Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 11/8/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, November 8, 2010 Approved 12/13/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, November 4, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde (excused at 6:19 p.m.), Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg (excused at 6:19 p.m.), Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson GUESTS Mike Jones of USDA, Mark Moriarty, Jane Ford-Stewart of THE MUSKEGO NOW. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 11, 2010 Minutes Mr. Brett Hyde moved to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Kelly Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: USDA Goose Round-up & Removal Program Upon consensus of all Board members present, this item was moved to the end of the agenda and after the public hearing. Veterans Memorial Park for Muskego Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt Board members reviewed the Muskego Lions Club request for use of Veterans’ Memorial Park and waiver of fees for their 2011 Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The contents of the letter indicated that the event would be from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. so there would be no need for portable toilets. Also, the Muskego Boy Scouts and Muskego Lions would be responsible for cleaning up the grounds after the event so no dumpster would be needed. Director Anderson advised that the shelter bathrooms may not be available. Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the park usage for the event and the waiver of park fees and to advise that the bathrooms may not be available. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Muskego Kickers Job Boxes Director Anderson presented the Muskego Kickers request to install job boxes at Kurth Park chained to the fence post by the tennis courts, at Manchester Hill Park and at Moorland Park chained to the goal frames. The smallest box is 24”x26”x30” and the boxes would be similar to what the M.A.A. has placed at the ball fields. Mr. Hyde voiced his concern that someone may get hurt diving for the ball. Director Anderson stated that would not be a problem. Board President Whipple stated more or less the same as the boxes would be behind the goal structure. Mr. LeDoux moved to approve the Muskego Kickers request for installation of the job boxes. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, November 8, 2010, page 2 Muskego Icetronaut Request for Park Use The annual request from the Muskego Icetronauts for permission to establish a snowmobile trail through Denoon Park was reviewed. Director Anderson noted they did not mention using Lake Access #17 in their request. He shared that there were no problems with the usage last year. Mr. Boisits moved to approve the Muskego Icetronauts request to establish a snowmobile trail through Denoon Park, requesting they place the trail following the fence and tree line, straight through the prairie area, taking into consideration the access to the Haut property. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Bluhm Park Vandalism Upon review of the vandalism reported at Bluhm, Mr. LeDoux inquired about the camera and was informed that the police department had left the camera undone as they needed to keep what they saw on the frame to download material. Director Anderson said due to the texture of the wall material, sandblasting may be needed to remove the graffiti. NEW BUSINESS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report from Council relative to the Parks and Recreation Department. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur Bonestroo’s project status report was included in the Board packets. Director Anderson, et. al. had met with Bonestroo today to go over the 90% set of plans. The changes requested will take about two weeks, including cost estimates. This will then be presented to the Board at the December meeting for their approval. Bonestroo has been living up to their commitments. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Anderson provided the Board with a report on the following: Mailing of Winter/Spring Program Guide The 2011 winter/spring program guide has been sent to the printer and should be mailed by November 22. Program registration would start November 23, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Durham Launch Meeting with DNR Director Anderson advised that he and Tom Zagar will be meeting with WDNR representatives on Thursday of this week at the Durham boat launch to view and to discuss what would they like to see done to the bog problem as the channel is not usable. They will need to discuss what can be done so the city can handle the problem right away; also, how can they keep the channel open. The launch has been down for about a month. Tom Zagar has tried to get the bogs out of the area but they keep coming back. From an article, Director Anderson shared that it is believed the lake level needs to be lowered so the bogs (cattails) can anchor to the bottom of the lake. Right now, the bogs are floating islands. Recently, he had taken pictures of the bog problem and these were shared with the Board members. Mr. Hulbert inquired why it was the department’s problem as he believed the department’s responsibility ended at the lake’s edge. Director Anderson stated that the city does not have a department responsible for what is on the water. He continued, as the city collects the fees and maintains the launch, the channel is part of the launch before you get out into the lake. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, November 8, 2010, page 3 Mr. Hulbert reiterated that the responsibility ends at the water edge. Inasmuch as the WDNR collects fees for fishing, they should take the responsibility. He said they either have the ability to keep the launch open or not. Ald. Schaumberg confirmed that similar inquiries in the past about Denoon brought the same response that the city’s responsibility ends at the lake line. Board members were considering closing the Durham launch totally as they have the Boxhorn launch area for Big Muskego Lake. Upon Mr. Hulbert’s inquiry if the department had posted the bog problem and channel closure at the site, Director Anderson said it had been signed and the signage offered the Boxhorn site as an alternative launch area. Paving Durham Launch Overflow Lot Grant Application Residents have been complaining about the vehicle activity in the overflow parking lot whereby stones are thrown onto their properties and the subsequent noise from the vehicles doing doughnuts. The department tried to curb the impact of this activity by having the DPW install a berm but that has not worked. It is now being proposed to have the lot paved and speed bumps installed as part of the Durham Road construction project. This will entail a DNR waterways grant and ATC approval. Taking into consideration both the Durham launch and the Boxhorn launch, the DNR indicated the proper number of stalls would be 17. Gating of the overflow lot was not an option as the city would not be able to provide staff to open and to close the lot at the proper time frame required by the DNR. OTHER BUSINESS: None. USDA GOOSE ROUND-UP PRESENTATION: Mr. Mike Jones of the USDA gave a power point presentation on their Canada goose round-up program. The program consists of staff catching geese during their molting period when they loose their flight feathers and are unable to fly (mid-late June through early July). His presentation included  Defining migrant/interior birds and giants/resident birds  Hunting season  Historic populations  Urban/aesthetics concerns  Abatement methods  Natural predators  Management authority with US Fish and Wildlife Services and DNR  Population management (Board members Hyde and Schaumberg were excused to attend other meetings.) There is a $5,000 grant available for the program. The testing of five geese at a cost of $200 each would need to be done for two years. If the testing reveals no contaminants, then the meat can be delivered to a local food pantry. Mr. Hulbert inquired if private owners can piggyback on the city’s testing? Mr. Jones said they could if they give the USDA permission to go and get them. Mr. Boisits questioned how effective the program would be if they did management practices after that? Mr. Jones indicated possibly six years and they would know by the first of June. Director Anderson added that the department would continue the Border Collie program to complement the round-up program. The next step for the department involved applying for the grant, obtaining a Federal permit which Mr. Jones indicated takes about two weeks, resolution action by the Finance Committee and the Common Council, and notifying the USDA by mid-May in the year of round-up services being requested. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, November 8, 2010, page 4 PUBLIC HEARING Board President Whipple read the public hearing notice to consider participation in the WDNR approved 2011 USDA Wildlife Services Goose Round-up Program and consider the desired goose population, at Idle Isle Park (W182S6666 Hardtke Drive, Muskego WI) The following individual spoke: Mark Morarity, W188S7658 Oak Grove Drive He was definitely for the goose round-up program. He would like to recommend that the lake district join forces with the city. It’s certain to get the support of the people on the lake to help with the program to get the majority of the geese out of the lake. Director Anderson inquired what the desired geese population would be at the park? Board members were provided with current geese population numbers from the past summer. Considering a number rather than a percentage, the selected number was 10 geese for Idle Isle Park. No one else desiring to be heard, Board President Whipple declared the hearing closed at 6:49 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS: USDA Goose Round-up & Removal Program Mr. Hulbert moved, Mr. Boisits seconded, to start the process of the grant application with an attempt to control the goose population to 10 adult birds at Idle Isle Park and participate in the USDA goose round-up and removal program. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The next meeting is December 13, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 6:54 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn posted: www.ci.muskego.wi.us