Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 2/14/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO February 14, 2005 Approved, as amended, 3/14/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:31 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, February 10, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Toby Whipple, and Director Craig Anderson. Absent: Mr. Jerald Hulbert (excused), Mr. Howard Schneider (excused) GUESTS: Matt Jeske, Karl Jeske, Shelly Wohler, Ald. Schroeder, Kaitlin Kroening, Fred Washa, Don Skarda, Glen Miller and others. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 10, 2005 Mr. Manchester moved, Ald. Melcher seconded, to approve the minutes of the January 10 meeting with revision on page 6. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Eagle Scout Project @ Horn Matt Jeske of Boy Scout Troop 141 presented for the Board’s approval his proposed Eagle Scout project at Horn Park. The project would be the beautification of the World War II veterans memorial at Horn Park. This would included the repairing and cleaning of the brick on the monument itself, scrape, paint, and reinstall the posts around the monument, provide landscaping including wood chips around it, and provide up to three, low maintenance metal or aluminum benches. He would provide an American flag and POW flag with a solar-powered light that would be mounted on a pole from the original flagpole, thus providing lighting for the flags. If approved, he proposed to have the project done by June, 2005. He would be seeking donations from the scout troop and local businesses for the project. Mrs. Koble moved to approve the Eagle Scout project for Horn Park in its entirety and to coordinate the project with staff. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Skateboard Park Fund-raising Update Ald. Schroeder introduced Kaitlin Kroening, the new chairperson for the Teen Advisory Board (TAB). She reported to the Board an update on their efforts in securing financing for the skateboard park. A letter was received from InPro offering to donate $50,000 with the stipulation that a suitable and discrete granite monument type stone at InPro’s expense showing them as a major sponsor and the option to retain naming rights to the skateboard park with a donation of $5,000 to the skate park every fifth year. She mentioned Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 2 that the cost of the skateboard park was estimated between $100,000-$130,000 and that the Board had set aside $50,000 and the TAB was to raise the rest. Originally, they had a concrete company agree to pave all the concrete in the park. They also approached Pepsi and Coke and they, depending on which company is selected, agreed to pay between $35,000 and $39,000 toward the park with the understanding that only their product could be sold in any Muskego park. They have been offered $2,000 from the Kiwanis Club, received $250 from Carity Land Corp., $100 from Animal Doctor, $100 from Jetz gas station, $25 from Moose Lodge, and at every TAB meeting, the members put in money for the skateboard park. Letters were sent out requesting donations to area businesses and they are expecting responses within the next month. They have fund-raised over $90,000 for the skateboard park along with department staff help. With the money from the city, they have enough money for the park. She continued, that the skateboard park will include a bike path leading to the park, parking lot, vending machines and if there is money left, they may include lights and a fence. Once the plans are finalized, they are looking for construction to begin in early summer, taking about 3-5 months to complete. At the conclusion of Ms. Kroening’s presentation, Ald. Schroeder clarified that lighting and fencing, although an initial thought by the Teen Advisory Board during the planning stages of the skateboard park, are not currently included in the skateboard park site plan. Idle Isle Building First, Ald. Melcher reported on the discussion at the Committee of the Whole regarding the Idle Isle building. The committee came up with the following options: Option 1 The City would publicly bid the project. This would involve the design, bidding, and construction management by the city’s engineering staff. It is the most expensive option. The city would review the bids and allocate the initial cost to the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. in the same way that the Festival Committee paid for the upgrades they requested to the Veterans Memorial Park pavilion. Option 2 A donation of 100% of labor or materials from the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. to help reduce the cost of the improvement. The donation of labor would require several additional steps to comply with the Department of Workforce Development standards and would require supervision and scheduling by the city’s engineering staff. This provision is only legal if 100% of the labor and materials are donated. If any portion of the work needs to be performed by a private contractor, then the entire project must be publicly bid. Issues with this option are the unknown material amounts and the scheduling of the work. This option may also lead to conflict later if a certain division of work that was thought to be covered is suddenly or inadvertently overlooked. Option 3 Similar to Option 1, the project would be bid in several divisions of work. The divisions such as framing, concrete, plumbing, electric, etc. would allow the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. to bid the project as a normal contractor, with the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. taking on the roll of contractor. The amount of work and value of work performed by the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. could be used to offset the initial costs of the amenities that are currently being requested by the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. The city would treat the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. as a contractor and they would be responsible for their division of work including scheduling, materials, and incidentals. Director Anderson stated that the Mayor wanted the Parks and Recreation Board to identify, if we didn’t have the ski team, what the Board wanted out of this building? Ald. Melcher suggested that there be a joint meeting between the Board and the Committee of the Whole to discuss this issue. Director Anderson Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 3 commented that the Board has always identified that they wanted the open shelter, that they wanted some storage area, that they wanted bathrooms that could be left open for usage by the park users, and some type of storage for the park attendants, the workers that are out there. In essence, a facility like the Veterans Park facility out at Idle Isle. What does the ski team want out of this facility? Ms. Wohler said the ski team is looking for storage for their skis, ropes, costumes, sound system and a concession stand. They are looking at Option #3 of the Committee of the Whole meeting discussion. They would be a contractor and they would sublet the work. They have members that would be bidding on the work like any other contractor and the bid would be awarded to the lowest, qualified bidder. Director Anderson said that Director McMullen indicated he has to have this out by June in order to raze the building in September. Ald. Melcher moved to approve Option 3 that the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. have accepted and the Parks and Recreation Board has accepted and further, propose that Director Anderson and Board President Whipple and a representative of the ski team meet with the Committee of the Whole on February 24, 2005 for open discussion. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Recreation Trail Snow Removal Board members reviewed a letter requesting snow removal from the We Energies trail. This trail base is traffic bond. Director Anderson reported that the department has never removed snow from this trail because (1) the maintenance problem with the rock that’s laid down and (2) the Board has encouraged cross-country skiing on this trail and it is used for this activity. To remove snow from the trail, is to eliminate the use for skiing. The citizen wanted the Board to know that there are others that use this trail that are interested in having it cleared of snow. Director Anderson stated there is 10 miles of asphalt trails in the city in addition to this We Energy trail. Ald. Melcher inquired if there would be a section that could be cleared for use for walking? Director Anderson said that anytime you plow a stoned pathway, you may create a maintenance problem. In the winter, there are times when the ground thaws and they are out there with trucks. The last thing they want to do is create a nightmare for maintenance. When it does get nice out, the crew is not able to get to it right away due to lawn mowing and baseball fields so they may not get to the trail right away. Mrs. Koble suggested that the people drive to a paved trail. She thought the Moorland trail was about 5 1 miles mile, considering it goes into New Berlin. Board President Whipple stated that when Moorland Park has a parking lot, they could park and use the paved trail. Mr. Manchester commented to leave the snow removal priorities as they are. Bluhm Park Rental Director Anderson presented the rental request for Bluhm Park for July 16, 2005. There will be from 150 to 200 people in attendance at this class reunion event. They are requesting permission for a D.J. playing music, to erect a tent, bases for the ball field, and extra tables. They will be providing two portable toilets to accommodate the size of their group. They indicated they will also have liability insurance in place before the event. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the application. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Skateboard Park Sponsor Director Anderson pointed out that the Board had two agreements to consider for action. InPro $50,000 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 4 donation and the parameters for their donation and Pepsi’s full service vending for the parks. He shared that Mr. Hulbert wanted the Board to keep in mind that he has some reservations on accepting the full $35,000 for one park because you are really selling the rights or money rights to every single park that has vending capacity and using that money for one park. The Board could still approve the dollar amount to be accepted; just not having allocated the dollars yet which could be done at a later date. There’s nothing in the agreement stating that the $35,000 is specifically for the skateboard park. Board President Whipple asked if the ski team would be restricted to selling Pepsi products at their concession stand? Director Anderson had checked with M.A.A., Impact and the ski team and none have a service agreement for vending or soda. They will be cut a deal by signing on to the Pepsi agreement. It would benefit them. Ald. Melcher moved to approve acceptance of the $50,000 donation from InPro and the Board would place a monument funded by InPro naming them as a major sponsor and the $5,000 to the skate park every fifth year for the option to retain naming rights. Mr. Eric Hetzel seconded. They would be shown as the major sponsor given the most money. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Manchester moved to accept the agreement with Pepsi to provide and maintain full service vendors at agreed upon City of Muskego parks. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Valley View Estates Update Mr. Hulbert wanted this brought back before the Board. Director Anderson refreshed the Board members that at the last meeting, the Board recommended that the trail go in along Martin and requested an easement go in between Lots 16 and 17. He said that both staff and the Millers and Plan Commission made the recommendation that the Board eliminate the easement request as Paige Street is so near to the easement. They would use this street to get to the trail. Mr. Manchester moved to eliminate the request for the easement. Mr. Hetzel seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher informed the Board members that there was a lot of discussion at Council level on the Interim Finance Director position and the restructuring of the Finance Department. There was continued discussion on the credit card policy. A clothing and shoe allowance was instituted for the Parks and Recreation Department employees. Boxhorn Estates subdivision was approved with a section of the land given to the city for use. Park Arthur lease was approved for the Little Muskego Lake District. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Director Anderson distributed to the Board Mr. Schneider’s message on the Conservation Commission’s action at the last meeting. A fellow has offered a 12-acre piece of land to the Commission in the area of the Ridges. Mr. Schneider would like the Board members to consider having a path from the Ridges to the piece of land and on to the Crowbar landfill and also have the path connect with the We Energies right-of- way. He thought that the Board may have to secure some easements to accomplish it. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson advised the Board on the status of the following projects: Old Town Hall—The third party inspector has gone through the building. Some time this week, the city should find out what the list of non-compliance items are. Once that list is received, there will be a meeting with city staff to see what can be done in house or contracted out. If it would go over a certain dollar threshold, it would have to be bid out. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 5 Skateboard Park—The price of steel has gone up substantially. A piece of equipment the Board originally was interested in priced at $106,000 then is now $135,000. Director Anderson has consulted with the people who did the original renderings and it ranges from $135,000 down to $104,000 with different components. This may be an agenda item for the next meeting. Security Cameras—All of the security cameras are functioning. The parks supervisor has been trained on their operation. Director Anderson will also be training Chad Dornbach and Dave Constantineau from the police department so they can retrieve information also. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Payment Server Update The upgrade has been done for the payment server. When someone uses their credit card over the Internet or staff enters their credit card, it gets process immediately. It also takes business cards without a problem. Muskego Rhythm Elite Pom/DanceTeam The department has been very successful with club basketball and club volleyball programs. Now, the department will administer a pom/dance team. People have been registering—18 in the lower group, 13 in the middle group and 8 in the upper group. This is a year-round program. Parks Snow Removal and Ice Skating Rink Parks crew have been working on snow removal and the ice skating rink for the past month. Moorland Park Signage Up Moorland Park signage is up. The sign identifies Moorland Park and then lower on the sign it indicates future site of skateboard park. Redoing Signs The crew is redoing recreation trail signs, park signs and the shop sign so it is more noticeable on Pioneer Drive. NEW BUSINESS: 2005 Portable Toilet Bids Director Anderson recommended the acceptance of the Port-A-John bid for toilets for 2005 in the amount of $7,384. Their bid was accepted over Waste Management’s because they have been providing this service for the past three years and the department has not experienced any problems whereas there were problems with the Waste Management service in 2001. Mr. Manchester moved to recommend the acceptance of Port-A-John’s bid. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2005 Baseball Field Requests Director Anderson reviewed briefly the ball field requests for 2005. He noted that there were not any Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 6 conflicts or problems with the requests. He did advise the Board members that the requests for usage of the Muskego High School fields would have to be requested from and approved by the school district. He will be sending in those requests tomorrow. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the diamond request for the 2005 season. Mrs. Koble seconded. Director Anderson stated that there were more teams this year. MAA has a senior hardball team. Ald. Melcher asked if the Board had approved the field usage for the tournament? Director Anderson responded conceptually and now with the diamond requests being received, there were no conflicts with the tournament request for fields. The high school fields, though, would need to be approved by the school district. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Snow Removal on Trails/Snow Thrower for Skidster Board members were provided with the snow removal priority list. Director Anderson explained that the biggest impact has been the newly established trail along Janesville Road. Trying to keep the snow removed, the crew sheared several pins on the equipment. He shared that the crew had borrowed a snow thrower from Hales Corners to clear the snow. It worked just fine about a mile an hour. He was recommending the snow thrower for the Skidster be purchased out of the operating budget. The Department of Public Works has also a use for it and offered to pay for half. He forecasted that within the seven years, the department will have double the amount of trails to clear. With this in mind and if the Council wants the trails cleared, then there will be a need for additional equipment or additional staff. He stated there were three options before the Board: (1) discontinue removing snow from the paths altogether and just sign them accordingly; (2) continue as presently being done, purchase the snow thrower, and put something in the five-year capital budget plan so it gets reviewed; (3) prioritize the paths that are currently done and do some of them and not do some of them and sign accordingly. Director Anderson stated that if there was going to be a continuation of removing snow, then have several pieces of equipment put into the capital budget. One piece was priced at about $90,000 with the snow removal portion with a salter in the back. There’s a piece, the Trackless, presently at the DPW on display if the Board members wanted to look at it. It would be there until Thursday. That piece is around $80,000 with the snow thrower and salter. With attachments, the equipment could be used year-round. Mr. Manchester moved to recommend to leave the priority levels as they are with the addition of the Janesville trail from Moorland Road to the Piggly Wiggly store under priority #12 and recommend the purchase of the snow thrower for the Bobcat to be absorbed within the 2005 operating budget with the DPW being responsible for one-half the cost. Mrs. Koble seconded. Director Anderson commented that at capital budget time, the Board could expect to see additional equipment being requested to facilitate the snow removal on the recreation trails. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Bye Bye Birdies Agreement Board members reviewed the proposal from Bye Bye Birdies for the monthly migrate/fog force treatments to be applied April through September (six treatments) to expel geese from Idle Isle Park, includes labor, equipment, permit and materials for $6,000. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the agreement with Bye Bye Birdies. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2005 Park Paving Projects Over the course of the year, the Board has given approval for several paving projects to be done. Director Anderson provided the Board with 2005 Park Paving Projects list and reviewed with the Board. The projects, not including Schmidt Park, total cost estimated at $219,875. He pointed out that the Janesville Road bridge area was something that the Engineering Department would have to look at and if at all possible, he was asking the Board to take action to have them look into it. Most of these costs are within Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 14, 2005, page 7 the park dedication account. Mrs. Koble moved to have the Engineering Department look into the feasibility of extending the trail from the Janesville Road bridge area which would include WDNR permits and planning. Ald. Melcher seconded. Director Anderson explained that they would put footings in and a small little bridge to go over the box culvert and have the trail across the top of it. Nothing would be done to the bottom of the creek bed. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None. Next Meeting—March 14, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW— ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Manchester moved for adjournment at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,