Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 9/13/2010 City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, September 13, 2010 Approved, as amended, 10/11/10 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 5:31 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, September 9, 2010. Present: Mr. Gary Boisits, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde (excused at 6:43 p.m.), Mrs. Kelly Koble (5:40 p.m., Mr. William “Butch” LeDoux, Ald. Neome Schaumberg, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Anderson GUESTS Ald. Kert Harenda, Ald. Neal Borgman, Rick Schmidt (Bonestroo), Art Benotti, Bob Bueckers APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 9, 2010 Minutes Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Boisits. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Park Arthur Revised Timetable Director Anderson refreshed the Board on what transpired at the last Board meeting whereby they wanted a revised timetable from Bonestroo and putting more processes in place and due dates, making sure they would meet the due dates and a penalty clause if items were not accomplished. He pointed out on the new timeline the caveats that would be put in place. Rick Schmidt of Bonestroo was present to discuss these with the Board and answer any questions from the Board. Mr. Schmidt stated they have been working on the timeline and meeting the timeline. Documents were submitted on storm water to MMSD (Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District) that have been approved. He brought with him preliminary plans including a cost estimate. He commented it was a privilege to work with the staff to fine tune the engineering and keep the engineering moving forward. He apologized to the Board for the delay on the project for this year. They are committed to finishing the project and have been working the last month and a half on putting together documents. He said they were in agreement to mend their contract to meet the new timeline dates. He proposed to Director Anderson that Bonestroo would not be paid on current invoices until final plans are approved by the staff and brought before the Board at the December meeting. They would not be paid until the documents were approved and that would be for 95% of the agreement. The rest would not be paid until they actually went out for bid and received bids as scheduled in the contract. This would insure that the Board has control over the deliverables and Bonestroo would not be paid until the deliverables were executed. Director Anderson reviewed the caveats set forth and that once the final plans are approved in December, they would be paid 95% or $11,819 of the $12,441 owed Bonestroo; then in February once the bids are due, the remaining $630. Board President Whipple inquired if Director Anderson was satisfied with the meetings he had with them since the last Board meeting. Director Anderson said he was having met with Dave Burch three separate times and a meeting alone with Rick Schmidt to discuss the project. Mr. LeDoux asked if the department was receiving Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, September 13, 2010, page 2 the bi-weekly reports and Director Anderson said they were being received. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the timeline for Park Arthur project. Mr. Boisits seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. (Mr. Schmidt departed.) Boxhorn Launch Signage Theft Director Anderson shared that the department had put up a sign regarding dog waste at the Boxhorn launch because the people are taking the dogs out in the boats and when they come back in, the dogs have to relieve themselves and the owners don’t clean up the waste. The owner of the gun club had taken the sign down and the department is working with him in getting a level of understanding that if he doesn’t want the sign put up, then he will be responsible for cleaning up the waste. Ald. Harenda had returned the sign to the department. Kiwanis Club Park Arthur Update Letter A copy of Director Anderson’s letter to Dave Taube was included in the Board packet. Mr. Taube had come before the Board representing the Kiwanis Club on behalf of the toboggan run and archery range at Park Arthur. The Board had agreed to the archery range but held off on the toboggan run until the sledding hill was a success before staff time and money was invested in a toboggan run. He further shared that he had sent a letter off to the Kiwanis Club president asking them to issue a letter to the Parks and Recreation Board indicating the level of financial support and what they would be funding as far as signage, stands, targets, etc. The department would be responsible for the physical aspect of the archery range. Illegal Dumpster Dumping Director Anderson reported that people are still dumping illegally in the park dumpsters. Under the refuse/recycling contract, the department has free dumping; however, when the department has to call in for a special dump because the dumpster is filled, then it costs the department. Staff has to also pick up the litter around the dumpster. Board President Whipple commented that there as been some dumping going on at the dumpster at Denoon Park’s road to the launch as well as the dumpster by the launch. Director Anderson said it happens about six times throughout the year and it is mainly contractors as the material is roofing, siding, shingles and now and then, the staff finds car engines. Board members brainstormed how this problem could be resolved such as adding something that would not make the area so secluded and possible lighting and cameras but without electrical, the police would not be able to set up their cameras. Jensen Park Request for Dog Use A letter was received from an individual residing near Jensen Park asking for special dispensation to bring their dogs over to the park to run their dogs. Director Anderson shared the conversation he had with the individual. He indicated to him it was unlikely the Board would give special permission to one individual; it would be better if he asked for the park to be allowed for dogs. The individual shared that the dogs have had years of obedience and agility training and have their good canine citizenship certificates and they intend to use them as therapy dogs at senior citizen homes. Mr. Hulbert did not agree with giving one individual permission but if there are people in the area that desire to have this as a dog run area, then he supposed the Board could have a public hearing and decide. Director Anderson stated there are other activities at the park that the Board may want to consider before having a public hearing. He recommended this be put on the agenda for next month. Mr. LeDoux recommended that if they are using their dogs for therapy for seniors, they might want to check with those facilities to see if they have land they can use to run their dogs. Director Anderson will let the individual know that at this time, there is no Board interest at this point in time in giving special consideration to an individual, but the Board will be discussing it at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Future Trails Map Discussion A trails map was presented before the Board members for their input. The purpose of the map was to coincide Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, September 13, 2010, page 3 with the 2020 comprehensive plan to give the