Plan Commission Minutes 05-20PH1 PLAN COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING HELD MAY 20, 1997 6:50 P.M. Conditional Use for a B-3, General Business District permitted use by right on a parcel zoned as B-2, Local Service Center District, more specifically a multi- screen movie theater. Upon the petition of Cathy Zmudzinski (Petitioner) and Mary P. Thomas (Property Owner) for a multi-screen theater at the property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5. Present were Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Salentine, Commissioner’s Hulbert, Vitt, Smith, Gummer and Director Sadowski. Secretary reported that the Public Hearing was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. Mayor De Angelis declared the Hearing open at 7:01 P.M., and explained the petition. Director Sadowski gave a brief presentation that the petitioner is proposing a multi-screen movie theater ( four screens now with possibility of future expansion of six to eight screens) on a five acre property. Mayor De Angelis asked the petitioners if they wished to speak on this matter: Petitioner’s representative, Frank Richardson (architect) proposed that the location of the building is on the only buildable part of the property. Mr. Richardson stated that the theater would be open at 6:45 P.M. with the peak of their business in the evening hours after any rush hour traffic. He felt that the traffic flow would not be a problem due to the two driveways off Tans. The movies will not begin or end at the same time. There will be minimum of ten minute breaks from starting of one movie and ending of another movie to allow for the public to enter and exist the theater at different intervals. At this time, Mayor De Angelis asked for members in the audience to address the Commission with their input of concerns, questions, comments, etc. Mr. Kim Young, Hillendale Drive, expressed his opposition to this project stating that the traffic will be the major concern. Mrs. Heidi Paquette (also speaking for her husband, Andrew), Hillendale Drive, stated her opposition and her concerns were: increase in traffic patterns -- she felt that people would use Hillendale Drive; increase in noise; people loitering; lights from the parking lot; hours of operation where people will be leaving PHMin -Movie Theater-05/20/97-Page 2 between the hours of 10 and 11 P.M. Mrs. Paquette feels that this is quite late for a residential area. Mrs. Linda Young, Hillendale Drive, felt that traffic will be a concern to the children in the neighborhood; property values will decrease; amount of liter on properties; and vandalism will become a problem. Mrs. Mary Graf, Bluegrass Drive, is opposed to the theater and has the same concerns as mentioned above. Mr. Dave Stawski, Adrian Drive, expressed similar concerns as stated above; also felt that there will be more traffic on Hillendale. Mr. Stawski was adamantly opposed to the B-3 zoning. Mrs. Darlene (also speaking for her husband, Erv) Liegl, Bluegrass Drive, stated opposition due to increase in traffic along with excessive speeds and noise along Hillendale and Tans Drive. Other concerns expressed were liter; bright lights; this theater is not compatible in this residential area; decrease in property value; loitering and vandalism. Mrs. Julie (also speaking for her husband, Tom) Hankinson, Hillendale Drive, expressed safety is a hugh issue inviting gangs; traffic; loitering etc. The Petitioner, Cathy Zmudzinski, addressed the Commission and audience and pointed out that at her present theater loitering is not allowed; vandalism has been limited; and wanted to follow this same type of guidelines for safety at the new theater. Ms. Sue Kowalkowski, Bluegrass Drive, felt that you cannot anticipate problems with a mall compared to residential area -- would like to see theater built in another area. Mrs. Mary Graf, approaching the Commission for a second time, felt that this theater will be too close to the freeway so there will be no control of vandalism or loitering that this property is much larger than the Parkland Mall area. Mrs. Karen Beckmann, Hillendale Drive, lives in an area with a extremely long driveway and has had problems in the past with parked cars, liter, etc in their driveway. She feels that this will become a bigger problem along with vandalism due to the fact that her house is off the road and she has a long driveway. Mr. Scott O’Brien, Gregory Drive, has the same concerns that have been stated above. Mr. O’Brien also feels that this is a question of location. PHMin -Movie Theater-05/20/97-Page 3 At this time Mayor De Angelis read letters from residents stating their opposition to this theater. Names of residents sending letters to Plan Commission were: John Maciosek, Bluegrass Drive Linda A. Gingras, Overlook Bay Road Ron Daliege, Hillendale Drive James & Renee Zirzow, Churchill Court Michael & Linda Lafferty, Bluegrass Drive Scott & Paula Garland, Lembezeder Drive Darlene & Erv Liegl, Bluegrass Drive Keith & Susan Kowalkowski, Bluegrass Drive Joseph & Paula Czaplewski, Lot 21 in Lakewood Meadows Director Sadowski reread the B-2 zoning and made it clear that this is not a rezoning hearing. Mayor De Angelis asked if anyone else in the audience had any comments. There were none. Mayor De Angelis stated that this matter would be heard through a resolution under New Business later this evening. There being no further questions or comments, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:54 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary