Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 10/11/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, October 11, 2010 Approved 11/8/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, October 7, 2010. Present: Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson Absent: Mr. Gary Boisits (excused) GUESTS Howard Schneider, Bob Bueckers, Mark Moriarty, Larry Lefebvre APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 13, 2010 Minutes Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2010 meeting, as amended, seconded by Mrs. Kelly Koble. Mr. LeDoux offered that on page 2, the sentence regarding the Denoon Launch litter needs to be clarified to read “Board President Whipple commented that there has been some dumping going on at the dumpster at Denoon Park’s road to the launch as well as the dumpster by the launch.” Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Annual Review of Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Director Anderson briefly reviewed the compliance reports that the police department had submitted over the summer. He summarized that there were 15 show dates, 34 practices (some cancelled due to wet, poor conditions), 3 ski class dates (1 cancelled due to beach water quality), 4 complaints by individuals on noise with 2 violations being substantiated, 1 complaint of skiing past agreed upon times, 1 complaint of skiing recklessly, 1 violation/citation for molesting slow no-wake buoy, 1 department write-up by the Parks Supervisor for litter clean up not being performed. Further, he did hear complaints about the Water Bugs from WDNR Warden John Plenke. Subsequently, a meeting was called by the WDNR and attended by representatives from the Police Department, Parks & Recreation Department, Water Bugs, and concerned citizens to resolve the issues of the complaints. He added, that some language may be coming forward in regard to the 100-foot buoys that are at the three locations. Mr. LeDoux inquired if others would be allowed to ski beyond the time set? Director Anderson stated they could not as the time is set by the WDNR regulations. Mr. LeDoux asked if the August 25 night relative to the volume complaint was a show night? Director Anderson replied it was a show night. Mr. Hyde questioned on that night if the volume was really too loud or were they being nice in turning it down. Mr. Moriarty explained that the volume is set and kept at a certain volume to comply with the noise level requirement. Sometimes the direction of the wind may accentuate the level at the shore line. They did turn it down from what is normally Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, October 11, 2010, page 2 set. From those in attendance, Mr. Howard Schneider spoke that it was exceptionally loud. He did not recall if the wind was blowing in his direction or not. He continued, that Ald. Borgmann was at Janesville Road at the time and he, too, thought it was exceptionally loud. Mr. Moriarty said he was out of town that day so could only rely on what the members of the ski team told him. Guest Larry Lefebvre who resides on Jewel Crest commented that if they have it set at the same volume on any given night, some nights it is sometimes louder or not so loud which may have to do with the wind; however, it doesn’t bother him at all. Guest Robert Bueckers asked if there was a reason, it would have to be so loud when the audience is 50 feet in front of him and they are 500 yards away complaining of the noise? Mr. Moriarty said they set it at a certain volume so no matter what the attendance; even when the beach is crowded on July 3, it’s at the same level. Board President Whipple asked at that setting, they are in compliance with the police department? Mr. Moriarty stated they were. After inquirying who and the age of the announcer, Mr. Hulbert advised that he has been to some of the ski shows and believed it was possible that someone could reach over and turn it up; unless you have two people watching the buttons, things happen and he was guessing that someone was turning it up. Obviously, when they see the police car arriving, they turn it down again. Board discussed having a limiter switch on the sound board. Mr. Moriarty stated the sound board was used for other events so a limiter switch was not an option; it needs to be multi-functional. Director Anderson reviewed the proposed changes to Section 13—Ski Patterns of the agreement the city has with the Water Bugs. These changes were a result of the meeting with the WDNR relative to the buoys. The wording, as follows, was being changed to more accurately reflect usage and community resident and DNR concerns: Strike In regard to the ski pattern, a 100-foot clearance between skiers and islands and the fishing pier must be maintained. A 100-foot temporary buoy will be placed away from both islands and the fishing pier by the City of Muskego before the first scheduled practice and removed after the last show by the Water Bugs Ski Team. Replace with In regard to the ski pattern, a 100-foot clearance between boats and Otto Island, Jaycee Island, and the Idle Isle Park fishing pier must be maintained with permanent buoys, provided by the city. During Water Bugs use dates, the 100-foot clearance along the south shore of Idle Isle will be waived and the Water Bugs will be allowed to make a wake inside of thirty feet from Idle Isle. However, during these same dates, the permanent buoys around Otto Island and the fishing pier, marking the 100-foot distance, can be moved closer for safety reasons, only if a smaller temporary buoy is used to mark the 100-foot clearance from that island. The permanent buoy marking Jaycee Island can be moved closer to allow boat traffic within thirty feet. To avoid boat props from hitting a temporary buoy marker and/or its anchor, no temporary buoy will be used, but following each use date, the Water Bugs will move the permanent buoy back to its permanent location. Slow-no-wake buoys, located in front of Idle Isle Park, can be temporarily moved for Water Bugs use during approved practices/shows. All permanent buoys must be placed back to their original locations by the Water Bugs, after each approved use. The Muskego Police Department staff will be responsible for making sure all buoys are installed before the first and removed after the last approved lake use by the Water Bugs. All buoys will be installed/maintained per approved GPS coordinates. Director Anderson proceeded to explain the location of the islands as well as the set up of the buoys and the use in the past for the Water Bugs. One reason for maintaining the 100-foot buoy by Otto Island was for erosion control to preserve the island. For Jaycee Island, it would be skiing closer to that island. The Water Bugs are requesting 30 feet from the island allowing skiing for safety reasons. Guest Howard Schneider asked why the 30 feet? Mr. Moriarty stated they were 30 feet from Idle Isle and he was trying to keep consistency in the distances the same. Guest Schneider reminded him that State law was 100 feet and he thought they Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, October 11, 2010, page 3 should adhere to that as much as possible. It was mentioned that they can be closer if the owner agrees which brought up the suggestion that the city take ownership of Jaycee Island. On another note, Director Anderson said they had discussed GPS coordinates with WDNR and having a landmark on Idle Isle to make sure the buoys are in closer to the exact location than what they have been in the past. Mr. Brett Hyde moved to approve the changes to Section 13—Ski Patterns of the agreement. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. In regard, to 2011 dates, Mr. Moriarty shared that his Board is okay with having 40 usage dates. Both Guests Schneider and Bueckers were pleased with this announcement. It would save a lot of wear and tear on the lake. Mr. LeDoux commented that they need to be sensitive to their neighbors who may enjoy the serenity of the lake. Park Arthur Weed Tipping Update Director Anderson had received an email from Mr. Larry Lefebvre that the district had needed to use Park Arthur for weed tipping more than they had planned. Mr. Lefebvre could not say how many truckloads they had dumped at the park but used it more often than anticipated. The weather contributed to the lake having more weeds than normal with nutrients, fertilizer, rain and the sun. For the future, they are looking at the Borst property and they have an accepted offer on some New Berlin land at Calhoun and Beloit which is subject to several contingencies. In the meantime, they go to the quarry; however, that closes at five and is not open on weekends which means then they use Park Arthur. He did not think there were any complaints. Director Anderson said the department had not received any complaints. In regard to their lease that would be coming up for 2011, Director Anderson reported he has a phone call into David Burch of Bonestroo to find out when the grading would be taken place at Park Arthur and how this would affect the lake district’s access to the park for weed tipping. Once he has the information, he will be contacting Mr. Lefebrve. NEW BUSINESS: Geese Options at Idle Isle Park With the geese population increasing at Idle Isle Park, Director Anderson recently contacted the USDA on control measures. A letter from the USDA on their round-up program and how it is accomplished was shared with the Board members. Director Anderson stated that in the past, Conservation Coordinator Tom Zagar had done the round-up program on Big Muskego Lake. USDA was recommending that $5,000 be budgeted for the program for capture, testing and processing of the birds. They would be testing five birds for various contaminants to make sure the meat is safe for human consumption. He continued, that there is grant money available to offset the cost of the program. Board members discussed the measures they have taken so far in controlling the geese at the park. Director Anderson advised that the Border Collie program would still be used as a complement to the round-up program. If the Board wants to pursue the USDA program, the USDA would require a public hearing and notice by mid-May to work it into their schedule. Board members would like to have a presentation again from the USDA on the control measures and possibly have it the same night as the public hearing. Horn Bros. Parking Agreement Director Anderson announced that the parking agreement with Horn Brothers was up for renewal. Parking in the same area on the park headquarters premises. The department did not experience any parking problems or complaints over the last year. Mr. LeDoux moved to approve the parking agreement with Horn Brothers. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried with Mr. Hulbert abstaining. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Jensen Park Request for Dog Use Board members were presented with additional information on dog parks. This information was gathered from Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, October 11, 2010, page 4 other dog parks and included dog park minimums to be successful. Director Anderson shared that he had visited the dog park in Minooka Park. Minooka Park was a 10-minute drive from Muskego and consisted of 12 acres for large dogs and 3 acres for small dogs. The cost projected to establish a dog park is $60,000. When looking at the Jensen Park concerns, it is not conducive to being a dog park. Current uses of the park would have to be eliminated. His concern was wherever the Board would decide to put in a dog park, another area of the city would want one, too. He felt that Minooka Park’s dog park satisfied the need in the same way the city’s skateboard park satisfies the need for New Berlin skateboard park. Mr. Hulbert inquired if dogs were allowed on the recreation trail. Director Anderson said that dogs were allowed as long as they were leashed. Mrs. Koble pointed out that owners don’t want their dogs on a leash, but want to let them run loose and that’s why they are desiring a dog park. Director Anderson’s recommendation was not to put a dog park at Jensen. ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report pertinent to the Parks and Recreation Board. The Council is working on the 2011 budgets. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur Board members were in receipt of the written update from Bonestroo. With the earthwork, they will try to lose all the top soil on site. There are some terrain issues where this top soil would be used beneficially. Bonestroo has been up to date on all their timelines. At the November or December Board meeting, the 90% set of plans with cost estimates should be available for review and approval. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Anderson provided the Board with a report on the following: Winter/Spring Program Guide Staff is currently working on the guide. It is targeted to be mailed around November 22. Schmidt and Bluhm Parks Survey Results Schmidt, the prairie area is coming in very well. Bluhm is rather lacking due to the flooding in the prairie section. For Schmidt, the residents surveyed were asking for basketball court being repaved, tree trimming, culvert work on Fleetwood Trail, trail work, bathrooms, and ball field skinned again. Some of this work is planned or already done by the department. There were a lot of comments about dog waste. The lowest ranking was landscaping. For Bluhm, residents commented on the trail flooding. To address this problem, the department may use the bridge that was for the Highway 36 trail bridge, putting it next to the trail on some footings. This way when it floods, you would still have access to the We Energies trail and back to Bluhm parking lot. The city is also working on some storm water management in the area especially with the Belle Chasse development. It would possibly be a small pond to try and house the water in the area. Parking was an issue mentioned and since the survey went out, the parking lot has been expanded. The landscaping was an issue as well as the west side of the park flooding. Kurth Park Parking Problem/Solution With a number of different entities using Kurth Park, there was a parking problem. The department moved the micro-soccer program to Moorland Park, the west section. This seemed to resolve the parking problem at Kurth. OTHER BUSINESS: None. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, October 11, 2010, page 5 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS For those interested in purchasing clothing with the city logo, Director Anderson will email the link for the website and an order form. The order deadline and payment is November 1. The department will have a current catalog within the next week for those interested in viewing before ordering. The next meeting is November 8, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 6:28 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Hyde. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn posted: www.ci.muskego.wi.us