Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 4/12/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, April 12, 2010 Approved 5/10/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 6:02 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Monday, April 8, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson GUESTS: Ald. Keith Werner, Ald. Kert Harenda, Ald. Neil Borgman, Ald Tracy Snead, Ald.-elect Dan Soltysiak, Larry Lefebvre, Jeff Russell, Rob Glazier, Bob Bueckers, Nancy Brandt, Mark Moriarty, Suzi Link, Butch Le Doux, et. al. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 8, 2010 Minutes Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Eric Hetzel. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried . There being no objection from the Board members, Unfinished Business items followed the Approval of Minutes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: “Bring Back the Lake” Conceptual Plan Director Anderson refreshed the Board on what transpired at the last meeting including an overview of the lands that they were talking about. Since then, the amount of land that will and could be available for this parcel includes all the lands discussed at the first meeting. R. A. Smith was hired to do some conceptual plans for the area which were reviewed by staff and aldermen. From those reviews, two alternatives were presented at the meeting. The Board members were asked to review these alternatives and make their comments. Over the next month, these will be going on to other committees for their input. The Committee of the Whole will be commenting on when to have the public hearing and they will also be going over, based on these alternatives, financial cost figures. At the end of April, this should be going to the Common Council for estimates. The amount of detail and the amenities for the park will be done later. The one labeled residential is for condominiums. The other alternative was showing the retail with the condominiums above the retail. There was also proposed a mixed use included in the parcel which could be for a restaurant, a fishing pier and an overlook point. Other items on the plans were playground, beach, shelters, beach house, concession and areas designated for special events. Comments/concerns from the Board members included:  Access to the park from the lake  Residential square footage the same, just split up differently in the alternatives  Why 48 condominium units  Bigger beach area on alternative one Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 2  Any alternative plan for the one property not being included in the project and its affect  Is the area large enough for the Muskego festival  Is what’s shown, the maximum number of buildings on the site for both alternatives; possibly more picnic tables  Have the other stakeholders looked at the alternatives, any red flags  Is the parking being scaled with the design of the specific alternative, taking into account the buildings and spaces needed Parks Redistribution and Funding Plan Director Anderson provided a document of the changes proposed for the Parks and Open Space Plan to accommodate the inclusion of this new property into the plan. The changes highlighted the potential for the skateboard park being moved to another location if the build able acreage at Moorland Park is sold and possible shift of amenities to other locations if the sale of the park is desired. Also, at Park Arthur, the possible shift of proposed amenities to other locations if the sale of the western portion of the park is desired. He mentioned that with these changes, the city is still above the recommended acreage per thousand people. In regard to the shared facilities with the school district, he has had communications with the superintendent and the school board. They are more than agreeable to approach them with whatever plans the city has, but with the hypothetical situation, they are not prepared to set a length of time. They are willing to discuss the Kelsey Drive and North Cape properties. Mr. Hyde moved to approve the changes as documented and presented to the Parks and Open Space Plan. Mr. Boisits seconded. While Mr. Hulbert had objected to the sale of park land at the last meeting, he felt more comfortable with the flexibility in the “is desired” language for future consideration or alternatives for the long range. He further understood that the school board would not want to lock in to a certain time period until there was more discussion. He did not think 20 years was long enough in considering the amount of money that would be invested in the properties. Mr. Hyde said the discussion at the school board level was on 40 years which he felt was way too long. He further stated, that there is no guarantee as in the future, the school district may need the land. On a side comment, he would like to see the skateboard park moved to another location whether or not this new park materializes. Director Anderson stated that the Board could look at that at any time. The Parks and Open Space Plan is an inventory of where things are placed and the location of the skateboard park would not concern the WDNR. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Lake Fest and Muskego Community Festival (Scott Lago) Mr. Lago presented his request to use Veterans Memorial Park for the community festival from Thursday, August 26, through Sunday, August 29. The festival would run as follows: Thursday, 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.. Friday, 5:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m., Saturday, 1:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m., and Sunday, 11:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. They would like to start their set-up on Monday, August 23, starting at 7:00 a.m. and take down would occur on Monday, August 30, and Tuesday, clean up. They plan on having the Teen Idol Contest again and may also bring in some youth bands for Thursday night. The only change to the site layout may be the location of some beer tents. They need to meet with Jerry Hulbert regarding the usage of the historical grounds. Mr. Lago advised that if there should be a big storm, they would look at setting up on the asphalt parking area rather than the grass area. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the use of Veterans Memorial Park for the Muskego Community Festival for dates and times, including extension of park hours, as outlined by Mr. Lago. Mr. Hetzel seconded. Director Anderson requested that the department be notified when they would be opening the shelter bathrooms for the festival. He noted that the carnival people use the bathrooms before the festival’s portable toilets are delivered. During the festival, it is the festival committee’s responsibility to clean them and make sure they are stocked. Mr. Lago stated their cleaning service will start Thursday and continue through Sunday. Mrs. Koble would like them to have someone overseeing the bathroom usage. Mr. Hulbert Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 3 questioned if they had a portable toilet by the upper parking lot. Mr. Lago thought they had set up at least one. Mr. Hulbert also requested that they have adequate security on the walk way as last year, they broke into the log cabin and there was damage along the boardwalk. He would also like to see adequate lighting in the area. Mrs. Koble did mention that last year she had noticed quite a bit of teens loitering and also damage to signs and small saplings. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Mr. Scott Lago, along with Mr. Ken Bitter, presented the Lions request to use Idle Isle Park for their Lake Fest event to be held Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26. They would like to set up on Wednesday, June 23, with take down on Sunday, June 27. The hours for their Lake Fest would be from 3:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. They would like to request seven rows of parking on the grass. Last year, the Board approved two rows. One item under discussion was they would like the parks staff to notify the people that the park including the beach would be closed for the Lake Fest event starting at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Hulbert recommended that they make a sign at their expense so people know the park will not have supervision after 1:00 p.m. Mrs. Koble thought it was intrusive to close the park for two days for their event. They shut down the beach and use it for boat parking. The launch will be left open again. Mr. Hyde thought the sign should be posted ahead and notify the public of the event and the dates. They will have bands and concessions. They will have shuttle service. They are thinking of using Mill Valley parking lot for this service; however, they will have to contact the school or district office regarding this usage. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the usage of Idle Isle Park for the Lions Lake Fest event for dates and times, including extension of park hours, and approval for the seven rows of parking on the grass, weather permitting, and in addition, there needs to be signage at the park entrance and beach when it will be closed for swimming purposes at their expense. Mr. Hyde seconded. Director Anderson inquired about the garbage disposal. Mr. Lago stated they will have their own dumpster. Director Anderson requested that the garbage be picked up and gone right after their event. Mr. Lago said this year they would like to use the small vacant kitchen area and also be able to unlock and move the picnic tables under the shelter. Director Anderson asked that they replace and lock up the tables so they don’t end up in the lake. In regard to the music, the Board members requested it end at 10:00 p.m. and that the speakers be towards the lake. They would also like the signage posted a week in advance and especially the days of their event. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Location of Weed Conveyors/Weed Cutters for 2010 Season (Larry Lefebvre) Mr. Lefebvre advised the Board members that the location for the weed conveyors would be the same as the last ten years—Idle Isle, Pleasantview, Hillview and Oak Court. The weed cutters (harvesters) will be at Idle Isle between the fishing pier and the beach. They can be staked there and not in the channel. Director Anderson requested that the stakes be marked in a bright color for visibility. In regard to any concerns, Mr. Lefebvre shared that last year, their was a concern at Pleasantview that when the truck would pull away, weeds fell off. This year, they will be cleaning up after each load. Alderman Schaumberg moved, Mr. Hulbert seconded, to approve the locations for the weed conveyors and weed cutters. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Agreement Changes (Mark Moriarty) Mr. Moriarty of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. presented their proposed changes to the agreement they have with the city for use of Idle Isle Park. He first mentioned that since there has been a controversy regarding when they end their practices and shows, they will be going with the WDNR dusk time. Other things in the agreement that they would like to clarify are the open-ended or general items. Section Two: Term of Lease and Lease Payment The term of the lease shall be for a period, extended beyond the original 10 year agreement commencing on the first day of May 2006, and ending on the thirtieth day of April 2016, to now end on April 2020. Beginning May 2010, the Water Bugs shall pay the sum of $56,634.16 (the difference between the original Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 4 amount of $94,390 and $37,755.88 paid to date) by making monthly payments of $472 before the first of the month to the City of Muskego. Mr. Moriarty explained that they were in a situation last year, due to the economy, where they were going into the red or using their savings and to resolve the situation, they would like to extend the agreement as noted in his proposed changes. Director Anderson stated that the Board members would have to agree to the concept as this is an agreement they have with the Common Council. He gave some background information relative to how this agreement was entered into between the city and the Waterbugs. Mr. Hulbert stated he had no problem with the extension, but it was a Finance Committee issue. Mr. Boisits inquired if the payments were based on just principal, any interest involved? Director Anderson stated it was just repayment of principal. Other changes requested were: Section Three: Usage for Shows and Practices B. Times for shows/practices—defined by driving boats and making wakes inside of the no wake buoys. Show/practice times, 6:30 p.m. to sun down (Mid-May-July) Show/practice times, 6:00 p.m. to sun down (August) Mr. Moriarty wanted to make it clearer what the shows and practices are to eliminate the confusion when people may observe a skier and Waterbugs boat outside the buoys at a different time in the day. C. Set up times for shows/practices (including moving the ski jump and takeover of the Water Bug pier ) is defined as setting up equipment on the Water Bugs Pier: Mr. Moriarty explained that sometimes they pull equipment out of the shed to work on it. D. The complete sound system will only be used for show dates and should only be loud enough for show spectators and participants to enjoy. One speaker may be used for two practices in mid-July and early August to prepare for tournaments and will only be loud enough for members to hear the music between the shelter and the beach. Mr. Moriarty said that they use one speaker to help them with tournaments and they do some practice to make sure the dances and introductions go well. Section Seven: Parking a. The board will issue six (6) parking passes, free of charge, to Water Bugs designated person. Mr. Moriarty stated that originally they only had five boats but now they have gone to six boats so would like the additional pass. Section Ten: Water Bugs Membership By the seventh day of May each year, a membership list of the Water Bugs must be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Board by the Water Bugs designated person. An update membership will be provided by July 15 each year by the Water Bugs contact person to the Parks and Recreation Director. Mr. Moriarty indicated that sometimes they overlook the monthly membership submittal so believes that by giving definite dates; a membership list submitted before they start and then when the membership gets solidified with the whole team would be better timing. Mr. Hulbert inquired if they had the membership available that it could be emailed. Mr. Moriarty stated he did have the membership list now. Director Anderson said that Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 5 last year, an individual had requested the roster right away and it was not available due to the oversight. He saw the advantage in having a definite date in the agreement. There is always a question on how many Muskego residents are members of the Waterbugs. He added, that once the agreements are approved, he will be meeting with Mr. Moriarty to go over the agreements. Board President Whipple inquired if the six parking passes were an issue. Director Anderson indicated the six would be okay. Some discussion transpired on them parking their trailers at the overflow parking lot. Mr. Moriarty stated they have done this usually on Tuesday nights. In regard to the extension, one of Mr. Hulbert’s concerns was whether the aldermen worked that amount into the budget. Director Anderson clarified that the money goes into the park dedication account and has nothing to do with the operating budget and the amount would not affect the park dedication budget. Board President Whipple summed up that it is stretching out the repayment to the park dedication account. Mr. Boisits pointed out that the amount was almost 30 percent or as Mr. Hyde stated later in the meeting reducing it by $3700 a year. Mr. Hulbert would like to see it extended for only two years as they are asking for a substantial reduction in the monthly payment. Mr. Hulbert moved to accept the changes and recommend to the Finance Committee that the agreement be extended two additional years. Mrs. Koble seconded. Mr. Hyde voiced his concern about the sound system and where would this one speaker be placed. Mr. Moriarty stated it would be on the floor to be heard primarily by the dancers as they practice their routines. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Lake Access #14 (Jeff Russell) Director Anderson shared that Lake Access #14 is off of Schubring Bay and he cautioned that it is very wet and has a deep pitch to it. There is a lot of water that seeps down the hill and a lot of foliage growing that stablizes the dirt. Mr. Russell is volunteering to cut down the undesirable foliage and to keep it mowed. The department would like to know when he is going to do the work and if there is any garbage/refuse that needs to be removed. He should be careful not to take everything out of the tree area; otherwise there will be bare dirt and the soil will erode. Mr. Hyde inquired what equipment he would be using. Mr. Russell stated clippers, hand saw and a lawn tractor. Again, Director Anderson advised him to use caution as the area can become very wet. Mr. Brett Hyde moved to approve Mr. Russell’s request as a volunteer to maintain Lake Access #14. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg. Director Anderson said the department can issue him a letter. He is to let the department know when he is doing it and if there is any material to pick up. Mr. Hulbert was glad to hear that the access points are being used. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Board Member Recognition Board Member Eric Hetzel was recognized for the six years of service on the Parks and Recreation Board. Director Anderson mentioned also that the school representative position is the hardest to find somebody to fill and Eric came forward. Eric has helped the department with gymnastics and other programs when the department needed to use his school facilities. Memorial Tree Donation at Kurth Park A family member approached the city forester about planting a tree in memory of their loved one at Kurth Park. Director Anderson distributed an aerial view of Kurth Park showing where the city forester recommended the tree be planted. It would be an oak and there would be a paver brick near the trunk of the tree. The city forester advised that other trees would be planted in the same area. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the planting of the tree. Mr. Hyde seconded. Board members voiced their concerns about the 1”-1-1/2” caliper of the tree. He would rather see a 3” tree. Mrs. Koble questioned if the area would be needed for anything else. Board President Whipple did not think so. Mrs. Koble wondered what would be done if the tree died. Mr. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 6 Hulbert stated that is the chance they take. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Cub Scout Pack 176 Waiver of Fee Request A request to waive the usage fees for the Bluhm Park shelter was received from Cub Scout Pack 176. They have reserved the park from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM on Sunday, May 23, and are asking to reserve fields #1 and #3 for their event. Mrs. Koble moved to accept the fee waiver request. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote the motion carried. Director Anderson sought more input from the Board members on an earlier suggestion that when fees are waived, a deposit be collected. Mr. Hyde expressed that the suggestion had been made in the event somebody does not do a good job of cleaning up the area. Director Anderson stated that in the agreement they sign, they are responsible for restoration of park areas/amenities. Board members dispensed with this suggestion. Football Memo An email was received from Doug Roskopf letting the Board know that Bennie Lewis was retiring from running the Junior Warriors football team. All the equipment was turned over to the Muskego/Wind Lake Youth Football. Doug had informed Director Anderson that they will be running the programs as separate leagues this year. They will see how well it runs and then make changes. They are looking at a storage area for their equipment. The storage area they are looking for would be 20’x20’ or 10’x10’ for all the football equipment. NEW BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report relative to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur Director Anderson expects to meet with the WDNR staff yet this week to discuss the possible sale of Park Arthur west. They want to make sure that the funding received, $85,000, is not jeopardized if that part of the park is not developed. The only thing that will come into play is the trails. Everything planned for Park Arthur east is going to happen. He will also be meeting with Dave Birch on what they want to put out for bid with the amount of money that is available. Then, after these meetings, will be meeting again with WDNR on the lakefront property and any funding based on passive use. Hwy 36 Trail The department is waiting on the restoration work in the spring. The snow fence came down and the modified guard rail went up. Traffic bond trail is in. It’s 99 percent complete. Once the project is closed, the WDNR stewardship plaque will be affixed. Moorland Park/InPro Skate Park On warm days, the parks staff is picking up the garbage/litter. Mr. Hulbert inquired about how well the cameras were working and the resolution. Director Anderson thought the resolution would be better as far as seeing facial images. He added, that the software company is working on better software that could be added to get better resolution. Mr. Hulbert would like to re-evaluate the park after the summer. If the cameras don’t work out in identifying the perpetrators, then he would like to take the equipment down and put in storage until there is a better area . DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation is gearing up for the summer with the program guide going out shortly and registration starting Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, April 12, 2010, page 7 April 23. Parks staff are getting the parks ready, opening up the shelters. Docks will be in for the opening of fishing season and the bathrooms open by May 1 for the public. Kurth Park Survey Results Director Anderson reviewed the survey results. He gave a synopsis of the items. He pointed out that one major concern was they want the trail improved. In ranking the amenities, most responded with excellent or good and the majority stated they used the trail the most. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Mrs. Koble mentioned that she has noticed graffiti on a structure on the southeast side of the bike path at Durham Drive. Director Anderson will have it checked out. The next meeting is May 10 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 7:51 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Hetzel. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,