Aldermen, the Board and residents an idea of when trails could be installed. It did not include cost. On the map, the 2011 and 2012 projects were known and the cost budgeted and included. Some of the future trails, from 2013 to 2020 and 10 plus years, may be installed as development occurs. The trails were evaluated on need, safety, and a better trail map of closing connections so that people could go around and get all the way through. Some sections were added that are not in the current Parks & Open Space Plan such as along Janesville Road going west, closing off the connection on Highway OO between Durham and Highway 36, closing off a connection along Tess Corners Drive. They would like to take this map to the Committee of the Whole towards the end of the year and then if approved, the cost could be determined. Board members discussed multi-use trails be considered for snowmobilers and equestrians. The southwest area of Muskego is more conducive to equestrian usage because of its openness. Mr. Hyde refreshed the Board that individuals had come before the Board about a path along McShane and noted it was not on the map. With the school going into the area, he thought a path there would be a popular stretch of trail. Mr. Hulbert mentioned the trail along Racine Avenue by the high school be moved up from 2016 to get that section done earlier when they reconstruct the intersection. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the map with the changes that Director Anderson marked on the map itself. Mr. LeDoux seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Idle Isle Water Quality Update Director Anderson reported that Idle Isle beach was fully open for three weeks this year; otherwise, closed more than being opened and there was the increased risk of illness. For the Board’s benefit, he provided a table on the testing results from June 16-September 2. Next year, the department will invest in metal signage for posting the advisories and closures. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Schaumberg had nothing to report pertinent to the Parks and Recreation Board. STATUS OF PROJECTS: InPro Skate Park Mr. Hyde questioned the status of the cameras at the skate park. Director Anderson said the cameras are working, but every once in a while, the software has to be reset. Vandalism, graffiti, litter and complaints have dropped. It has reduced the problems in the area. Mr. Hyde inquired if the cameras could be moved over to the dumpster area where people are known to dump. Director Anderson said the installation of the InPro cameras does not make it feasible. Water Bugs Ski Team August Report & DNR Meeting Update Director Anderson reported there were two noise complaints for August. The first one, the officers asked the announcer to turn it down and they did and the second phone call was after they had addressed the first one. Mr. Howard Schneider had contacted the WDNR in regard to the 100’ buoys that are at Otto Island and JC Island and the fishing pier. It came to light that the Waterbugs were actually moving the buoys out of their original locations for safety reasons for the skiers. However, they were not being moved back to the original location. There were also concerns about the stabilization of the shoreline of Otto Island, which is owned by the conservancy. As a result of the meeting, the Waterbugs are going to work on some language that can be put into the agreement in regard to the 100’ item that would appease the conservancy in as far as Otto Island and JC Island which isn’t owned by anyone so they may be able to ski closer to that island. More on this will be addressed at the October review. Mr. Schneider also made a request to the Waterbugs if they would reduce their number of shows and practices. This is more for the turbidity of the water and the people would like to see it down to 30 practices and 15 shows. This will also be brought up at the October review. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, September 13, 2010, page 4 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Anderson provided the Board with a written report on the following: Fall Registration Fall registration is going very well. This fall the department has tennis lessons. The Ready, Set, Grow program numbers haven’t been affected by the school district’s pre-school program. Other programs that have had problems in the past, the numbers are coming back. The summer programming had more numbers than the previous year. PCI Compliance/Recreation Software Upgrade PCI compliance is for the credit card registration. The department needs to be compliant for Mastercard and VISA. The easiest way to make it compliant is to go ahead with the Class software upgrade to 7.0 that is included in the department’s contract. Then, have the payment-processing server rebuilt to 3.0 standards. The $2200 cost is being covered by the IS Department. An annual review will have to be done on the servers and everything else to make the credit card system secure. The department should be compliant by the end of the year and Mastercard and VISA were okay with that timeline. Baseball Booster Club Update Chris Stamborski, Muskego Impact, contacted the department that the baseball clubs have met and working on trying to find out what kind of value it will bring to them. Some clubs have more money than others and it’s convincing those there’s value in what type of fields they can get. Chris wanted to know if they put money into the project would they have any say in the project. Director Anderson informed him they could be part of the project but the Parks and Recreation Board has the final say in the project. The club will be working towards getting the fields at Park Arthur on line sooner than if the department did not get any capital from them. Director Anderson speculated that towards the end of the year or first part of next year, they would be able to update the Board. At that time, he felt there would be a committee willing to work with the booster group but also with Bonestroo on the baseball fields. Bluhm Park North Parking Lot Completion The parking lot is completed. It is very big and should help out considerably to alleviate the parking problem when programs are held at the park. Kurth Park Paved Trail Update City Engineer Dave Simpson had advised Director Anderson that the end of September/early October the trail would be going in. Shelter Rental Pricing for 2011 Director Anderson presented the results of his comparison research of shelter pricing by other communities. He was recommending the shelter rental fees be raised for Muskego residents 1-75 people $75, 76-150 people $100, and 151-200 people $150; and for non-residents, 1-75 people $100, 76-150 people $125 and 151-200 people $175; for youth/non-profit Muskego groups 1-75 people $50, 76-150 people $75, 151-200 people $125 and for non-resident youth/non-profit groups 1-75 people $100, 76-150 people $125 and 151-200 people $175. Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to accept the recommendation to increase the shelter rental fees effective January 1, 2011. Ald. Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS: None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, September 13, 2010, page 5 The next meeting is October 11, time to be determined. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 6:44 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn posted: www.ci.muskego.wi.us