Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 8/9/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, August 9, 2010 Approved 9/13/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 5:33 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, August 5, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde (excused at 6:34 p.m.), Mrs. Kelly Koble , Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson Absent: Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux (excused) GUESTS Ald. Kert Harenda, Dave Simpson, David Burch (Bonestroo) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 12, 2010 Minutes Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried . COMMUNICATIONS: Inflatable at Veterans Memorial Park Board members reviewed the request from Mrs. Walcher for an inflatable at her event at Veterans Memorial Park on August 14, 2010. Director Anderson shared that any electrical usage for the inflatable was minimal. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the request for the inflatable. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Idle Isle Vandalism Director Anderson reported that the light sensor in the men’s room at Idle Isle Park had been ripped off the ceiling. Pinky Electric was called in to fix it at a cost of $75.00. Muskego Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Roster As they indicated, this final roster was turned in before their state tournament. Mr. Hulbert inquired what percent of the membership was Muskego residents. Director Anderson stated the first roster showed 51% and typically it has been 50%. NEW BUSINESS: 2011 Capital Equipment Budget Director Anderson presented the department’s 2011 capital budget. The department is requesting to replace an out-front mower which is 10 years old at a cost of $16,500. The cost includes the trade-in value of $1,500 for the 2001 mower. The department’s five-year capital budget plan was also reviewed by the Board. Mr. Brett Hyde moved to approve the 2011 capital budget request. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, August 9, 2010, page 2 the motion carried. 2011 Operating Budget Director Anderson presented the department’s operating budget for 2011. He was projecting increased revenues of $3,817 and an increase in non-personnel expenditures of $1,928. A report on the impact on the GL accounts was provided. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the 2011 Operating Budget as presented. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. 2011 Park Dedication Budget The 2011 Park Dedication Account for park projects is at $564,200. The projects to be addressed in 2011 were reviewed by Director Anderson:  Park Arthur $550,000  Bluhm Park bathroom flooring $2,500  Old Town Hall landscaping $7,000  Idle Isle geese abatement $3,500  Playground fibar $1,200 In regard to the Muskego Recreation Trail, Director Anderson, Director Muenkel, Dave Simpson and Tom Zagar will be prioritizing the different section of trails to 2020. This will then be presented to the Aldermen for their buy-in and support. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the park projects as detailed for 2011. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Dave Burch, Bonestroo—Park Arthur Timeline In their Board packets, the members received a memo from Mr. Burch of Bonestroo as well as a revised timeline with two options for the project and a project status report. Mr. Burch offered his company’s apology for not getting the summer bid in time as they had anticipated. He said this was due to staffing and staffing demands that they did not get the work done on time. He went over the project status report and then reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of the timeline options. Mr. Hulbert questioned if there was any language in the contract with Bonestroo relative to deadlines or financial deductions for missed deadlines and, did the Board want to continue with Bonestroo because of the delays in the project. His opinion was to pay Bonestroo off and go with another company. There was a plan in place and he never envisioned the delay and he was upset as it appears that this project is not a priority with Bonestroo. He would like to see some construction done this year and not another delay. If the Board decides to stay with Bonestroo, Director Anderson cautioned about going with Option A and the additional cost in working and managing two different contracts. Mr. Burch stated that if they were kept on, they would be willing to work with the Board and try to hold the project to the original proposal. Director Anderson recommended to the Board that they get a very detailed outline of parameters that Bonestroo has to follow and if they don’t, that’s it. After much discussion on why there were delays in keeping the project on schedule, the majority of the Board members were in favor of Option B to move the project along. Board President Whipple wanted to know what guarantees they would have that the work would be done by September 2011. Mr. Burch stated they are committed to getting the project done even if it’s a weekly update, personal visit weekly to show progress or to meet with Director Anderson or Dave Simpson. He mentioned that one resource the Board would have would be to withhold payment of invoices. City Engineer Dave Simpson was present and was asked for his input. He stated that Option B was the way to go as it would be difficult to find another firm to pick up the project. Another company would want to verify the work that Bonestroo completed and to take on the duties that still need to be accomplished. Mr. Boisits stated there needs to be a timeline and some penalties involved in order to provide an incentive to complete the project. Mr. Boisits moved for Director Anderson and City Engineer Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, August 9, 2010, page 3 Simpson to work with Bonestroo to do an amendment to the agreement and determine whether or not there should be any penalties if areas of the timeline are not met. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried with Mr. Hulbert voting no. Mr. Hyde moved to approve Option B for establishing a timeline. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried with Mr. Hulbert voting no. (Mr. Hyde was excused and Mr. Burch departed.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Kurth Park Trail Improvement Cost Director Anderson pointed out on a map the proposed trail improvement in Kurth Park. This was proposed to address the ongoing problem of the trail being washed out in certain areas. The Board had previously approved $20,000 for a plan that Bonestroo was to provide. City Engineer Dave Simpson and Dan Flamini went to the site during a rain to observe the nature of the problem. They came up with a plan to pave the whole trail for $26,200. This would include installation of a culvert and a small ditch on the south end of the park where the pavement would be pitched so the water would be absorbed by the ground or shed into the creek. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the expenditure of $26,200 for the trail improvement. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Kelsey Land Conceptual Plan A conceptual plan gave the Board an understanding of what could be placed on the Kelsey site. There is the potential that the school district may change the location of the school premises but for now, it is on the corner as depicted on the plan. This would allow for potentially three regulation soccer fields, 225’x360’ which would be 1.9 acres per field. This would allow a safety zone around the fields of 30’ and the fields would be orientated in a north-south direction for sun with a 2% optimal slope. Parking area would be done in conjunction with the school’s plan. Mr. Hulbert voiced that he agreed with the concept if it is done in conjunction with the school being built. Director Anderson stated he would like to have discussions with the school board to find out if they still are in favor of working in a joint partnership. He mentioned having Mr. Hyde and himself meeting with Dr. Schroeder to show him of what conceptually the Board plans. Mr. Hulbert requested that Board President Whipple also attend the meeting. ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report pertinent to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: InPro Skate Park Parks Supervisor Pete Theis shared with Director Anderson that litter control is better and vandalism has gone down at the park. This, it is believed to be as a result of the camera installation. Water Bugs Ski Team Report There was one complaint about activity at the launch. Other than investigating the complaint, nothing else was done. Also, a compliance check was done with no violations found. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Anderson provided the Board with a written report on the following: G.A.P. Newspaper/Talent Show Director Anderson shared with the Board members the newspaper that the participants in the G.A.P. (Get-out And Play) program wrote and commented on the talent show they do. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, August 9, 2010, page 4 No Mooring Letters In response to citizen complaints on boats being moored, letters were sent to the owners that mooring was not allowed. Bluhm Park North Parking Lot Director Anderson reported that their was an overage on the installation cost of the parking lot. It was budgeted at $4704 and came in at $5303. This was in part to the seal coating and striping being done. The lot accommodates 57 additional cars. It is designed so the water run-off is toward the lake and park. The parking lot should be done by 8/20/10. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Mrs. Koble shared that she has been on the We Energies trail from Muskego Park all the way to Franklin. She said the surface is really good. It was very pleasant to walk, bike and jog on it. She noted that the access going into Bluhm Park had easily five inches of water and she didn’t think anything could be done about it. This comment led to more discussion by Board members on other trail areas and maintenance. The next meeting is September 13, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 6:53 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Boisits. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,