Plan Commission Minutes 08-19MIN CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1997 Minutes of the Plan Commission held on August 19, 1997 in the Muskego Room, City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue: Mayor De Angelis called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Salentine, Commissioner’s Hulbert, Schaumberg, Vitt, Smith, and Director Sadowski. ABSENT: Commissioner Gummer Secretary reported that the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. MINUTES: Mayor De Angelis noted that Resolution #P.C. 152-97 should read Approval of a Sketch Preliminary Plat.... Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion approve minutes as corrected. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the corrected minutes was passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 83-97 -- Recommendation of Approval by the Plan Commission to the Common Council for the conceptual amendment of the Master Development Plan for Phase II of the Overlook Bay Multi-Family Portion of the Lake Forest Planned Development in the SE 1/4 of Section 8 and the NE 1/4 of Section 17 (Ann K. Chandler). This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski stated that nothing new has been brought to Staff. Alderman Salentine made a motion to defer. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 83-97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 155-97- Recommendation of approval by the Plan Commission to the Common Council for a road vacation for Glen A. Schopf at the property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 17 in the City of Muskego. (Western Terminus of enterprise Drive) -- RECONSIDERATION. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to bring this resolution back to the floor for Reconsideration. Commissioner Smith seconded. Petitioner is requesting Plan Commission decision regarding future status of cul-de-sac at the end of Enterprise Drive when the right-of-way is vacated. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to amend resolution, wherein the last BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED is removed from the resolution. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 155-97 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 155-97 was Adopted unanimously. 08-19-97 PCMinutes Page 2 CONSENT BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 157-97- Approval of a 2,232 square foot Accessory Structure for Frank Kozlik at the property located at S67 W21091 Tans Drive. This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve resolution. Commissioner Hulbert seconded Director Sadowski stated that the petitioner has requested to be deferred until the September 2 Plan Commission Meeting. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to defer. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 157-97 was Deferred unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 158-97 -- Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for a Lee Delaney at the property located at S84 W18590-18622 Enterprise Drive. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner previously submitted landscape plans including two berms along Enterprise Drive with shrubs and trees on top of the berms. Petitioner now proposes replacing shrubs and berms with two additional trees. Mr. Lee Delaney, petitioner, addressed the Commission stating that his landscape firm advises against planting shrubs due to the salty soils and snow accumulation. These elements will make it very difficult for shrubs to survive. Mr. Delaney and his son, Wayne, presented handouts and pictures of properties in the area that have not been required to have berms or trees in the front of their properties. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend the resolution to read, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That berms will be reduced in size with grass planted throughout berms and maple trees added to break-up grassy area. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a roll call vote motion failed with a split decision. Commission Vitt made a motion to amend resolution to read, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That berms will be removed and replaced with maple trees planted to street tree standards (50 feet spacing). Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 158-97 was Amended 4-2 with Commissioners’ Smith and Hulbert voting no. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 158-97 was Adopted with a 4-2 vote. Commissioners’ smith and Hulbert voting no. RESOLUTION #P.C. 159-97 -- Approval to Amend conditions of a Certified Survey Map for Salvatore Ferrito at the property located at W140 S9341 Boxhorn Drive. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Alderman Salentine seconded. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner proposes to disassemble the garage and place the materials at his business owned property. This would not be an allowable use as there is no fenced area for outside storage. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend resolution to read, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That petitioner will have 120 days to remove the building from site. Also included in amendment -- the fifth WHEREAS will be removed from the resolution. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 159-97 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 159-97 was Adopted unanimously. 08-19-97 PCMinutes Page 3 RESOLUTION #P.C. 160-97 -- Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for Berg Construction at the property located at W188 S7820-7830 Racine Avenue. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner is requesting to start construction on both phases of the office building project. However, petitioner is requesting to do only the foundation, at this time, for the second (northern) building. By doing this type of construction and due to expiration dates on building permits, petitioner would be required to pay numerous building permit fees. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner would like the foundation for the northern building finished before completing the detention areas and driveway. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend resolution to read in the first THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission....a date no later than June 1, 1998, and the extension....south lot line. If after June 1, 1998 above grade construction has not commenced, foundation must be covered, seeded and mulched and the City will retain sufficient monies from existing Letter of Credit to cover expenses. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 160-97 was Amended. Alderman Salentine made a motion to twice amend resolution, in the fifth paragraph the word slab be removed. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a voice vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 160-97 was Twice Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Twice Amended Resolution #P.C. 160-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 161-97 -- Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for C.U.S., Inc., (Burger King Franchise) at the property located at S74 W17095 Janesville Road. . Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Director Sadowski informed the Commission that changes being proposed conflict with the Downtown Design Guide requiring Plan Commission approval. Mr. Michael Durso, petitioner, addressed the Commission that he would be willing to work with Commission to make the building as attractive as possible and match the shopping center. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend the resolution to read, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if the heads on the existing lighting need to be replaced it will be required to have sodium vapor downcast parallel to ground fixtures. The fifteen (15”) inch non-illuminated parapet will have a red band. The building will be painted to match the shopping center according to Section 3.01-- B (2) and Section 3.01--C. in the Downtown Design Guide. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 161-97 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 161-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 162-97 -- Approval of a three (3) lot land division sketch for Richard Knudsen at the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 8. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner proposes to divide two parcels from original parcel 2 from a previously approved certified survey map. Drainage study is required prior to division of parcel 2. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to defer until petitioner has the drainage study completed. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 162-97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 163-97 -- Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church at the property located at S77 W18426 Janesville. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Discussion ensued wherein petitioner proposes to install pole lights illuminating the parking area along Janesville Road. The new fixtures will match the existing lighting. Existing fixtures 08-19-97 PCMinutes Page 4 do not comply with the downcast fixtures required as they are not parallel to the ground (0 degree tilt). Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to defer until petitioner has time to resubmit proposal with appropriate lighting. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 163-97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 164-97 --Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for Boldt Development Corp. at the property located at W168 S7450 Parkland Drive.(St. Luke’s Muskego Health Care Center) . Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued wherein drawings and color renderings were shown to reflect the signage and landscaping being proposed. Mr. Jim Sedgwick, Boldt Development Corp., addressed Commission describing in detail the proposed landscaping around the signage. Mr. Sedgwick described that there would be three (3) burning bushes 24-30” high surrounding the back of the sign. There will be a series of yews wrapped around both sides tapering down to front. Plan Commission found the sign to be in good taste and in compliance with the Downtown Design Guide. In the front of the sign would be golden tier Lillie. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 164-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 165-97 -- Conceptual Approval of an Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for H & C Properties, L.L.C. at the property located at S73 W16458 Janesville Road. (Office building next to Carriage House Automotive) Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Alderman Salentine seconded. Planning Intern, Brian Dranzik, addressed the Commission explaining the petitioner’s request for a triangular parcel of land connected to 2198.949 be used for outdoor storage of recreational vehicles. This parcel is zoned RS-2 and does not allow for outdoor parking facilities since past non-conforming status had been allowed to lapse. Subject to approval of the conceptual building, site and operation plan the petitioner will need to have the back parcel rezoned along with sufficient screening of this area. A Certified Survey Map will also be required. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 165-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 166-97 -- Conceptual Review of a request to vacate Eastern most Right-of-Way on Larkspur Road by Dave Schumacher. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Alderman Salentine seconded. Discussion ensued wherein the Muskego Street and Highway System Plan Map reflects this road connecting with Franklin. Petitioner, Mr. Dave Schumacher, addressed Commission relating that in the past he has filed a petition requesting the street connection to Franklin not be permitted. Commissioner Smith made a motion to defer until Staff receives additional information from City Attorney and City of Franklin. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 166-97 was Deferred unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: As directed by Resolution #P.C. 146-97, the Commission conducted a review of trailer parking status and possible extension for Mr. Knudsen -- this was a 30 day review of trailer location on Hillendale Drive. There has been one complaint to the Mayor’s office regarding the location of the trailer. After discussion it was determined that no other notices will be given to Mr. Knudsen other than the Commission’s decision that the trailer must be removed from the premises before October 1, 1997; this decision shall serve as an official notice to Mr. Knudsen. Upon a voice vote, the motion to have the trailer removed from the premises before October 1, 1997 was passed 5-1 with Alderman Salentine voting No. 08-19-97 PCMinutes Page 5 ADJOURNMENT: Alderman Salentine made a motion to adjourn at 10:25 P.M. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary