Park & Rec Board- MINUTES - 1/10/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO January 10, 2005 Approved, as revised, 2/14/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, January 6, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerald Hubert, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple, and Director Craig Anderson. Absent: Mrs. Kelly Koble (excused) GUESTS: Dave Birkle, Shelly Wohler, Suzi Link, Don Conner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 13, 2004 Mr. Manchester moved, Mr. Schneider seconded, to approve the minutes of the December 13 meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Idle Isle Building Dave Birkle and Shelly Wohler of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. were present to petition and to answer any questions the Board members would have on the plans for the Idle Isle building. At the last meeting, the Board questioned the height of the building. Director Anderson stated the height would be 23’ at the apex with a 9’ height at the lowest part of the roofline and the walls are 9’ in height. He had met with Dave Birkle, Shelly Wohler, Interim Plan Director Jeff Muenkel and Building Director Sean McMullen regarding materials and other items. In essence, the pavilion would look like the Veterans Memorial Park and Manchester Hill Park shelters. Interim Plan Director Muenkel did not think there would be any problems at the Plan Commission level. The maximum height of the building could be 30’ on the point. Mr. Hulbert was concerned about the height and that they should have a public hearing. Director Anderson asked if the Board wanted to move forward with a long-term agreement with the ski team for the building? He had spoken with Mayor Slocomb regarding public bidding for the project. The Mayor’s recommendation and what he would support is that the city would purchase all the supplies and the ski team would build the building. It’s a savings to the city of about $100,000 as the original estimate under park dedication was $223,300 which included razing the old building, shutting off the sewer and water, rehooking up, etc. The interior of the building’s lower level would be a large portion for the garage, kitchen and concession area, the park office, a covered court facing the lake, the restrooms, and a small bath. The upper level would be the public address system area and storage in the eaves of the roofline. Mr. Schneider questioned if the Board could legally rent public property to the private entity? He did say the Board did something similar Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 10, 2005, page 2 with Veterans Memorial Park but that was about nine groups involved with the construction, a much broader spectrum of people. Director Anderson said the Muskego Lion’s Club made the donation and did thth the effort on building the structure in lieu of their 50 or 100 anniversary celebration. Mr. Hulbert pointed out that if the city enters into this project with the ski team, what protection would the ski team have in the future should the council change and because of discretions they no longer let the ski team use Idle Isle as their takeoff point, what recourse would the ski team have in that case, as politics change? Director Anderson viewed the issues as two different agreements; one for the use of the building like the one the department currently has with them; the other for the usage of the park for the lake. If the Board wanted to tie both agreements together, then there would be some validity to Mr. Hulbert’s point. The ski team is looking for an agreement, an arrangement, with the Board for a longer term to use the building in return for their donation of services in building the facility. Mr. Birkle said they would be looking for a lease in return for building it. Director Anderson felt they would be looking at a first-priority usage of the areas as they have in the lease agreement for the current building. Mr. Hulbert asked for what length of time in the agreement? Mr. Hetzel questioned who would responsible for maintenance of the building? Director Anderson stated it would be just like any other shelter, the department would be responsible for the outside, the public restrooms, the park office, and the ski team would be responsible for the bath, the garage area, the kitchen as part of the agreement. Ald. Melcher asked about others wanting to use the kitchen facilities? Director Anderson thought this could be worked out as long as it didn’t coincide with ski team’s usage. Ms. Wohler said it depends on the time of the year. The large amount of concessions, food, beverages, supplies and appliances that they keep in the area they would not want people to have free access. Mr. Schneider asked about the kitchen equipment in the current building. Ms. Wohler said there isn’t any equipment or sinks, just refrigerators and freezers which would stay or they would look for new ones to be donated. Mr. Schneider voiced again his concern about turning it over to a private group. Director Anderson stated they already do it with the existing building. Mr. Schneider acknowledged that the ski team would be putting a great deal of investment in the building. Director Anderson indicated that is why they are looking at a longer-term lease for the building. Ms. Wohler stated the ski team did not want to put $100,000 worth of labor into the building and then in two years, they are asked to leave. They are looking to enter into a 25-year lease agreement with minimum show and practice days with the days to be reviewed and set as they have been in the past. Mr. Schneider expressed his concern about having such a long-term lease. He was also concerned about the people affected by the ski club. He was talking about the show dates. Director Anderson stated the show dates would be on a year-to-year agreement. Mr. Manchester did not think the Common Council would go with a 25-year agreement. Mr. Hulbert recognized that unless they are given a minimum number of dates, they are not going with the building agreement. Director Anderson said they would be separate agreements so that there is control of what happens in the park. Mr. Hulbert thought 25 years was too long, but it has to be some length of time and you will have to tie in the minimum number of show dates per year for the period and with some mechanism of enforcement. He continued, that using a baseline of dates, for infractions, you would have to take dates away from the baseline. There has to be something that would want the ski club to be in compliance with the agreement. Ald. Melcher stated the consideration is that at the present time, they are paying $1 a year to the city for the use of the building and the area. If the Board okays this project, they will be paying $4,000 a year to the city for use of the building for the next 25 years. They are giving the city a lot more than the $1 a year. The second thing that might come into account is whether they can occupy public land? A revocable, occupancy permit would be in order for use of a structure on park property and be put into the agreement. Ms. Wohler would like to get some direction from the Board. If they move forward, they will have to line up the people to work on the project. They would like to see the razing of the building after their use this summer. Then, they need to decide how much of the actual building they want to do in the fall. The sooner they can get started, it would be better for everyone. Mr. Hulbert again was concerned about a 25-year lease, but could see a 10-year lease with a renewable clause. At the end of the 10 years, put a value on what it is worth. He felt a refund would be in order if a newer council did not want to Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 10, 2005, page 3 continue leasing the building to the ski team. He would like an agreement that would be fair to everyone. Also, a mechanism in the agreement that if they are in violation, they would be cut back in show dates. Director Anderson asked if they could go with the mechanism that is in place right now with the police department, which is a non-biased unit. Board President Whipple said they could make a motion in general terms of what the Board would accept. Mr. Hulbert moved that the Board approve the agreement in concept that it would be worked out with the minimum of show dates and practice dates with the lease on the building renewable after a ten- year period. In case of non-renewal, pay back to be established by the Finance Committee. Also, include a mechanism based on police reports for enforcement with possible reduction of some show dates. This general recommendation to go on to the Committee of the Whole for discussion purposes and then on to Finance Committee. Mr. Manchester seconded. Mr. Manchester stated that in the fine-tuning of the agreement, the Board would also have to discuss the maintenance of the building. Mr. Schneider asked about the minimum show dates that they would want? Ms. Wohler said the issue with the residents wasn’t so much the show dates as the practice dates. They would like to keep the show dates close to where they are. Last year, there was an extra show date. Typically if July 3 falls between a Monday and a Friday, usually only do one show that week. Mr. Manchester didn’t see a problem with the extra show date. He, too, thought that the people were complaining about the number of practice dates which gradually were increasing. These needed to be toned down a bit, not every night practicing. Ald. Melcher recommended a public hearing be held during the Little Muskego Lake District’s meeting. Mr. Schneider said not everyone that uses the park is a member of the district. Board President Whipple said the public hearing be for anyone in the community. Mr. Hulbert said the building may need a conditional use and therefore, the public hearing could be handled in that way. Mr. Manchester called for the question. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried with one opposed (Mr. Schneider). LMLD Weed Tipping Lease Suzi Link and Don Conner of the Little Muskego Lake District were present to discuss issues relative to leasing the two acres of Park Arthur for their weed-tipping project. Director Anderson pointed out the two acres set aside for weed tipping on the map. He has had discussion with Suzi Link on what the Board would want as requirements. Ms. Link stated the lease dollar amount of $55 per acre per year was fine. They needed to know how long a term and what type of improvements the Board wanted done to the property. Mr. Schneider thought a couple of years to try it out as there is a subdivision going on in the area. Those people may have a problem with it. Ms. Link was hoping for a 50-year lease. Based on two years, what improvements would the Board want them to make? They are aware that they have to put in a gravel roadway to get the trucks to the tipping site. Mr. Hulbert was concerned about the subdivision going in and the park not being developed yet. Once the park is developed, then it may not be feasible to have the tipping in the area. They will have to berm it for the runoff. He thought putting in a gravel drive and the rate of $55 per acre per year and for three years to start. He asked how long it would be before the park is developed? Director Anderson estimated within the next four years. Mr. Schneider moved to approve a two-year lease for the two acres at $55 per acre per year and to put in a gravel drive off the paved entrance at district expense. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Director Anderson said the entrance to the area will be paved. The gravel drive would be off this entrance leading to their tipping area. Ms. Link and Mr. Conner shared with the Board members the characteristics of the weeds. If left undisturbed, there is no odor. Mr. Conner said they would like to know if there is other land available so they could rotate the weeds? Director Anderson said that would be closer to Martin Drive and closer to the subdivision. Mr. Hulbert stated that during the two-year period, the Board members would have an opportunity to observe the operation and base their decision on what they have observed. Further, after two years, the material may be able to be used for berms. Director Anderson suggested they take measures to prevent others from dumping in the area. Mr. Connor and Ms. Link mentioned fencing the area possibly with snow fencing. Director Anderson stated there may be chain link fencing available from the Denoon Park tennis Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 10, 2005, page 4 courts. They would want to block off the road with a sign indicating it is Little Muskego Lake District’s. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Muskego Warriors Baseball Letter Copies of the thank you letter from Muskego Warriors Baseball were provided to Board members. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher shared that there was a lot of discussion on the drainage issue that the city shares with New Berlin. City of Muskego approved it, but New Berlin did not. New Berlin wants to wait until the subdivision goes in and have them pay for it. They also discussed changes in ordinances for land. Boathouses were also discussed. These are under study by the WDNR at the present time to come up with a recommendation for all body of waters. In the meantime, it is up to Director McMullen to approve occupancy in terms of the boathouse. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider reported that the commission discussed the erosion control project on Holz Island. He announced that there is another subdivision on Boxhorn and Highway 00. The Conservation Commission is recommending acquisition of the out lot. He thought it was a very nice piece of property. The developer would like to donate the land to the city. This 6.5-acre out lot is adjacent to land already owned by WDNR. In the Valley View Estates, he mentioned with the steep slopes, they did not want the people cutting down the trees. The homeowners would have to manage the out lot in the subdivision. They discussed development of the Ewald-Engle property and what they might want to do with it in the future. Equestrian trails, hunting classes, archery range, and cross-country skiing were suggested by commission members. Leases were approved for some of the conservation lands at $55 per acre. Mr. Hulbert questioned if any discussion on the mitigation of the lands on the Ewald-Engle property had taken place? Mr. Schneider had no update as this was in Director McMullen’s hands. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson advised the Board on the status of the following projects: Idle Isle Launch Project—They have started bringing in stone right now for the base. As soon as it warms up, they will be removing the old launch. They expect to have it completed by spring. Security Cameras—Staff will be receiving further training on Thursday. Kurth Park’s camera needs to be refocused. At Jensen, the panel front of the recorder was locked so he could not get in to display. It still records. MHS Athletic Fields—Scott Kugi and Director Anderson met with Prairie Tree. The infields are going to be totally redone, in essence starting over. While it’s in the grading stage and before the sod is down, he and Scott will check it. They said the fields would be ready by May 15. Old Town Hall—Listing on the State Historical Registry was declined. It was declined because the building had been moved, the additional structure for the bathroom on the side of the building. The city will have a third party inspector going through the building at a cost of about $57/hour. He will make a list on what Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 10, 2005, page 5 needs to be done under the old commercial code. Director Anderson and others will then meet with the Department of Public Works to see what they can and cannot do. Then, look at the estimates to see if it needs to go out for public bid or if contractors can be brought in. Skate Park—Director Anderson met with InPro about possible support for the skate park. They were very impressed and he felt they would give some level of support. He will know more later on in the month. He should be able to bring an update from InPro and the Teen Advisory Board at the February meeting. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Program Registration Program registration is going very well. The youth basketball program had 205 children enrolled at the deadline. There are 17 on the waiting list. This program could continue to grow providing the department had gym space available. Muskego Woman’s Club Donation The Muskego Woman’s Club made a donation of money for a Dyson vacuum cleaner to be used by staff for Horn and Jensen Parks. It was very well appreciated. Mr. Hulbert inquired if the department charged a service fee for use of credit cards. Director Anderson stated the overall fee is built into all the recreation program fees. Parks Cleaning Parks Headquarters Building The Parks Supervisor Peter Theis is very pleased with the staff person cleaning the building. They can see the difference, smell the difference, and feel the difference. It saves the department $2,000 by having the cleaning done by a staff person. Once the Old Town Hall is ready for rentals, the staff person will also be doing that building. Mr. Hulbert inquired about the benefits this employee receives. Director Anderson stated that with Horn and Jensen, the employee was under the hour increment, but with the added building, the employee goes over the increment. However, the cost savings is still realized even though now the employee receives partial benefits, the same as the park ranger. NEW BUSINESS: None OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission Valley View Estates Director Anderson reported that according to the Parks and Open Space Plan, which has proposed trails from Lannon Drive to Hardtke Drive on Martin Drive which would include this subdivision on the south side. Mr. Hulbert assumed the developer would put the trail in, but then, the money would come out of the park dedication fee. He continued, that if they did, then that would be the time to install the trail pass Marlan Meadows in that right-of-way. He stated that the path should go in when the subdivision goes in and be rough graded in so the people buying lots know it’s there. Also, the last lots should have easement into the cul de sac, between #16 and #17 and it needs to be paved. Mr. Schneider made the motion to ask the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 10, 2005, page 6 developer to put in a bike path on the south side of Martin Drive and install an easement paved between lots 16 and 17. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Board members discussed whether it would be in lieu of park dedication fees. Not sure of the type of development, the Board differed the decision to the Finance Committee. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The Board members will take a look at Marlan Meadows. Next Meeting—February 14, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW— ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 7:58 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Manchester. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,