Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 4/11/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO April 11, 2005 Approved, as corrected, 5/9/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, April 7, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson. Also in attendance Ald. Borgmann and Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen. Absent: Mr. Richard Manchester (excused), Mr. Howard Schneider (excused) GUESTS: Those per attached list. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 14, 2005 Informational Hearing Mr. Hulbert moved, Mrs. Koble seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 14 informational hearing. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. March 14, 2005 Regular Board Meeting Ald. Melcher moved, Mr. Hetzel seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 14 Board meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. January 10, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Schneider who was not present at the February meeting asked for a correction to be made to the January minutes. Correction being on page 3, the voting status of the motion on the Idle Isle Building should read “Mr. Manchester called for the question. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried with one opposed (Mr. Schneider).” Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the revised January 10, 2005 minutes. Mr. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Idle Isle Building Mr. Bob Bueckers addressed the Board on their agreement with the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. (Water Bugs). He questioned if the work on the building would go out for public bid? Director Anderson stated the project would go out for public bid. Mr. Bueckers asked if the ski agreement and the lease agreement going to be combined into one? Director Anderson responded there will be one agreement with the minimum number of practice and show dates and as part of that will be the caveat that depending on how the pricing breaks down would be whether it would be the lease payment for ten years or however it comes Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 2 out. There would still be the ramp, the concessions along with the show and practice dates. Water Bugs can ask for more dates, but they may not necessarily get them and some could be taken away should there be infractions against them. Mr. Hulbert’s understanding was that they would still have an annual review of their usage as has been done in the past. It would not be an open-ended, ten-year contract. Board President Whipple stated it would be a one-year agreement as it has always been for the lease agreement and the show/practice dates are open for discussion every year. Director Anderson reviewed briefly the presentation made at the informational hearing. Security cameras will now be included on the building. Director McMullen was present to answer questions that the Board members may have on the building. Mr. Hulbert asked what could be done to shield the speakers to keep the sound out towards the lake? Director McMullen stated they would create a false soffit that will have from an 18-inch to 2-foot overhang and the speakers will be recessed up into the open-air portion. They would have speakers that would attenuate just out to the audience. They would be set at such an angle that the sound wave actually hits the ground before it hits the water. They can be adjusted in four directions. They are looking at putting them on the gable. Mr. Hulbert said he would like to see them enclosed. Director McMullen replied that is why they are proposing to put them only in the open-air portion. They would then not be aimed at the channel in either direction. Mr. Hulbert asked what the schedule was for bidding on the project? Director McMullen stated they are looking at razing the building after Labor Day, final completion of the building and amenities to the building not later than December 31, 2005, with restoration completed by the spring of 2006. Looking at the end of June to the beginning of July for the bidding process. Mr. Hulbert asked if it would be cedar siding, having not seen any colored renderings of the building? Will it be clear coated for protection? Director McMullen said it would not be cedar, but a composite, concrete material known as hardy plank. This material is more vandal proofed and holds paint a lot better. Mr. Hulbert questioned if the inside would have heat available for wintertime, will it be insulated? Director McMullen responded it would be insulated according to code. Right now they are leaving the provision in for electric heat with a provision for natural gas-fired heat. This to meet the commercial building codes. They will not be putting heat runs in the floors for heat; however, it is an option that can be considered. For this type of structure, unless the building will be used all year long, they would not want to make the investment. The buildings are three season, insulated enough that if you get to 30 degrees to 32 degrees for a period of time, it won’t freeze but stay at about 50 degrees to 55 degrees. However, for an extended length of time at 30 degrees to 32 degrees, there could be some freezing in the bathroom areas. They will be employing the same type of system as in the existing building so everything is freeze proof. Mr. Hulbert asked if the Water Bugs, in their portion, they would be paying for, they have the option of keeping it above 32 degrees? Director McMullen said there is a provision, if you could enter that into the lease agreement, they could use electric heat, but if they wanted gas, there would be need for additional heaters or provisions in the current set of documents. He could see the electric bill