Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 8/8/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO August 8, 2005 Approved 9/12/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:33 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, August 4, 2005. Present: Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson Absent: Mrs. Kelly Koble (excused), Mr. Eric Hetzel (excused) GUESTS: Dave Birkle, Mike Fitzgerald, Lisa Lamb, Ald. Eric Schroeder APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 11, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2005 meeting, seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Mike Fitzgerald—jump buoys on Little Muskego Lake Mr. Mike Fitzgerald discussed with the Board members the need to have buoys marking the jump course. Officially, when the jump first went on the lake, they had also asked for the jump course. He also presented a diagram of an official jump course. The buoys are needed for a reference for the boat drivers so they know where to go. He indicated on the diagram where they are placing their buoys at this time. Recently, the police informed them that the buoys would have to be removed. Director Anderson stated that if the buoys are only temporary, they could have them without a permit from the WDNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources). He further stated that the ski jump and issues related to the ski jump has been given to the Common Council and out of the hands of the Parks and Recreation Board. If Mr. Fitzgerald is looking to have the buoys permanently placed, then he will need permission from the city and also a permit from the WDNR. Ald. Melcher said the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole is Thursday, August 18. Mr. Fitzgerald should provide as much additional information as available for the aldermen to review. Dave Birkle—Idle Isle Parking Mr. Birkle requested more parking spaces on the grass during Wednesday show nights as they are still having congestion on Muskego Drive. As of now, they were given 15-20 spaces on the grass and it was up to the park manager’s discretion, depending on weather conditions, to let them park on the grass. He would like 75 extra parking on the grass to see if that would alleviate the parking on Muskego Drive. Some discussion relative to the Water Bugs (Water Bug Ski Team, Inc.) having a shuttle service available on Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 2 show nights and recommended by Director Anderson that they should contact the church groups for use of those parking lots. Director Anderson requested that in addition to the one attendant that they provide on Wednesday nights, that an additional one be provided. Mr. Schneider stated that was a lot of cars. He asked if the Park Arthur parking lot once completed would alleviate some of the parking on Martin Drive? Director Anderson said it would be somewhat alleviated but people are still going to park as close as they can to the event. Mr. Hulbert moved to allow up to 60 total to be parked on the grass for the next four show dates, weather permitting, at the discretion of the park manager and the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. will provide an additional attendant for a total of two. Mr. Manchester seconded. Mr. Schneider shared that he had driven the area in Park Arthur, close to Martin Drive, that had been cut for parking for the neighbor’s event a month ago, and thought this area could be mowed for parking of about 20 cars. He thought the Water Bugs staff could park there, leaving the spaces in Idle Isle Park open for people watching the show. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Compliance Checks Director Anderson reported that during the month of July, the Muskego Police Department did two unannounced compliance checks. Wednesday, July 6, the officer noted that they were in compliance but the show lasted until 8:30 p.m. and the boats not pulling skiers were going faster than they needed. In the past, they had received complaints that the show was going past 8:30 p.m. in violation of the no-wake ordinance. The second check on Wednesday, July 13, they found the volume on the sound system was excessive. The following week, they monitored the sound system and took readings from 7:50 p.m. to 8:26 p.m. They noted the volume was lower than the previous week and they received no complaints. The decibel readings will be used as a baseline for acceptable noise level and no complaints and this then used to determine compliance. Mr. Schneider shared that the local ordinance and State ordinance vary on no wake; at the local level, it is slow no wake after 8:30 p.m. and at the State level, it is no water-skiing after sunset. On July 3, a member of the Water Bugs was reported to have cut chains on the garbage cans and moved them. Mr. Birkle responded that the garbage cans were not in a reasonable area for the audience to use. The chains were not cut; they were undone using the bolt in the back. One of the members did not ask permission to relocate the containers to a more attractive place for the people to throw their garbage. On Monday, July 4, they were back in their original location. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Vandalism in Parks Director Anderson reported that there was graffiti on the stop sign at Jensen Park. Urinal piping pulled out of porcelain fixture at Veterans Memorial Park and a plumber was called in to fix it at a cost of $50. Several incident reports from Idle Isle were turned in by the attendants for the past weekend consisting of boys fighting and smoking, swearing and smoking, cell phone thrown in the lake, and a dog left in a car. The police were called on all incidences. Bluhm Rental Board members reviewed the request for use of Bluhm Farm Park for three bands to play their music on August 12. Director Anderson advised the Board members that he did not have staff to supervise the event. Mr. Hulbert would like to see the event supervised. If it is a battle of the bands, how will the decibel level be controlled? Mr. Hulbert moved to deny the request. Mr. Schneider seconded. Mr. Hulbert offered the option of the party hiring an off-duty policeman to be present at their event. Ald. Melcher thought it was a good option and end by 9:30 p.m. Director Anderson recommended ending at 9:00 p.m. to allow for the breaking down of equipment and out of the park by 10:00 p.m. Mr. Hulbert amended his motion unless show evidence of an off-duty Muskego police officer or Waukesha County sheriff hired that would be in attendance and end the event a 9:00 p.m. Mr. Schneider seconded. Patron to supply the name of the officer to the Parks and Recreation Department and the officer is to meet with Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 3 Director Anderson. Mr. Manchester voiced that the city should not be obligated to furnish a facility for a private show. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 3-1 (with Mr. Manchester opposed). Veterans Memorial Park Rental A party has rented the Veterans Memorial Park shelter for September 10 and are requesting permission to use an inflatable bouncy house and two bouncy obstacle courses at the park. As in a previous request, the Board would like a nominal fee charged for the use of electricity. Director Anderson shared that the cost had been calculated to be roughly $7.00 for this rental. The rental party has submitted $10.00 to cover the cost of electricity for their event. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the request. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Director Anderson stated the patron will be notified by letter of any stipulations relative to their rental, garbage, restrooms, turf damage restoration, etc. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Mill Valley Fencing Director Anderson was seeking direction from the Board if they wanted to do the project this year or put it in the budget for next year. Mr. Hulbert suggested 1/3-cost sharing between the city, the school district and M.A.A. (Muskego Athletic Association). Director Anderson stated the school district would not be doing any cost sharing as they basically use field #2 only and the fields have been relatively the department’s. In the past, there has been a 50/50 with M.A.A. but when it comes to fencing, it’s something different. At Bluhm, the M.A.A. decided not to do any cost sharing and at Bay Lane, they did do cost sharing and now with Mill Valley, they offered $3,500. Mr. Schneider asked if it could be rescreened? Director Anderson stated the screening that is there was built in the ‘70s and the fencing now has a different gauge on the lower portion of the fence. It’s a project that will have to ultimately be done and it should last more than 30 years. Mr. Hulbert preferred that it be done next year as a park project. Director Anderson said there was enough money in the park dedication budget. They could have it done before the start of the baseball season next year, but he could not say if M.A.A.’s donation would still be available. Mr. Hulbert considered the option of doing just the backstops this year for $13,882. Mr. Manchester was in favor of doing the backstops done this year considering the current field conditions. Director Anderson did caution that to have them come back and do the fencing could be at an increase in cost. Mr. Hulbert moved to have the backstops done at the bidded price and apply the $3500 contribution from M.A.A. to this and if that is not okay, then the Director can bring it back next month. Mr. Manchester seconded. Director Anderson recommended that the projects be done together. Ald. Melcher was in favor of doing both of them right away. Some discussion on whether or not the M.A.A would contribute more to the project as they are one of the primary users of the facility by more than 50%. Mr. Schneider called for the question. No objection from the Board members. Upon a voice vote, the motion was defeated, 2 no, 2 yes and Board President Whipple breaking the tie by voting no. Motion made by Ald. Melcher to do the backstops and fencing this year with the donation from the M.A.A. applied towards it received no second. Mr. Hulbert would like to see more of a contribution from M.A.A. Ald. Melcher queried how they could request money from them? Director Anderson said the M.A.A. Board knew the amount of the project when they offered the donation of $3500. Mr. Manchester moved that the project be done next year, both the backstops and the fencing. Mr. Schneider seconded. Director Anderson asked if they wanted to put it in park dedication for next year and evaluate and make a recommendation to M.A.A. to increase their donation and direct him to contact them for a dollar amount or a percentage. Mr. Manchester amended the motion that due to the amount of the M.A.A. donation this year, recommend waiting another year as there are no safety concerns at this point and review it as part of next year’s park dedication budget. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 3-1 with Ald. Melcher voting against. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 4 Bay Lane Gym Floor Director Anderson presented more costs figures. It’s $64,203 for the gym floor. The department uses the facility roughly about 25% usage, calculated at about $17,000 that the department would have to spend. They are asking $10,000 and $3,688 to raise the backboards and floor care. Last month, the Board members denied paying for the floor care as they felt that should be handled by the school district. Director Anderson has advised the school that the Board would not be taking any action until they reviewed the total operating budget with the $10,000 included in September. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Alderman Melcher reported that Council approved zoning changes for Shill’s restaurant, Frey property car lot, discussion and denial of the sawmill rezoning on Durham Drive, amendments to the 2004 and 2005 budgets for general government, increased the lots for Woodland Creek Estates by 16, approved an agreement with Tyler Technologies for software and professional services, passed resolution for the Phase II of Janesville Road reconstruction project scheduled for 2007-2008. On the Janesville Road reconstruction, several options were discussed on whether to go from Moorland to Lannon, Lannon to Racine; however, the businesses along Janesville would like it to be all in one phase. Director Anderson inquired if he had anything on the historical society? Ald. Melcher said the historical society has put together a mission statement, directional statement and have looked at their whole financial picture and this th will be presented on the 9. Before Council, there will be a meeting with the Mayor, Sean McMullen, Attorney Molter, and their attorney and Ron Peters. Ald. Melcher was informed by the Mayor that he could not attend. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: In regard to the Ewald-Engel property, Mr. Schneider informed the Board that the Conservation Commission had met and discussed equestrian trails. They have decided to allow equestrian trails. They could connect to the north to Woods Road and some property just north of Denoon Park. They talked about using the building for school district programs and using the property. Mr. Hulbert has offered to be the go-between for the school projects, possibly of a scientific nature. An Eagle Scout has offered to put trails on the property with the Conservation Commission supplying the materials. Also, shared that there is an adopted plan for each of the properties under their jurisdiction and can be reviewed at Tom Zagar’s office. The subdivision plot off of Field Drive, due to neighborhood input, they will not get the 12 lots requested. Off of Martin Drive and north of Highway L, Chamberlain Hills, there are some nice outlots and asked to lose three lots to the area and preserve the wooded area. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Kurth Park –the southern section is still slated to be done this fall. Park Arthur—grading is still being done. Director Anderson visited the area and noticed that the sledding hill is not as steep as it should be for good sledding. He asked for it to be made steeper. Muskego High School Fields—The problem with the water standing on top of the two fields has been determined to be caused by a compaction plate over the top of the fields. They are going to aerate down about four inches and do layers of sand to open it up. Old Town Hall—Work has been started. Contracts have been let out. Due to the humidity, the exterior will not be painted before the festival but should be done after Labor Day. The interior improvements will be done by September 23. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 5 Goose Control—The weekend of July 30, the geese were terrible. There were close to 80 geese. Beach, playground and walking paths were saturated. Two emails were received from angry park visitors. Director Anderson shared some information on geese and other measures of control. Mr. Manchester said that Milwaukee has harvested geese and donated to the food pantry. Mr. Schneider mentioned that it is a problem and some of the cost could be shared with the lake association. Idle Isle Water Quality—One reading last week was 2420 which was as high as the scale would go. A retest was 5. The higher number may have been due to sampling error or lab error. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Fall Program Guide The program guide is at the printer and hopefully should get mailed by the end of the week. Operating Budget The operating budget was just handed in and Board should have it for review in September for changes before the Committee of the Whole reviews it. Parks Storm Damage With the two storms with high winds, there was significant damage at Denoon Park. The crew was busy with trimming branches and cutting up trees. Miscellaneous Projects Director Anderson shared that the crew has been busy with painting the backside of Horn, refurbished the entire sand surface at Lions Park, started to remove the fencing around the Denoon Park tennis courts. The Department of Public Works should be able to start pulverizing the asphalt in a few weeks. Somebody pried the stall door off the handicap bathroom at Veterans Memorial Park. The seasonals are starting to leave with the last two scheduled to depart this week. Mr. Hulbert asked the status of the Paepke property? Director Anderson responded that it was conservation land and under the direction of the Conservation Commission. NEW BUSINESS: Skate Park Bids Director Anderson provided the Board members with the two bids for the skate park along with copies of their layouts for the skate park. The two bids were reviewed in detail. Director Anderson pointed out the downside of the warranty offered by Spohn Ranch. In essence, they would only replace a damage or defective part, not install it. He shared that he and Parks Supervisor Theis had visited a Spohn Ranch installation in Antioch, Illinois. They were not impressed with it. Spohn Ranch is a steel installation. Rust was showing and there were some welds broken and the threshold plate was missing screws causing a noise factor. Spohn Ranch bid was $102,720.60 and their alternate bid for a different layout was $119.932.13. True Ride layout has a lot more amenities to it and being able to accommodate skateboards Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 6 and bikes. The layout is better. Their warranty is twelve years and then they will also do the work outside the warranty and charge for it. They also have a five-year service agreement. The Delafield skate park is True Ride. He and Parks Supervisor Theis had visited this park and were very impressed with it. Board President Whipple was also familiar with the Delafield park. True Ride’s bid at $100.966.80 was within the money allotted for the park. Director Anderson reported that only one bid was received for the concrete and that was from Showcase Concrete at $24,375.00. He was recommending True Ride and Showcase Concrete. Mr. Hulbert voiced his concern about delaminating occurring as he had observed this at other parks during the summer. Director Anderson said that at Delafield, this park still looks good after 2-1/2 years. True Ride does test their product for delaminating. It’s not plywood, but pressure-treated wood. Mr. Schneider moved to recommend acceptance of the True Ride bid for the equipment. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 3-1 with Mr. Manchester opposed. Mr. Hulbert moved to recommend acceptance of the Showcase Concrete bid for the concrete. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 3-1 with Mr. Manchester opposed. At 8:40 p.m., Parks and Recreation Board Members took a five-minute recess. Capital Budget 2005 Director Anderson reviewed the 2006 capital budget items. First item presented was a commercial out front mower with a trade-in allowance of $4500 came to $9,948. Second item was baseball field maintenance tractor with implement, allowing a trade-in of $3200, for $7,900. The department is in the process of collecting $1,000 a year that will be used for replacement. The $1,000 will be divided up by the percentage of leagues requesting field maintenance. The third item was replacement of the 1987 pick up truck and the new truck estimated to cost $13,495 with trade and a trade-in value assumed at $300. The total capital budget for 2005 was $31,343. Mr. Hulbert moved to recommend approval of the three items for the 2005 capital budget. Mr. Manchester seconded. Director Anderson stated these all were replacement items. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Also reviewed by the Board was the capital budget items for 2007 through 2010. Pickle Ball Director Anderson explained that a citizen had requested a pickle ball court be installed by changing one of the city’s tennis courts. This pickle ball is similar to bad minton, played on a bad minton court with a cush ball. He had informed the citizen that the city spent a great deal of funds redoing city tennis courts. Mr. Hulbert stated that it’s a great idea but they would need more of the population requesting it before considering the request. Board members were not in favor of redoing tennis courts; however, on planning a new park, it could be looked at if there is a demand. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—Oak Ridge Glen, located by Chamberlain Hills, plan was reviewed by the Board members. Mr. Schneider moved to recommend a trail on the north side of Martin Drive from Janesville Road to Oak Hill Trail. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Next Meeting—September 12, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Director Anderson shared that at a department head meeting, the Mayor requested that recording secretaries keep attendance on their committee members. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 8, 2005, page 7 Mr. Manchester shared that he had been to Horn Park and noted the excellent job that the Eagle Scout had done. He further commented that dog walkers have so much disrespect for the veterans that they allow their dogs to defecate in the park without cleaning up. The same day there were four kids on the bikes on the baseball field, sliding and he asked them if they realized how much money it would cost to fix the diamond? Their response was nobody’s using it any more. Unfortunately, they did not have license on their bikes ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 9:05 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,