Park & Rec Board- MINUTES - 12/12/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO December 12, 2005 Approved 1/9/06 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, December 8, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson Absent: Mr. Jerald Hulbert (excused) GUEST: Bill Carity APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 14, 2005 Board Meeting Ald.Melcher moved to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2005 meeting, seconded by Mr. Schneider. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Idle Isle Playground Board members received in their packets a copy of the letter sent to the Mayor regarding youth wanting to build a smaller playground for little children in Idle Isle Park and a copy of Director Anderson’s letter to the individual. To date, he has not received a response to the letter. He commented it is nice to see that someone wants to volunteer to improve the parks. Muskego Warriors Youth Baseball Tournament Director Anderson stated this is their second annual tournament. They are looking for the dates of June 23-25, 2006. The group has spoken with Scott Kugi and Mike Schramek, the varsity coach. They will be contacting the M.A.A. (Muskego Athletic Association) and Jim Haag to get approval for use of the fields. Last year the Board approved contingent upon them working out the arrangements with the other leagues and coaches to make sure the fields were freed up. The department, however, did ask for a new contact person other than the contact person of last year. Jim Prusinski, who is the head of this league, will be the contact person. Board members inquired of any problems experienced last year. Director Anderson shared that the only problem was Friday or Saturday morning due to the amount of rain, the group grabbed all the infield dry mix, including out of the parks headquarters building. The following week the parks crew had no infield dry mix and had to wait for a special delivery. Board President asked if the department makes the call on the tournament if it goes on or not due to bad weather. Actually, with the high school, Director Anderson stated with their approval process, paperwork needs to be filled out 30 days in advance, Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 2005, page 2 and asking that the people who prepare the fields for the high school be the ones that prepare the high school fields for anyone else and there is a cost associated with it to maintain that the high school fields are being done properly. That individual would call the high school fields. Our department will prepare the fields for the first game and then leave it up to the league chairman. The fields were fine. It was the use of the product that went way overboard. Mr. Manchester made the motion to approve the request contingent upon them working out the dates with the other leagues and arrangements with the Parks and Recreation Department staff. Ald. Melcher seconded. No other discussion. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Park Arthur Farming Lease--Schaefer Director Anderson reported that the lease for farming by Mr. Schaefer at Park Arthur was the same, only the dates changed to reflect the year. Map was provided depicting the same area for the rental. The actual parking lot will be done in the spring of 2006 and he will get the total tillable acreage of 7.5 at the same price of $55 per tillable acre. This acreage does not include the lake district’s weed tipping area that was also shown on the map. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the lease for 2006. Mr. Hetzel seconded. No other discussion. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Snow Removal Priorities Included in the Board packet was the current snow removal priority listing along with five discussion points when addressing this issue. Director Anderson said that Mr. Hulbert would like any action on the item deferred until next month when he would be in attendance. Director Anderson stated that snow removal from the trails will usually be completed anywhere from 2-5 days after snow has stopped falling and dependant upon the amount of snow. The recent snowfall took about 2 days to clear. If it is in the area of 6 inches, it could take a full week before the trails are cleared. This would be the trails included in Priorities 12-14 on the current list. He recognized that the department needs to maintain the main arterials of city which is Moorland—2.1 miles, Janesville—4.3 miles and Racine—.4 miles. The one question is does the department need to clear both sides of Janesville as there are mainly commercial properties on one side and residential properties on the other side. He stated that as additional trails are approved by the Board, they also decide at that time whether or not the trail is placed on the snow removal list. Also, as new trails are added, you need to address staff time and equipment. Mr. Manchester asked how much can you expect the taxpayers to pay for the little use the trails get. He thought they were walking trails for the summertime and now we are plowing all these paths like sidewalks all year round. Director Anderson was asking that the list be scaled back. Mr. Manchester would like to see it scaled way back. They want to use the trails for recreation in the wintertime, let them use skis. Mr. Schneider commented that the department may get to the point with all the trails and consecutive snowfalls, that you get behind in cleaning the trails. Director Anderson shared that at the end of last season there was a lot of snow and they found the skidsteer very useful. He said for maintaining the main arterials, this equipment is perfect. With the ice rink at Manchester Hill Park, is that trail critical for people to get to the rink. The parks crew have seen a lot of people on the Lannon Drive trail. He pointed out that discussion point #2 was listed the trails that the crew recommended priority based on usage observed. In Quietwood Creek, this was the verbal agreement made by the aldermen when that concrete trail was put in. Director Anderson was asking for the January meeting is to look at the questions and address them. Board President Whipple did not see any urgency in acting on the issue at this meeting. Mr. Manchester asked what the point would be in putting it off until next month as these are the plans for this year. Board President Whipple said if they wanted to make any changes. Director Anderson wanted them to look at it and do they even want to add some trails or eliminate some trails. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the priority list as presented. Motion received no second. Director Anderson mentioned that the Board would be looking at connecting the small gaps in the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 2005, page 3 trails as new developments occur. Mrs. Koble mentioned that a lot of property owners clear the areas. Director Anderson stated that when the hockey rink at Park Arthur is done, then staff time would be used to clear it and less time available for trails. Board President Whipple summed up that the department is getting to the point where staff time is maxed out for snow clearing. Director Anderson concurred and also added, he was just informed that the department has been asked to clean the parking lot to the west of the Country Trader in the Tess Corners area as it is too small for public works equipment. Ald. Melcher inquired who clears the fire department. Director Anderson said it was fire department personnel. Ald. Melcher asked if they couldn’t clear the parking lot. Director Anderson said the agreement made by the city engineer was the parks staff would do it. There are things that have come on line in the last year like Old Town Hall parking lot and paths. Board President Whipple inquired if this is keeping them from other things. Director Anderson said that when snow comes, the work priorities get changed to do the plowing. Mr. Schneider moved to defer the item until next month and discuss it further. Mrs. Koble seconded. No other discussion. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 4-1 (with Mr. Manchester opposed). Mr. Manchester offered the possibility of designating the trails as summer trails. Director Anderson and Board President Whipple said it’s possible. Ald. Melcher added that in Michigan’s Porcupine Mountain State Park, there is a lengthy roadway, about 25 miles, that is signed that it will not be plowed in winter. It’s possible to make these summer trails. Moorland Road Entrance & Old Town Hall Park Lights Director Anderson shared that he had not yet received a response from We Energies. They will be patterning the lights in the Old Town Hall parking lot the same design as those in Veterans Memorial Park and the Moorland entrance lights that go with the design guide, similar to the lights at Aldis and Dairy Queen in the area. At Moorland, they may be doing two lights or one pole with two lamps on it. This will be an agenda item for next month. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Ski Pattern Maps Board members reviewed the revised map. Mr. Schneider commented that the city ordinance is 150 feet from a pier that needs to be maintained. He felt the turn area needed to be changed on the map. All the other buoys were now represented as being the 100 feet from the shoreline. Director Anderson asked if there was anything else that needed to be changed on the map. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the map with the change in the turn-around area so it’s 150 feet from the pier. Ald. Melcher seconded. Mr. Schneider would like to know from the Water Bugs (Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc.) where they were turning the past year. Director Anderson did not think they could show exactly where they did turn around on the map. He ask that Mr. Schneider meet with GIS staff for the location of the turn-around on the map. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 4-1 (with Mr. Schneider opposed.) Muskego Recreation Trail Verbiage Director Anderson advised that the Board member interested in this was not present. At the last meeting, there was some discussion on schools, city hall and churches being included in a citywide system of recreation trails. The parks plan and the conservation plan will be revised next year. He would need any change in verbiage by February 1. Ald. Melcher moved to defer the item until the January meeting. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Idle Isle Security Cameras Director Anderson reported he had met with the representative from CENTEC Security Systems. He reviewed their proposal which offered two options; option one in the amount of $7,987 and option two in the amount of $4,269. The previous bid from Shield Security was in the amount of $5,241. CENTEC’s second Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 2005, page 4 option was comparable with Shield’s bid. They had talked about installing a DSL line with an IP address whereby the police department could monitor the area live from their office. Ald. Melcher asked what the warranty was on the Shield system as CENTEC’s was 90 days. Director Anderson did not know but added that the system has been in over a year and there have been no problems. He said that the police department is working with CENTEC as well as three other entities for their interrogation room setups. With either bid, the department would have to pay for the small section of conduit up the post, possibly providing a lift, and maybe purchasing a monitor. Board President Whipple asked if he had any recommendation? Director Anderson responded in working with CENTEC and in conversations with the police department, he had no problem with the $4,269 bid. Mr. Howard Schneider moved to approve the low bid of $4,269 from CENTEC. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher reported on the activities of the Common Council since the last Board meeting. The operating and capital budgets were approved. Utility rates were approved. The outsourcing for ambulance billing was approved. They decided to keep the existing phone system and purchase a new voice mail system. They honored the high school girls’ volleyball team and soccer team. In regard to the Idle Isle contract with the Water Bugs, they did not add on from the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation so it stood at $94,390. Other sundry items that were approved consisted of leases and insurance contracts and uncollectibles. He mentioned that the Committee of the Whole has been suspended until further notice, but will be looking at what the committee will be doing as it is on the Council agenda for Tuesday. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider reported an agreement had been signed with an engineering group to do the shoreline at Holz Island. Twelve acres had been seeded to prairie grass on the Ewald-Engle property. The commission members also discussed the disposition of the house on this property and seeking donations to defray the cost if they decide to refurbish it for about $130,000. The Belle Chasse subdivision was discussed with Bill Carity. Waste Management had made an offer to lease their landfill site for a $1. Since it is a Superfund site, the members were concerned about toxins in the soil. Ald. Patterson recommended contact other communities to see what they had done. On the memorial tree program, Mr. Zagar will be consulting with other communities. There’s a plot of land that the WDNR was purchasing and wondered if the city was interested. OTHER BUSINESS Belle Chasse Subdivision Mr. Bill Carity made his presentation on the Belle Chasse subdivision and gave an overall explanation. It is next to Bluhm Farm Park, located in the area of McShane and Durham Drives. Director Anderson stated the Board’s main concern was the pedestrian path for this site, going along old Durham Drive or the proposed Durham Drive. The parcel is 110 acres and Mr. Carity is proposing 147 lots and about 37 percent would be in private park area and enjoyed and owned by a homeowner’s association. The future pedestrian path would be his responsibility. He pointed out the area he felt would be advantageous if the city wanted to add some frontage to Bluhm Farm Park and was willing to give the city the opportunity. Ald. Melcher made the motion to put the bike trail down the west side of Durham Drive to connect up with the present Muskego Recreation Trail. Mr. Schneider seconded. Mr. Manchester asked if it would be right by the road or separated nine feet from the road. Director Anderson stated they would go based off the park and open space plan. The requirement from the edge of the road would be determined by public works. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 4-1 (with Mr. Manchester opposed.) For the parcel near Bluhm Farm Park, Director Anderson recommended since it is passive, to take it back to the Conservation Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 2005, page 5 Commission. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson updated the Board members on the following projects: Park Arthur— still waiting on the WDNR. Idle Isle Building—They are about one week behind due to the weather. They expect to be caught up within 3-4 weeks and able to make the completion date of May 1. Old Town Hall—Punch list walk through is scheduled for this Thursday. In visiting the site today, he found rail work still needing to be done by the ADA path and some painting in the stairway. He expects to have the punch list approved by the architect on Thursday. Board members will visit the site at a future meeting. Skateboard Park—Director Anderson had advised Ald. Patterson that it was up to the Teen Advisory Board to see if there was a need for a dirt trail for the bikes. They need to explore it on their end and if they chose not to do it, the Parks and Recreation Board would be comfortable with that decision. They are meeting Thursday and an update will be given at this Board’s meeting in January. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Winter/Spring Registration Registration is ongoing. It has been slow but expected to pick up after the holidays. Muskego/Norway School District Facilities Agreement th On the 18 of November, Director Anderson had emailed changes to the agreement to the district. No response yet. As soon as the agreement changes have been reviewed by staff, it will be brought forward to the Parks and Recreation Board for their action. It will be a two-year agreement. Muskego Athletic Ass’n Frequently Asked Questions Director Anderson shared with the Board members general questions that occur during the season. These will be handed out to MAA board members, coaches and parents so they understand how the department operates. Next Meeting—January 9, 2006 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Schneider moved for adjournment at 8:06 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,