doubling with this option used. Board President Whipple wanted to reaffirm that the gable was at a lesser slope than depicted on the drawings. Director McMullen confirmed, as the drawings were not to scale. Another item that Director McMullen had looked into was the security lighting. They are looking at putting in lexan covers which are more vandal resistant. These will be recessed into the soffit except over the main entry door. At the main entry door, there is not enough physical room between the bottom of the soffit and the top of the door. They will put either a 50-watt or 70 watt high-pressure sodium fixture. Mr. Bueckers asked if the bidding would allow an outside contractor to do the whole job? Director McMullen said they are publicly bidding the project. It is one project with multiple divisions. The general contractor may do the whole project or by having different divisions, these could be bid out such as plumbing, carpentry, structural work. The city could pick and choose in the best interest of the city. Mr. Hulbert moved that the Board accept the new plan as opposed to the old plan that was previously acted upon, with the building now being one story and move this along through the bidding process. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 3 2005 Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Agreements Director Anderson reviewed Mr. Schneider’s comments from the October review meeting which included (1) parking issue, with it being addressed at Park Arthur and that will be addressed this summer with the road program and the parking lot going in on the Martin property, (2) the wave action with two launches; the launches have now been completed and the channel side launch will only be open during Water Bugs and will take away the activity in the current launch while that is going on, (3) the noise factor, (4) the 100- foot clearance at the island and the fishing pier which is written in the agreements, and (5) no Thursdays after July 4. He had also asked that there be a no practice date on July 5 which is a Tuesday this year. With it being difficult for people on shore to see if the Water Bugs are in compliance of 100 feet from the island, Mr. Hulbert requested if buoys could be placed on the lake indicating the 100-foot area, creating a physical benchmark on the lake. Director McMullen stated a temporary buoy could be done with the Water Bugs putting it in and the city supplying the buoy. Mr. Hulbert felt in the future they should look at a permanent buoy. He would like the buoy language in the 2005 agreement. Board members added this item under #17, ski patterns. Director Anderson stated they were asking for 30 show/practice dates which is consistent with the last three years. Mr. Dave Birkle of the Water Bugs had no problem with putting the buoy in but did not want to be accountable if it was two or three feet off the mark. Board members discussed some measure for marking the area where the buoy would be located. Mr. Birkle mentioned that th they are celebrating their 25 year anniversary on the lake and thanked the Board for making it possible. The dates for practices and shows are both the same as last year. He explained that some of the days get rained out and they had quite a few rained out dates, about a quarter of them last year. Mrs. Koble asked if it was lightning would they ski? Mr. Birkle said they do not ski in lightning and in the rain, at the discretion of their safety director. Ms. Wohler addressed their necessity for having practices on Thursdays especially in July. They’ll use the Thursdays to gear up for the State competition taking place July 21-24. Mr. Birkle offered to exchange a date in June to have the Tuesday, July 5, date. Board President Whipple asked if th any Board member wanted to take the July 5 date off the agreement? As the 5 was a Tuesday, members did not see the need to remove it. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the 2005 agreement, with the added language on the buoy, with the process to be determined on procedure by the Public Works Committee. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. On the lease agreement for the building for the concessions, Director Anderson advised the Board members that everything remained the same except for changing 15 hours per week to 3 hours per week, running their concessions on Wednesdays and July 3. Mr. Hetzel moved to approve the 2005 lease agreement for the building for concessions. Ald. Melcher seconded. Mr. Hulbert, in looking at the new building, they may want to heat the building and may want to include that in the lease and to include that if they are above a certain dollar amount, they would pay the difference. This is under utilities on page 2 for three months and any more would be a consideration for the 2006 agreement. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Director Anderson conveyed that the compliance checklist would still be used. Except for dates, there were no changes on the pier agreement for 2005. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the 2005 pier agreement. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Status of Projects—Skate Park Board members were agreeable to move the agenda item on the skateboard park under Status of Projects forward. Board members were in receipt of two maps showing the proposed new location of the skate park within Moorland Park and the pros and cons for making the change. Director Anderson reviewed the pros and Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 4 cons with the Board members. PROS  shorter walking path  police more likely to get out of the car  reduces possibility of parents dropping kids off from Moorland Road (use parking lot)  equalized buffer between residential development and skateboard park  water/electric available off Sandalwood  minimum distance to any subdivision is 550 feet CONS  reduced visibility from Moorland Road  closer to soccer fields (noise/balls)  closer to 100-year floodplain line  fill pile needs to be removed before construction Board President Whipple asked if the size of the parking lot was reduced? Director Anderson stated it was not. The actual size proposed was shown on the maps. Board President Whipple indicated the parking lot size may have to be increased in the future to accommodate patrons. Director Anderson advised the Board that there have been developers that have called and want the location change and the skateboard park not in Moorland Park. At this moment, Mr. Mark Lake, developer for Candlewood Village, spoke up and asked when the decision was made to place the skateboard park in Moorland Park? Board President Whipple informed him that this meeting is not a public hearing and the Board decides any action on a park and the decision was made over two years ago that the skateboard park would be in Moorland Park. Mr. Mark Lake continued speaking on the skateboard park being located in Moorland Park. Board President Whipple indicated that the skateboard park would be in Moorland Park and the only issue under discussion was where within the park the skateboard facility would be located. More interaction occurred between Mr. Lake and Board President Whipple. Director McMullen gave a short historical account that included the concept of a skateboard park being located in the area in 1997 as an amenity to a community center and the acquisition of the land by the city in 1998-99. After more conversation with Mr. Lake and others in attendance, Board members continued to review the proposed relocation to a more centralized location within Moorland Park. Mr. Hulbert expressed that the new proposed location would be very difficult to police. Director Anderson had spoken with Chief Johnson on the new proposed location and he indicated there would be no problem with making tours along Sandalwood and going into the parking lot. The policing will stay somewhat the same. Mr. Hulbert voiced the need of being close to Moorland Road so the police would have immediate visual into the park. A policeman driving by will have a hard time monitoring it. With no berming, Board President Whipple said it would basically be all level land. Director McMullen said they could see it from any portion of Sandalwood Drive to the first curve on Moorland Road. He said the base of the concrete of the skateboard park is eleven inches higher than the top of the curve helping it be more visible. Discussion centered again on the parking space in the park. Director McMullen said with shifting of one soccer field more to the west by 120 feet, this would allow for expansion of the parking area. Board President Whipple stated they need provision for expansion in the initial phase of construction. Mrs. Koble asked if they should be concerned that the new location is relatively close to the floodplain line and would it compromise the stability of the pad itself? Board President Whipple indicated it would not and Director McMullen explained that the flood line was not where the water goes, but the floodway and that’s down another 30 feet. It’s the theoretical line that if you ever had an obstruction that’s how high it would go before it went over the obstruction. With the fill pile needing to be removed, Mrs. Koble asked how long that would take? Director McMullen said that would be out of there by contract and a portion of it will be used on the soccer fields. Ald. Melcher asked about the field rotation? Board President Whipple explained how the soccer field usage is rotated to restore the grass. Mr. Hulbert asked about the likelihood of building a pedestrian trail to the skateboard park from Moorland? Director Anderson indicated it could be put in as Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 5 part of the road program if the need was there based on footpaths and foot traffic. Mr. Hulbert asked if they were going to get the connection from Sandalwood to the parking lot? Director McMullen stated it would be in the park, not in the right-of-way, and part of this year’s road program. It will go up to the parking lot. Mrs. Koble moved to approve the new location for the skateboard facility within Moorland Park moving it from close to Moorland to a more central location in the park. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Hulbert opposed. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE--None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Issues that Alderman Melcher reported on included the Economic Development Plan, CDA’s removal of any condemnation of Mr. Dyer’s property, Redevelopment District #2, conservation subdivisions, maintenance agreement with the county on a detention pond, statement of who can be on the Board of Review as members, appointment of aldermen to city committees and job description for the city administrator position. Council had discussion on the whole concept of conservation subdivisions. One alderman was concerned about the quality of land that the developer is designating as conservation. It’s not real conservation lands. Mr. Hulbert was concerned about granting the developers extra density for conservation lands. Ald. Borgman expressed his concern that notification was not given relative to the work on the launches at Idle Isle Park. His constituents were asking why they had not been notified. Director Anderson said that the decision to add the old launch to the WDNR grant was timely. This would be for additional launch space when the Water Bugs were using the current launch. The old launch will be gated