Plan Commission Minutes 07-15 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES July 15, 1997 Minutes of the Plan Commission held on July 15, 1997 in the Muskego Room, City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue. Mayor De Angelis called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Salentine, Commissioner’s Schaumberg, Vitt, Gummer and Director Sadowski. ABSENT: Commissioner’s Hulbert and Smith Secretary reported that the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. MINUTES: Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 1, 1997 meeting. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 83-97 -- Recommendation of Approval by the Plan Commission to the Common Council for the Conceptual Amendment of the Master Development Plan for Phase II of the Overlook Bay Mutli-Family Portion of the Lake Forest Planned Development in the SE 1/4 of Sec. 8 and the NE 1/4 of Section 17 (Ann K. Chandler). This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski reported that petitioner has requested a deferral until next Plan Commission meeting in August. Alderman Salentine made a motion to defer. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 83-97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 116-97 -- Approval of Final Plat for Park Estates by PEGARL L.L.P. for the property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 18. This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski stated that all items of concern have been addressed. Alderman Salentine made a motion to amend Resolution #P.C. 116- 97 to state, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That final plat approval subject to Public Work’s approval of grading and drainage plans. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 116-97 was Amended. Commissioner 07-15 PCMIN PAGE 2 Vitt made a motion to twice amend Resolution #P.C. 116-97 to state in the second WHEREAS, A Final Plat was submitted for Park Estates on May 12, 1997 and a revision of Final Plat was submitted on July 11, 1997 and is the subject.....Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 116-97 was Twice Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Twice Amended Resolution #P.C. 116-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 133-97 -- Recommendation of approval by the Plan Commission to the Common Council to amend Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance to create Section 8.145 B-P Business Park District. This resolution was brought back to the floor. Discussion ensued wherein Common Council reviewed the revisions and made additional suggestions . The remarks from Muskego Chamber of Commerce were also discussed. Alderman Salentine made a motion to defer for Staff to take into consideration additional suggestions Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 133-97 was Deferred unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 138-97 – --Approval for a 22’ x 24’ Accessory Structure for Ed and Sandi Kogutkiewicz at the property located at S103 W19439 Kelsey Drive. This resolution was read by title only. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Staff has reviewed Assessor’s records and with existing accessory structure, petitioner has exceeded allowable square footage by 128 square feet. At this time, Ed Kogutkiewicz addressed the Commission and stated that proposed accessory structure will be used to store collector cars. Alderman Salentine made a motion to amend Resolution #P.C. 138-97 to read, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves an accessory structure not to exceed 400 square feet unless Board of Appeals approval is granted for an accessory structure not to exceed 528 square feet. . Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 138-97 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 138-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 139-97 -- Recommendation of Approval by the Plan Commission of an Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map creating a One (1) Lot Land Division for Harold Kumm at the property located in the NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of Section 13 Town of Norway. This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 139-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 140-97 -- Recommendation of Approval by the Plan Commission of an Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map creating a Four (4) Lot Land Division for Harold Kumm at the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 13 Town of Norway. This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 140-97 was Adopted unanimously. 07-15 PCMIN PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 141-97 – Approval of an Amendment to a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Tenant Signage for the Schrieb property located at W144 S6303 College Court. Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Discussion ensued wherein previous approval for a change of sign package to this parcel allowing reduced size and limited colors was approved by Plan Commission. Petitioner’s proposed sign does not conform to the amended standard set by Plan Commission. Mr. Oleniczak, Petitioner, addressed the Commission distributing a signed letter from owner of property giving permission for an outdoor sign that does not conform to original sign package. After discussion, the Commission felt that the owner has not given his tenants necessary information regarding the original approved building, site and operation plan. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 141-97 was Denied unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 142-97--Approval of a Two (2) Lot Land Division Sketch submitted by Marvin and Gloria Pellman at the property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 26 (Tax Key No. 2264.998). Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Director Sadowski stated that access to both lots is limited to one point along the new State Highway 36 (Loomis Road). The State DOT and WEPCO have granted one access point to serve the eastern half of this property. The petitioner’s daughter addressed the Commission stating that she has been in contact with the DOT and has received approval for access however, number of parcels using the access point is a City matter per DOT. WEPCO will need Plan Commision’s decision before reviewing the access point. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 142-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 143-97 – Recommendation of Approval to Amendment the OPD of Champions Village of Country Club Villages for a Community Marketing Center in a Model Home by Lakeside Homes, Inc., for Burke Properties. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Director Sadowski informed Commission that Staff finds this request acceptable due to the affiliation of Lakeside Homes with the developer. Petitioner’s representative, Mr. Steve DeWitt of Burke Properties, confirmed to Commission that Lakeside Homes is owned by Burke Properties. Alderman Salentine made a motion to amend Resolution #P.C. 143-97 to state, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission will review this issue every two years until such time as a model home will no longer be needed. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 143-97 was Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 143-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 144-97 – Recommendation of Approval to Amend the OPD of Champions Village of Country Club Villages for Outdoor Recreational Facility by Lakeside Homes, Inc., for Burke Properties. Commissioner Gummer made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued wherein this request is for a permanent use in the development. Several comments were made as 07-15 PCMIN PAGE 4 to the location of the proposed facility being too close to the entrance. The petitioner’s representative, Mr. Steve DeWitt, announced that this is the best location until the subdivision is fully developed. Mr. DeWitt also stated that they would like to limit this facility to children under the ages of 10-12 years. This would be accomplished by the type and placement of equipment being installed. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 144-97 was Adopted with a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Vitt voting no. RESOLUTION #P.C. 145-97 -- Approval of a Conceptual Review of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for a Hardware Store for Randy Rozman for the property located at S83 W20411 Janesville Road. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Director Sadowski gave a presentation describing petitioner’s request and addressing items that need to be submitted. Items of concern are: fire access which has been reviewed and requires an additional 10 foot setback. The grading and drainage plans are under preliminary review to determine if pretreatment pond will be need. Parking spaces are a concern with a minimum of 98 spaces required per code and 53 are proposed. Mr. Randy Rozman, petitioner addressed the Commission that a survey had been taken over a one week period to achieve the number of cars parked in the existing parking lot at their busiest times. Mr. Chris Murawski of National Survey & Engineering addressed the Commission with input on the elevation plans and placement of proposed building. After lengthy discussion, it was determined that upon approval of conceptual review of detailed site, building, grading, landscaping and signage plans along with a color rendering will need to be submitted to Planning Department before July 25, 1997. Petitioner is directed to meet with Staff to make amendments to the submittals as outlined in Staff comments. A Conditional Use Public Hearing has been scheduled for August 5, 1997. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 145-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 146-97 –Approval for the temporary parking of a trailer for Richard Knudsen at the property located in the NW ¼ of Section 8. (east of W199 S7440 Hillendale Drive) Commissioner Gummer made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Director Sadowski stated that Public Services Committee approved that the trailer should be removed from property by July 17, 1997. Petitioner’s home is complete and the trailer is not being used for habitation. However, Mr. Knudsen is requesting to park the trailer adjacent to his barns. Mr. Knudsen addressed the Commission asking for an extension due to the fact that he is in the process of selling the trailer. Mr. Knudsen stated he will not be occupying the trailer. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to amend the resolution to state, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That a $40 processing fee will need to be submitted. That an approval is granted for thirty (30) days with renewal to be placed on Plan Commission Agenda under Miscellaneous Business with a potential of two (2), thirty (30) day renewals accepted. that Staff confirms there are no more than three (3) homes within 800 feet of the proposed parking site. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 146-97 was Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 146-97 was Adopted unanimously. (Note: 7/16/96 Staff met with Mr. Knudsen and confirmed that the agreed upon \[parking location only had three (3) homes within an 800 foot radius). 07-15 PCMIN PAGE 5 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: Mother-in-law units proposed Ordinance change. Discussion ensued wherein eight different communities have been researched on definition of mother-in-law units. Most communities set a square footage, if proposed square footage is larger than required, unit is considered to be a duplex. Suggestion that an addition to the Zoning Ordinance under permissible uses the description of a mother-in-law unit would promote the petitioner to appear before the Plan Commission without having a public hearing. After discussion, it was determined that Staff take into consideration comments given and resubmit definition of mother-in-law units. Parking lot alteration Broke Spoke Bar (Formerly known as the Kelsey Pub)..Director Sadowski explained that petitioner is requesting to modify the approval of #P.C. 60-97 by removing the and shift parking north ten (10) feet from what was approved for additional parking spaces. The entire parking area will be paved with the intention to bring the property into compliance by increasing parking, paving the parking lot and helping to eliminate the cars from parking on the street. Discussion ensued wherein no objections were voiced to the improvements, however, the two (2) trees in the parking area along Kelsey Drive, are to remain. The fence along the east line will remain . All other conditions as outlined in #P.C. 60-97 remain in effect. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gummer made a motion to adjourn at 9:27 P.M. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary