Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 5/10/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, May 10, 2010 Approved 6/14/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, May 6, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson Absent: Mr. Jerald Hulbert (excused), Mr. Brett Hyde (excused), Mrs. Kelly Koble (excused) GUESTS Ald. Neil Borgman INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBER: Board members welcomed Mr. LeDoux and congratulated him on his appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. LeDoux had served previously on the Board as the aldermanic representative. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 12, 2010 Minutes Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Boisits. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried . ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Plan Commission Representative Ald. Schaumberg moved to nominate Mr. Jerald Hulbert in absentia as Plan Commission Representative. Mr. LeDoux seconded. No other nominations. Director Anderson shared that he had spoken with Mr. Hulbert and Mr. Hulbert indicated he would accept the nomination. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. President Ald. Schaumberg moved to nominate Mr. Toby Whipple as Board President. Mr. LeDoux seconded. No other nominations. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Vice-President Board President Whipple moved to nominate Mr. Gerald Boisits as Vice-President. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Mr. Boisits accepted the nomination. No other nominations. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Secretary Mr. LeDoux moved to nominate Mrs. Koble in absentia as Secretary. Mr. Boisits seconded. No other nominations. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, May 10, 2010, page 2 PERSONAL APPEARANCES: None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Charles Thiesenhusen Letter A letter from Dr. Thiesenhusen was shared with the Board members. The letter was received as a result of the lengthy conversations on the park redistribution plan and the changes in the parks and open space plan. The issue did receive some coverage in the newspapers. Dr. Thiesenhusen gave some thoughts and ideas on the park for both the east and west sides of the property. He desired that the whole park would stay in tact as open space is important for the city. Director Anderson’s response indicating what was happening at the Board level was also shared. NEW BUSINESS: 2010 Baseball Usage Fees The baseball usage fees for 2010 were presented to the Board. As the leagues are prepping their own fields, the field maintenance fees are no longer assessed. The department only prepares the fields for the men’s and women’s softball leagues which are under the direction of the department. The usage fees are associated with the leagues that have teams coming in from other communities to play the Muskego teams. There has not been anyone from the leagues contacting the department objecting to the fees. One league was waiting for the Board to approve the fees before making payment. Mr. LeDoux moved to approve the 2010 baseball usage fees as written. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Future Meeting Times Director Anderson explained that with the reorganization of the Board following Mr. Hetzel’s resignation and the school board candidate election, Mr. Hyde is now the school representative. Mr. Hyde also is a member of the school board. At times, the school board meeting time may conflict with the Parks and Recreation Board meeting time. The months that there may be a conflict are August, September, October and November. Depending on the agenda for these months, the Board may have to start the meeting at 5:30 p.m. or place all the action items first on the agenda enabling Mr. Hyde to be involved in the discussions and to make both meetings. The business meeting for the school board normally commences at 6:45 p.m. Board President Whipple asked if any member present had any objection to occasionally starting the meeting at 5:30 p.m. There was no objection. As soon as Director Anderson knows the monthly meeting will need to be at the earlier time, Board members will be notified. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report relative to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur Director Anderson shared the email received from Mr. Birch. They expect to do some soil investigations next week to confirm soil conditions, finish the layout and grading plans and construction details. They will be applying for the State’s prevailing wage determinations and working on the cost estimate for construction. He met with Mr. Birch last week and went through the different amenities and their locations. These specifications will be coming before the Board members along with the associated costs. With the money that is available, Director Anderson would like to see two phases done in one year. Get the seeding done so the winter soils stabilization would not be needed. During the winter, to have discussions with the baseball leagues on the amenities they want to get their fields in sooner than later. It is expected to put the construction out for bid in late June or early July. The sledding hill is expected to be done in 2011. The parking lot to be done close to Martin. Board President Whipple summed up that theoretically, all the excavating would be done on the east Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, May 10, 2010, page 3 side before the winter including seeding the hill. Director Anderson added, all the wiring for the lighting would go in and the underground infrastructure would be done. Moorland Park/InPro Skate Park Director Anderson shared his conversation with Advance Construction. There is about 80 percent coverage with grass. The weed eradication and the overseeing they did worked and it looks good. He has asked Advance Construction to submit for final payment. Once that is done, the department will be taking over the responsibilities of mowing, etc. He expected the park to be released for fall use. Idle Isle Use Director Anderson refreshed the Board members on the gentleman that met with them last year. He shared the police report on the woman that called about a man fishing at Idle Isle Park’s channel and on her property without her permission. Ald. Borgman stated that he has had complaints about boats or boat canopies being torn by lures. Mr. Boisits asked if the action the Board would take would be to prohibit fishing in the area. Director Anderson commented that there are a number of people who would like to go back to having no fishing in that area. Ald. Borgman questioned how big an area and Director Anderson responded it encompasses the whole back side of the island from the bridge to the handicap fishing pier. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS The next meeting is June 14, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Boisits moved for adjournment at 6:19 p.m. Seconded by Mr. LeDoux. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,