with it being opened and closed by the park ranger. Ald. Borgman was seeking assurance from the Board members that if the neighbors came forward with issues, including safety issues, that they would be receptive to their concerns. He was concerned that people weren’t getting notified and if it is in the minutes that people are going to get contacted, he expects them to be contacted. On the skateboard park, Director Anderson stated that another department staff was notified to put the location of the skateboard facility on the maps that were given to developers. In regard to the launches, the submission of the WDNR grant was timely and need to be done by the end of the year and Finance Committee had decided to include the old launch on the grant. He did accept accountability for his department on this issue. More discussion occurred on how to get the message to the constituents and what medium to use. Director Anderson offered to contact the alderman of the district relative an issue and see if a mailing should be sent. As this is not covered in the department budget, the alderman would have to determine the fund to be used to cover the cost of these mailings. Mr. Hulbert indicated that the alderman’s job is to communicate with their constituents on issues. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: None STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson advised the Board on the status of the following projects: Idle Isle Launch—Director Anderson reported the launches have been completed. The docks need to be put in which is done typically the first week in May. The docks have gone in at Boxhorn, and then it will be Durham and then Idle Isle. Mr. Hulbert questioned if there were enough bumpers on the docks at Idle Isle? Director Anderson said there were and they have Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 6 already replaced them once. Park Arthur—Director Anderson shared that he had met with the two stable owners regarding the equestrian trail. They both indicated they are interested and they will do the maintenance. They are asking for wood chips to be placed on the trail and also, a supply of wood chips in the area available for replacement as needed on the trail. He stated that an agreement would be made between the two stable owners and the Parks and Recreation Board. Mrs. Kolbe asked about who would be responsible for the chips and the quality of the chips? Director Anderson said the department has a landscape company that puts wood chips in the parks. It would not be expensive chips like fibar. Mrs. Kolbe asked if 4Js or Countryside would be supplying the chips? Director Anderson replied that they do have agreements with suppliers that dump off chips for their own trails and the department would ask that the ones on the trail be the same quality. Also, chips are available through the department and Department of Public Works. Ald. Melcher asked if it was the responsibility of the stable to clean up the manure that would be in other places besides the trail? Director Anderson said they would be responsible to clean up after the horses. The stable owners also talked about having two horse trailer stalls in both parking lots, on the east and west side. They also request motion one way (travel in one direction) and the width of the trail 8’-9’ and they would maintain the trail both with the chips and clean up the horse droppings if there is not enough rain to dissipate the droppings. Director Anderson had indicated to them that a sign would acknowledge that they are maintaining the trail. Muskego High School Fields—The fields have been skinned and the sod was going down on Monday, April 11, and should be completed by Tuesday, April 12. They did ask to put the Muskego High School tryouts out at Horn Field and they will work around the entities that are scheduled to use the field. However, they should be fine by May 15 to use the Muskego High School fields. Old Town Hall—There’s a meeting on Tuesday, April 12, to determine the exact cost, with Director Anderson, Director McMullen, Engineer Dave Simpson. After that meeting, they will be meeting with the Mayor and hopefully, he’ll sign off on the architectural drawings and then actually go out to publicly bid the improvements that need to be done in the interior of the building within the cost the Board has set. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Summer Program Guide The summer program guide will be out the week of April 25. Parks Baseball Fields The parks crew is working on trying to get the fields in condition to be released. To date, Horn Field has been released. With the facilities agreement, Bay Lane and Mill Valley fields will have to wait until after April 15. Painted Crosswalks Painted crosswalks on the roads between where the recreation trail ends was placed on the agenda by Mr. Hulbert. This would involve getting crosswalks painted on the different roads where the trail crosses. He did receive DPW’s permission to go on the roads and paint the crossing. Director McMullen has provided him with the guidelines for what needs to be done within those roads. This should be done when time permits, possibly toward the end of the baseball season. Mr. Hulbert asked if it was also okay with the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 7 county where the trail crosses their roadway and the county will take care of it, like where it crosses Racine by Culvers, Janesville Road, Moorland Road? Director Anderson said that was correct. Mr. Hulbert volunteered his services on this project this summer. MRT Trail Map Board members were provided with the map from the Parks and Open Space Plan to review. Director Anderson said there have been some changes since it was published. He mentioned that before the Conservation Commission became an entity, in the Candlewood subdivision, there was a wood chip trail proposed that was through the out lots and was going to join up with Moorland Park. As that is now conservation land, should it reside with the Conservation Commission? Board members did concur that this should be left up to the Conservation Commission. Mr. Hulbert expressed the need to have this trail map updated as developers use it in developing their lands. He had the following changes for consideration: The Martin Drive connection –it is marked right now from Lannon down, but nothing marked going from Lannon east to Janesville Road. This should have been done when Martin was realigned. The other issue was as Janesville Road gets improved, on the next phase of Janesville Road, they need a trail on both sides of the road. Then where the plan shows the trail on the west side of Racine Avenue, but as you drive along, it would make sense to have it on both sides of the road to the high school. The plan shows it going to the city limits on one side of the road, but he would like to see it on both sides of the road along Racine Avenue from Janesville Road to Woods Road. If this is on the plan, then the county highway department will see it and it will more than likely happen. In the future, some of Martin Drive could be done. Further mentioned, the map shows a trail off of Bay Lane. Right now, there is a connection into the subdivision, passed Country Squire, so it will have an off-road heading towards Martin. Ald. Melcher stated it was important in considering extensions, what would have snow removal and what would not have snow removal as this is the concern of the Council. Mr. Hulbert moved to amend the proposed Muskego Recreation Trail map to show a trail from Martin Drive extending from Janesville to Lannon on the south side, Janesville Road both sides from Moorland to Racine, on Racine Avenue going south on both sides from Janesville to Woods, from corner of Woods and Racine going westerly to the edge of the high school athletic field property and the south side of Woods. Mrs. Koble seconded. Discussion on a trail along Racine in the Hillendale area. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2005-06 Lawn Mowing Agreement Director Anderson advised the Board that Bluemels had contacted him indicating they would not honor their bid amount as they filled it out wrong even after speaking with him about it being for two years. Due to the time frame to get the contract in place before the season, he took it to Finance Committee and the Common Council to give the contract to F & W Landscape for the two years. They were the next qualified low bidder. NEW BUSINESS: Policy for Storage at Veterans Memorial Park Director Anderson provided some wording for the current policy in place for storage at Veterans Memorial Park. Mr. Hulbert would like to add Parks and Recreation Board as an added approval and he, also, noted there was no time limit on the storage usage. There should be a sunset with a review. He also indicated if the festival committee wanted to rent it out to another party, it should be taken up with the Board first. What about a sunset, with a renewal option? Director Anderson’s understanding was that as long as the festival committee was using the site and an entity, they would be able to use the storage. There are no written documents, just an understanding. Mr. Hulbert asked about the maintenance of the building when it needs a new roof, for instance? Ald. Melcher said they need to have a discussion on this and asked for it to be deferred until next month. Director Anderson directed to meet with the committee chairperson and go over Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, April 11, 2005, page 8 the issues to be discussed with the group. The Board would like (1) adding the Parks and Recreation Board as additional approval entity, (2) sunset clause, (3) renewal, (4) 10 years, (5) maintenance responsibility for the interior and exterior and (6) separate locks and they pay for rekeying. Mr. Hulbert asked how the building was insured when other entities are allowed to use a portion of it? Director Anderson said it is covered by the city’s insurance. Ald. Melcher asked if they wanted the city attorney to draft a blank document to be used for this type of usage? Director Anderson said he pens the agreement, it is reviewed by the city attorney and then goes before Council. He’ll draft a document for the Board’s review. Muskego Historical Society Director Anderson announced that the Muskego Historical Society would be attending the May meeting to give a six-month update. Ald. Melcher informed the Board that he is the Council’s representative to the society. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None. Next Meeting—May 9, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. Melcher asked who is responsible when a subdivision comes in to explain to the developer what’s going around the subdivision, who does this? Mr. Hulbert said that it is the developer’s responsibility. Public law in Wisconsin is you post in the paper, but you don’t call people unless the action requires a public hearing. Vandalism There was vandalism at Denoon Park. The playground equipment bubble panel was broken. Out at Idle Isle, they actually burned a hole the size of a fist in the slide and the fire engine panel was ruin. There is a need for a security camera at Idle Isle and he recommended more than one camera. Muskego Historical Lease Director Anderson advised that in the current historical society lease the festival takes precedence over the use of the lands ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 8:40 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,