Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 6/14/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, June 14, 2010 Approved 7/12/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, June 10, 2010. Present: Mr. Brett Hyde (excused at 6:35 p.m.), Mrs. Kelly Koble (6.08 p.m.), Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson Absent: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Jerald Hulbert (excused) GUESTS Ald. Neil Borgman, Ald. Kert Harenda, Muskego Now’s Reporter APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 10, 2010 Minutes Mr. LeDoux moved to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2010 meeting, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried . COMMUNICATIONS: Park Arthur Phase I Bid Package Director Anderson reviewed the Project Status Report submitted by Dave Burch with the Board members. There was a revised project budget for Phase I and a revised boundary map. They will try to stay with the Parks and Open Space Plan, leaving the western portion of the park alone. They would concentrate on the east side. The alternate bid 1 would be the site preparation, grading and drainage, seeding and the open-air shelter similar to the Manchester Hill Park shelter. The base bid would include site preparation, erosion and sediment control, grading and drainage, seeding and basic turf establishment, parking and drive, stone and asphalt bike course, utilities, archery range, storm water management and entrance to park. With the archery range, it would be done with grading the berm and working with the Kiwanis to get the targets and any stands that need to be placed. The sledding hill is also included with the utilities being run up to the top. Installing of the lights may be done as an alternate bid. The sledding hill would still have the three ranges as previously discussed with Mr. Burch…a toboggan run for smaller kids, a toboggan run for older kids and a snowboarding area. He mentioned that the run the Kiwanis wanted could be added later based on the amount of usage of this area as a sledding hill. Another alternate bid would be the parking lot closest to College and would be determined in part by pricing on asphalt. The cost estimates of the project were also reviewed. The estimated total cost of $626,500 was revised to $581,500 with the estimated construction total of $520,000. The revised cost was based on the bids Mr. Burch had received within the last 12 months. The department would be looking at putting the notice out in the MUSKEGO NOW June 24 and July 1 with bid opening on July 8, projecting that by the later part of July or early August, the project can be started so any winter stabilization of Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 14, 2010, page 2 the turf can be avoided. Mr. Hyde noted the parking off of Martin, but questioned where else? Director Anderson advised there was parking planned to the left of the hockey rink, to the left of the first baseball field, the existing overflow parking by Martin and near the proposed shelter and other baseball fields. Mr. Hyde asked about the entry off of College. Director Anderson stated that it will be used for construction equipment access; however, eventually there will be one off of there when the amenities closest to Martin start being installed, but not in Phase I. Mr. LeDoux inquired about the pedestrian and equestrian trial. Director Anderson stated this would be around the perimeter of the park. Concession Truck in Parks…Black Director Anderson stated that the department had received a request from Mr. Black, who is from Milwaukee, looking to take his ice cream truck into the parks. He had applied for his peddler license from the city. His mother lives in Muskego and he expected to come into Muskego one night. He was informed that on Wednesday nights, he cannot go into Idle Isle because the Waterbugs have concessions at the park. Also, if access is approved for the parks, this approval does not include schools. He needs to get permission from the school district. Ice Cream Truck in Parks…Bott Mr. Bott of Sweet N Treats LLC also submitted for the Board’s approval to drive their ice cream truck through the city parks. He wrote that they have their Muskego peddlers permit and a State of Wisconsin license to sell their prepackaged ice cream. He, also, was advised not to go into Idle Isle Park on Wednesday nights as well as any approval would not include the schools. They also cannot block the parking lot or interfere with the flow of people going in and out of the parks. In consideration of these requests, Board President Whipple had a tendency not to take any action until they were present to answer any questions from the Board members. Mrs. Koble questioned if they knew the meeting time/place. It was noted they had been sent an agenda. Mr. Hyde offered a motion to defer action on the item; however, it did not receive a second. Mrs. Koble moved to move forward on Mr. Bott and Mr. Black’s request for ice cream concession trucks in the parks contingent upon them contacting the department to work this out between the two of them. Approval is for this season only. Further, not to sell in Idle Isle Park on Wednesday nights. Also, they cannot block parking lots or interfere with the flow of people going in and out of a park. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Director Anderson will bring any concerns/comments back to the Board members. Mr. Hyde would like to see them make an appearance. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried, with Mr. Hyde voting nay. Veterans Memorial Park Band Request th Mrs. Fink submitted a request to have a band play at their parents 40 wedding anniversary. They have rented the Veterans Memorial Park shelter for Saturday, July 10. The band would play from 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Mr. LeDoux moved to approve the band in the park with music to stop at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Hyde seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Water Bugs Ski Team Roster (Waterbugs) Board members reviewed the Waterbugs ski roster, noting that approximately 50 percent were Muskego residents. Trailer Parked on Bluhm Park Property Director Anderson shared the letter to the individual that had a trailer parked illegally on the other side of their fence on Bluhm Park property. He said within a week and a half of issuing the letter, they had moved the trailer into their back yard. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 14, 2010, page 3 NEW BUSINESS: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Parks Redistribution Plan Director Anderson refreshed the Board that they had asked upon making their amendments to the Parks and Open Space Plan included, if desired, the sale of Park Arthur west and Moorland Park and added to Bring Back the Lake concept. He provided the Board with a memo that if the Board wanted to wait and see what happens to the concept or if they wanted to proceed in trying to come up with a conceptual plan with the school district for the lands off of Kelsey and identify future soccer fields, etc. on that land. He desired to find out which direction the Board wanted to go. He presented several arguments to support the ideas/options presented in his letter. Mr. Hyde did not see any benefit in retaining Moorland Park as it is not being used for the intent for which it was purchased. One of his issues is the skateboard park and the things that have transpired with it. Before committing to the sale of Park Arthur property, he wanted to know more of the pros and cons since it was intended for some of the extra recreational efforts. Ald. Schaumberg expressed it would be good to move on and start reorganizing. Mrs. Koble thought there were still too many unknowns at this time if something is going forward, if something would be sold. Is the department looking at finishing some details, looking at a complex concept, looking at the sale money to finish up something; looking at the southeast corner of Muskego, is there a possibility of a park. Director Anderson shared that as a first step he would like the Board to identify and work with the school district on vacant land. He imagined the Bring Back the Lake concept was going to be decided within the next two to two-and-a-half months as they will have to go to a referendum. Board President Whipple expressed that the Kelsey property was a good place to start to see where it goes with the school board. Mr. LeDoux made the motion to proceed to move forward with putting together a conceptual plan for the Kelsey Drive property. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report relative to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur This item discussed earlier in the meeting. InPro Skate Park As is typical, the staff has been going out and cleaning up the park. It hasn’t been as bad as years in the past. People using the playground have commented that it is the best playground in the city. Idle Isle Use Director Anderson reviewed the reports from the police department and nothing on them regarding fishing. This was one of the primary concerns of the Board. A lot of the reports was on loud music, lights from cars, drinking, etc. Water Bugs Ski Team Report On the report on the Waterbugs, there was one noise complaint. Officer was sent and it was determined that there were no violations. Director Anderson expects to see more compliance checks in the month of June. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Recreation Program Manager will be on FMLA leave at the end of June through Labor Day. The Idle Isle pavilion exhaust fans have gone out. One is in the bathroom that needed repair and the other Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 14, 2010, page 4 one in the Waterbugs storage area. The Waterbugs run the fan 24-7 and the fans were not built for this type of usage. Since it is not meeting their requirements, they will be working with a contractor to put in a more heavy duty fan. They will be coming before the Board about the fan and improvements for the building. There was a gentleman that came before the Board about Lake Access #14. He had indicated that he had spoken to his neighbors. The department was contacted by the neighbors who stated they had not been consulted. Director Anderson was able to arrange a meeting among the parties with Peter Theis and they worked out their understanding of the work that was going to be done. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS The next meeting is July 12, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. LeDoux moved for adjournment at 6:39 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,