Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 3/8/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, March 8, 2010 Approved 4/12/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 6:02 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Monday, March 1, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson GUESTS: Mayor Johnson, Community Development Director Muenkel, Ald. Keith Werner, Ald. Kert Harenda, Ald. Neil Borgman, Pete Planton, Dan Soltysiak, Larry Lefebvre, Howard Schneider, et. al. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 8, 2010 Minutes Mr. Brett Hyde moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Kelly Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried . PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. (Water Bugs) Director Anderson advised the Board members that the Water Bugs were requesting 34 practice dates (last year 33), 15 show dates (last year 14) for 2010. They also have 3 tournament dates and ski lesson dates of June 5 and 19 and August 21 and 28. Pete Planton of the Water Bugs explained that the extra show date and practice was because Labor Day was so late this year. They expect to end their season by September 1. Mr. Hulbert asked what their plan was for monitoring the sound levels. Pete Planton stated that they will be setting the tempo on the volume on the controls; they will physically lock out the control for the volume level. Mr. Hulbert questioned who would be the contact person. Pete Planton said it would be Mark Moriarty, the president of the club. Mr. Hyde mentioned that last year, the Board had received some concerns about the number of practices and shows. The numbers seem to be going up every year and he thought that last year was the highest. Director Anderson thought there was a few years way back when the number was more than what it is now. He further explained that the Water Bugs were, by agreement, allowed a minimum of 30 practices and 14 show dates in order to meet their financial responsibility under the agreement. Mr. Hulbert inquired if there was any plan to keep the boats away from the islands as the wash is constantly eroding the islands. Pete Planton thought that was a concern of all as there are many boats using the lake over the weekends. He further stated as the drive team captain, he makes sure they are replacing the buoys after the show. He has someone responsible for the east side buoy and someone responsible for the west side buoy. He does check on this at the end of the day to make sure they are back in place. Mr. Howard Schneider spoke in regard to the buoys. The parks has asked that the buoys be placed 100 feet from the island. The one permanent buoy is 100 feet from the island, from the west already. He has observed that the west buoy gets moved and question why when it already designates where you are. Last year, he had called his alderman and the police department that buoys get placed back where they belong. One show and practice and the buoy Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 2 appears to be sitting 25 feet from the island. Pete Planton stated that they do not move the west buoy. The one between the jump and the island gets moved because that is part of the pattern and the one on the east side is also a part of the pattern. The one closest to the island, they do not touch. Board President Whipple offered that it may be migrating over because of the wave action. Mr. Schneider advised that a new WDNR regulation that is 100 feet from the shore line has to be slow, no wake, within 100 feet from the shore. He acknowledged that they may have an exception to that as their show runs along the beach front. As a person responsible for the west island, the conservancy owns it and he doesn’t want boats running 100 feet from it. The neighbors have informed him that they have observed boats running 25 feet from it. Pete Planton said they don’t run their boats that close because of the rocks. He thought there would be some environmental oversight, or a State regulation that an assessment needs to be done on what type of environmental damage is being done. It is his feeling that the north end of the lake is getting substantially torn up. Mr. Schneider stated he does have other issues and would like to meet with a member of the department or the Board to go over these. There being no other discussion, Ald. Schaumberg moved, seconded by Mr. Boisits, to approve the show and practice dates for 2010. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. On the pier agreement, Director Anderson said the agreement was consistent with last year except for the date change. Board President Whipple questioned if the barge arrangement was a change. Pete Planton said it was only used during the shows and as depicted on the document, was the same as last year. It was only used for the last act. Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the pier placement for 2010, seconded by Mr. Brett Hyde. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. In regard to changes in the main agreement, Mark Moriarty will be at the April meeting to discuss these issues with the Board members. Director Anderson stated that right now, after talking to the deputy warden, the recommendation is to change the show/practices end times to dusk. Board members questioned who determines what dusk is. Pete Planton said the WDNR booklet includes a chart on time of dusk. Mr. Boisits moved to change under Section Three, B. the show/practice times to end at dusk. Further to include as an addendum to the agreement, the WDNR chart reflecting the time designated for dusk. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Though the ski jump is under the Common Council, Director Anderson advised the Board members that there was a gentleman who wanted to look at rotating the location of the jump every two-three years. Also, to have the ski jump out by the date in the agreement, or there would be a penalty. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: None NEW BUSINESS: “Bring Back the Lake” Conceptual Plan Mayor Johnson spoke on the “Bring Back the Lake” conceptual plan in detail. The city has the opportunity to acquire property along Janesville Road. This would give the city access to the dam and some visual access to the lake for people driving past, plus people using the bike path, could observe the lake. Funding the purchase of this lakefront property would need to be addressed. Mayor Johnson stressed that it would be a significant improvement in the economic development of the downtown area and from a recreational standpoint. He felt this was the number one infrastructure priority in the city. He would like the Board members to find they like the conceptual plan and to have the city move forward with it. Mr. Boisits moved that the Board conceptually proceed with what Mayor Johnson had related to the Board, along the lines of the action that the Common Council took. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Mrs. Koble asked about what involvement could they expect from the WDNR. Director Muenkel said the WDNR would have input on the project as it relates from the water’s edge. The city would be looking at applying for Stewardship funding to offset the cost. Director Anderson stated that the WDNR would only fund passive park areas. Further, anything along a lake Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 3 shed would be given priority and especially if it involves tourism. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Parks Redistribution and Funding Plan Board members were in receipt of a plan prepared by Director Anderson to redistribute park land and park amenities for the acquisition of the land for the lakefront park. He outlined how the redistribution of resources and park land may contribute to the funding of the lakefront park. He stressed, also, that it would be a great opportunity for the community to have a park on the lakefront. The Board has the opportunity on how they can help fund the park. At the same time, looking at what amenities are in the parks, sale of property, moving the amenities to other locations and using school district lands. It’s also an opportunity to look at the Parks and Open Space Plan and what the plan denotes will be done. He mentioned clustering high use areas such as baseball and soccer which would make it easier for people to access. The three scenarios to aid in the funding of the lakefront park would be:  Sell build able portion of Moorland Park and west half of Park Arthur to aid the purchase/development of the lakefront park;  Incorporate amenities already built and/or already planned for these two parks in other areas of the community;  Utilize existing park land for these amenities and purchase If this plan were to be adopted, whatever changes were to be made would have to be reflected in the Parks and Open Space Plan to make it eligible for the WDNR Grant Stewardship funding and the lakefront property would have to be listed in the plan. This is the initial step before applying in early May for the Stewardship money. The turnover time would have to be rather quickly if the department were to apply for the money this year. He summarized that the plan:  Provides easier park access by clustering the high active use areas;  Saves on parks maintenance dollars which affects the operating budget;  Saves on future park development dollars; money would be used to develop some current parks sooner;  Provides for partial funding of the lakefront park property;  Qualifies for application for Stewardship grant money;  Maintains the 2010 park acreage needs Board members concerns consisted of the long-term leases with the school district, the money already invested in Moorland Park and Park Arthur, giving up ownership of park land, any interested buyers, trying to address the needs of the community, and use of school district excess acreage. Board members were in favor of the opportunity to have a lakefront park. Mr. Boisits commented that the idea and the vision of the lakefront park outweighs the loss of 12 acres of land that is not being used. Mr. Hetzel expressed that it was a great opportunity for the whole community to be able to use a lakefront park and the opportunity to get it. He thought the school district would be willing to help out as they understand financial constraints and would want to help out the community as well as the Board in selling park land. Director Anderson stated that to get WDNR funding for the lakefront park, it would have to be in the Parks and Open Space Plan. Director Anderson also stated that the Board and elected officials needed to keep in mind that space will be needed to meet future indoor recreation space needs (gymnastics, pool, etc.). Additional lands and/or working with new school district facilities will need to happen. Mr. Hulbert moved to put the lakefront property park area into the master plan in the Parks and Open Space Plan. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Mr. Brett Hyde moved that the Board approve the Parks Redistribution and Funding Plan as presented and subsequently changes to be made to the Parks and Open Space Plan. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report relative to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Hwy 36 Trail Director Anderson reported that the bridge was raised and now it is installed properly. The restoration around the area will take place in the spring. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Summer program guide goes to print on April 13 and scheduled to be mailed April 22. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS The next meeting is April 12. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mrs. Koble moved for adjournment at 7:35 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Hyde. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn, Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 5 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 6 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 7 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 8 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 9 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 10 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 11 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, March 8, 2010, page 12