie plantings. She suggested that bike trails be placed throughout parks as the existing trails are rather uninteresting. There is a need to manage our natural areas to remain healthy. Would like to see neighborhood participation to preserve natural areas throughout the city. Mr. Rick Kania, S68 W15099 Koso Drive, reiterated that the City should be looking into long term plans for future parks. Purchase lands now and develop future parks at a later date. Some of the park sites with natural features may qualify for State and/or Federal grants for preservation. Alderman LeDoux stated that this is an excellent plan. Alderman LeDoux would like to see the recreational trails know as multi-use trails allowing for equestrian, bikes, and pedestrian usage. Ms. Danielle Oster, S63 W14861 Garden Terrace, addressed the Commission again, stating that the multi-use trails would be a good idea considering the amount of horses in the area, however; have a stipulation that these trails would be for non-motorized activities. Mayor De Angelis stated this matter would be heard through a resolution under New Business later this evening. There being no further questions or comments, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary PAGE 2