Park & Rec Board- MINUTES - 12/13/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, December 13, 2010 Approved 1/10/11 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, December 9, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson GUESTS JoEllen Donovan & Rick Schmidt of Bonestroo, Dave Taube, Jane Ford-Stewart of THE MUSKEGO NOW. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 8, 2010 Minutes Mr. Gary Boisits moved to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2010 meeting, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Bonestroo Presentation of Park Arthur Plans and Cost Estimate Mr. Rick Schmidt and Ms. JoEllen Donovan provided copies of their original cost estimate and a proposed revised cost estimate to the Board members. Visual display of the plan for the park development was also on display. They are at the phase now where it is needful to look at what items are to be included in the project. At the meeting held a week ago with Director Anderson and City Engineer Dave Simpson, they did identify some items that could be removed or changed to reduce the cost to $874,011.10. Ms. Donovan noted that the cost estimate showed the seeding cost that the city staff would be doing for the project. She reviewed the items that were either removed or changed. Further items that potentially were not necessary for this phase of the project were highlighted on the revised cost estimate. This brought the project cost down to $637,955.10. She mentioned that the lighting of the sledding hill was important to the city. Director Anderson confirmed that the lighting for the sledding hill was important with a light in the parking lot off of Martin and the parking lot to be used for the sledding hill and having markers up and down the road. Also, the possibility of reducing the pavement, grading out the roadway and the parking lot, having stone instead of paving for the parking area. He noted that the two major costs would be the grading and paving. On this estimate, Ms. Donovan pointed out that the only paving they would be doing is the intersection of Martin Drive and going into the parking lot because the acceleration and deceleration lanes are required. Director Anderson stated the Board members would have to decide (1) if they wanted to add more money to the project or (2) to make it just a grading project for right now with the use of the sledding hill and the archery range. Later on, have discussions with the athletic clubs to see what money they can donate to further develop the park. Mr. Schmidt brought up that they would like the Board to do a base bid with alternative bids to see how the pricing comes in. It’s a major park development with a lot of elements to it. Grading is the major cost as there is a lot of soil that needs to be moved with the pavement stone and asphalt adding a secondary major cost. Director Anderson advised that Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, December 13, 2010, page 2 when the grading is done, they will be taking into consideration any issues for the recreation trail as well as the equestrian trail. He pointed out an area that horses may have a problem going up. Though the horses would find their own way, he was concerned about the washout that would occur in the area of the steep incline near the sledding hill so a stable and level area is needed. Director Anderson inquired if they had heard from We Energies yet on cost as they are looking at bringing power in off of College versus Martin, putting the pedestal in the middle of the park, what are the drawbacks in bringing power into the park and Ms. Donovan said they had not. After further discussion on the project costs, Board members were in agreement to go with the complete grading project which Mr. Schmidt estimated at +/- $325.000. Director Anderson reviewed briefly some options for the financing of the amount of the project. He also reminded the Board they needed to be aware that the construction management costs of the project would also be out of the set aside budgeted amount of $550,000. Mr. Hulbert moved to defer, Mr. Boisits seconded, based on the following: (1) look into further the Martin Drive parking lot (the south parking lot), (2) check into the finances as far as the future and review the other projects needing financing, (3) know the We Energies cost, the cost of Martin versus College. Mr. Schmidt’s understanding of the motion was  Look at the south parking lot to see if there is any savings by keeping the existing south parking lot, reconfigure the road and thereby, reduce the cost of demolition and additional base course and paving  Further discussions with We Energies and see if there is a way to reduce the electrical costs, to be more effective either serving it from College or Martin or both or change it  Continue to take an overall look at the project (not in the motion), the overall elements to see if there are other ways to reduce the costs or evaluate the costs  Understood that Board and city staff will be evaluating internal finances to see if there are any additional dollars available so that when a final decision is made, they would have a full understanding of what monies are available as well as what cost reductions can come into play. Director Anderson questioned if they could come up with some estimate on what the construction management cost would be. Mr. Schmidt will work on this and have some information available at the January meeting. In the meantime, he requested that the Board consider some phasing of the project and alternatives for bids. After the January meeting, they will be formulating a bid document. There was additional discussion on the recreation trail along Martin Drive and the equestrian trail. Mr. Schmidt explained the necessity for rebuilding the trail by the Martin Drive entrance, installing a culvert so the water doesn’t go over the trail and wash it out. Upon a voice vote, the motion to defer carried unanimously. Icetronauts Request for Use of Lake Access #17 Board members reviewed the Icetronauts additional request for the use of Lake Access #17 for snowmobiling. Director Anderson reported there were no problems from the usage last year. Mr. Hyde moved to approve the request. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report from Council relative to the Parks and Recreation Department. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur The Park Arthur status report was provided in the Board packets. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, December 13, 2010, page 3 InPro Skate Park Director Anderson shared that there was a lot of snow on the cameras. Nothing to see to report on the usage. Mr. Hulbert question the use of land to the west of the skateboard park. Director Anderson said the land was graded and seeded and the fields were being used for the micro-soccer program. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Anderson provided the Board with a report on the following: Registration for Recreation Programs Currently, the department staff is taking registrations for the winter/spring programs. The scheduled work for the PCI credit card compliance will be done in January and February. Durham Launch Bog Removal Director Anderson had met with representatives from the WDNR and explained the frustration the Board was having. They expedited the permit for the removal of the bog. The Department of Public Works used their Cruiseair to get the bog out and then later they helped transport the bog material to the Park Arthur weed tipping area. The bog material will be worked into the Park Arthur soils during the grading in the spring. Board President Whipple inquired if there were other floating bogs. Director Anderson said as bogs come up in the future, the plan is if they are small enough, Tom Zagar and his staff and members of the Big Muskego Lake District will help remove the bogs. For the bigger bogs, the department will have to work with the WDNR on a long-term process, such as using a barge to remove, but then the costs come into play. Right now, the smaller bogs will be removed and for the larger ones, a sign will be put up advising using instead the Boxhorn Launch. Mr. Hulbert asked if the WDNR was concerned to keep the launch open. Director Anderson said they were and added, in permitting other launch locations, they will take into consideration what has transpired at this Muskego launch. OTHER BUSINESS: None. The next meeting is January 10, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 7:04 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn posted: www.ci.muskego.wi.us