Park & Rec Board- MINUTES - 7/11/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO July 11, 2005 Approved 8/8/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, July 7, 2005. Present: Mrs. Kelly Koble, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson Absent: Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mr. Eric Hetzel (excused), Mr. Richard Manchester (excused) GUESTS: Kathy Chiaverotti, Shelly Wohler, Dave Birkle, Kim Gabrhel, Rich Blum APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 13, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2005 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Idle Isle Park Shelter —Rich Blum of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. Mr. Rich Blum reviewed with the Board members the plans for the Idle Isle Park building. He noted that these plans are 90% completed. Plans included the site plan, code information, foundation plan, floor plan, reflected ceiling plan, roof framing plan, elevations, overhead door construction, concession area, storage, restrooms, drinking fountains, and finishings. The building, approximately 3280 square feet, will be in the same location and facing towards the lake. It will be set back 35 feet from the wall as the WDNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) requires 75-foot set back on the water itself. The interior will have restrooms for men and for women, toilet/shower, concession and storage. It is not required to have sprinklers due to the size and the type of use. He did add that if they plan to store paints or fuel, they must be in an explosion-proof cabinet. Mr. Schneider asked if they were going to do any soil testing? Mr. Blum stated they have plans to do two soil borings down to 25 feet due to it being a marsh area. This cost from $1,800-$2,000 would have to be paid by the city. In regard to the concession stands, he said the Water Bugs (Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc.) wanted to increase the size by 1-1/2 times, with a wall giving the capability to shelter rentals to use part of the concession stand, and move the storage behind the area. Director Anderson mentioned wanting the drinking fountains recessed into the wall in a separate alcove. Mr. Blum said they have to follow ADA requirements being accessible to the handicapped. In regard to vandalism, Mr. Blum assured the Board members that the building will be constructed to be vandal resistant. They will be installing conduit for the installation of the security cameras. There will be security lights around the perimeter and set to go on from dusk to dawn. When he mentioned that the building Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 11, 2005, page 2 would not be insulated because it will be winterized, Mr. Schneider felt there may be a need in the future to use the building during the winter. Ald. Melcher questioned toilet facilities for those ice fishing at the park? Director Anderson said that a portable toilet would still be provided for them. The preliminary cost estimate totaled $359,900. Director Anderson stated that with the Water Bugs bidding on doing some of the project, it could reduce the cost. The city will take care of the utilities and razing of the building. Mr. Blum said they should be done with the construction documents by the end of this month, get the appropriate approvals from Plan Commission and Common Council and put it out two weeks before Labor Day and by Labor Day, the bids should be received. They will make the changes requested by the Water Bugs and update the drawings and get copies to everyone. Ald Melcher moved to approve these preliminary drawings as such with the flexibility of moving the storage area and increasing the concession area. Mrs. Koble seconded. Mr. Schneider would like an estimate of insulating the walls. In the future, they may want to use the shelter in the winter. Mr. Blum said they could do this as an alternate bid. Mr. Birkle of the Water Bugs recommended that they also consider making provision for a future modine heater. Ald. Melcher amended the motion to include requesting an alternate bid for insulation and alternate bid for stubbing for a modine heater. Mrs. Koble seconded the amendment. Upon a voice vote, the amended motion carried, with the main motion being carried unanimously. Treasure of the Holidays—Kathy Chiaverotti & Kim Gabrhel Plans for the Treasure of the Holiday event were presented to the Board members. The committee is requesting that the Board waive the fees. President Whipple inquired if the current building problem would affect the event. Director Anderson stated that once they receive occupancy about September 1, they would be inside the building, being able to use the bathrooms, the electricity and the kitchen area. The electricity cost for the event in the past has been between $150-$200 for the month. The parking area should also be done by the time of the event. The activities would include a bonfire. They will have shuttle bus service available. On the list of events, the horse and carriage ride from Horn Park and recreation trail to the Old Settlement Centre may be eliminated if they cannot work out a route with a safe way to turn around. Mrs. Koble moved to approve the request for the Treasure of the Holidays event for use of the facilities, with all fees waived including the cost of the electricity and the bonfire, which will be supervised by the fire department. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Bluhm North Bathrooms Director Anderson advised that the department closed the north bathrooms at Bluhm Park due to a reoccurring act of an individual making the facility inhabitable. The department had to use a power washer to clean the facility. Leagues have been notified to obtain a key if they want to use the facility. Denoon Tree Someone broke branches off a tree at Denoon Park. The department took down the 10’ basswood tree. Also, someone had topped two pine trees at Manchester Hill Park last year before Christmas. The parks supervisor has asked for more police presence in the parks. Veterans Memorial Park Rental A party has rented the Veterans Memorial Park shelter for August 6 and are requesting permission to use a 10’x10’ bouncy castle at the park. Director Anderson believed they would be needing electricity and it would be hard to differentiate the usage between the department’s programs and this rental. He felt they should be charged a reasonable fee for the cost of the electricity. Since this was a private party, the Board members agreed that some fee should be charged for electrical usage. It was recommended to call the rental party and ask them to contact their vendor to see how much electricity the castle would use. Mr. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 11, 2005, page 3 Schneider moved to approve this request with the Director setting a reasonable fee for the use of the electricity. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Idle Isle Incident Reports Director Anderson shared that the Idle Isle staff had numerous problems with people parking on the grass at Idle Isle the past weekend. Most of it had to do with the party that was there on July 9. The Board had not given permission to park on the grass and the party was advised by letter. Staff had advised them no parking on the grass which was ignored. Even when the parking lot at Park Arthur is available, he could still see a demand at Idle Isle Park for parking. With the populace this park experiences on the weekends, parties at the park may have to be limited to Monday through Friday. The Board may want to consider how they are going to rent out the new shelter. Ald. Melcher asked if there was signage relative to no parking on the grass, as with signage, the police could issue citations? Director Anderson said there are signs in the park. If it wasn’t for the party, there would have been no parking in the grass. A preventive measure that the department can take is rocking the area so you cannot get on to the grass area. Next year, the department will be requesting that the Water Bugs provide an attendant on Tuesday nights also due to their usage and the fishing tournament at that same time. Manchester Hill Park Director Anderson reported that someone has been putting sticks in the drinking fountain at Manchester Hill Park and a lot of occurrences. The staff will fix when time allows. The department has requested more police presence with this added vandalism occurring. Ald. Melcher asked if there has been an increase in vandalism at the parks? Director Anderson responded that the cameras has helped cut down on vandalism. He thought there was less than normal in the parks. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 2006 Operating, Capital and Park Dedication Budgets Director Anderson presented the request from Bay Lane Middle School for money for the replacement of the lower gym floor. They are asking for $10,000 plus a 1/3 commitment each year to help maintain and service the floor. They would be replacing the tile floor with a wood floor. They said the replacement is necessary due to safety issues and upkeep of a 36-year-old floor. Director Anderson stated this would have to be capital or operating budget item as he did not believe that park dedication money could be used as it is a school district facility. Board members discussed the request. They could not see being responsible for 1/3 of the annual maintenance. Director Anderson will be including the $10,000 amount in the operating budget in September. Ald. Melcher expressed his interest in knowing what the amount in the school district’s surplus account. Director Anderson will inform the school that the Board discussed it, they were not against with the idea, but there was not overwhelming support and will have more discussion at the next meeting. Muskego Kickers Fall/Spring Schedule The department never received the Muskego Kickers spring schedule. President Whipple will provide the department with the fall schedule. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Alderman Melcher reported that Council approved Lions Club pavilion agreement, a final plan for the Crystal Lake subdivision, authorization of construction of a convenience store in the Redevelopment District #2, approval of agreement with the Lakewood homeowners to incorporate their water system in the municipal system. The Lakewood agreement being similar to the one for the Veterans Memorial Park building and the upcoming Idle Isle building. The CGI contract was approved by Finance Committee with Ald Melcher casting the dissenting vote. It will be discussed at Council Tuesday night. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 11, 2005, page 4 CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider informed the Board that the Conservation Commission had met and discussed establishment of archery range at the Ewald-Engel property, the conservation land at the Ridges, the erosion control at Holz Island, the preliminary plat for the Woodland Creek Addition #1, and reviewed the urban forestry management plan. He shared that they discussed uses for the Ewald-Engle property. They are being very restrictive in what is allowed basing their decision on discussion Mr. Zagar had with the Wehr Nature Center. One item the Board took issue with was no horses and cycling. Initially, this is one use the Board had discussed for the area. Mrs. Koble expressed her thought that the public should be able to enjoy city property. Unlike the Wehr Nature Center, this is a rural area and this is a big draw for living in the Muskego area. Director Anderson questioned if there was something in the grant relative to passive uses and trails? Mr. Schneider will look into it. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Kurth Park –In the southern section, the staff flail mowed the grass. In the fall, the project should be done. Park Arthur—Parking lot is part of the road program and should be done by the end of the year. The grading of the park is part of the arrangement with the Moorland Road project allowing them to dump the fill so it’s at no cost to the department. Muskego Recreation Trails— The department is working on mapping out trails in the southern part of Muskego through areas that right now are farms. This should be available for review within the next few months. Muskego High School Fields—The department has received requests for use of the high school fields. Honoring these requests has to be worked out with the school district. Old Town Hall—On the State review, the department should be hearing any day now. They have had the foundation information for about 5 days and they normally take 5 days to review. Skate Park—Bid opening is on Thursday of this week. Goose Control—The numbers stay right around 17-26 geese. It seems to be better than last year. Another treatment is due in July. Idle Isle Water Quality—This has been fine with less than 50 ppm each time. Some success may be due to lack of rain. Ald. Melcher asked if the goose poopbuster could go in the sand as sand is reported to be the greatest spreader of bacteria into the water. Director Anderson stated that the parks crew uses a fence section to go through the sand. Water Bugs Ski Team Inc. Compliance Check—Director Anderson shared that during the month of June, the City of Muskego Police Department performed two unannounced compliance checks. These checks were done on Wednesday, June 15, and Wednesday, June 22. On both occasions, the Water Bugs were found to be in compliance with no problems observed. Also, during the month of June, the City of Muskego Police Department received seven separate complaints regarding the Water Bugs ski team from two complainants. The complaints were on music being too loud, operating after 8:30 p.m. Slow-No-Wake and inside the buoys placed by the city. Copies of these complaints and police report are available at the Parks and Recreation Department. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 11, 2005, page 5 DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Fall Program Guide Staff is working now on the fall program guide. It’s scheduled to go in the mail on August 9. Budget The capital budget is just about done. The department will be requesting three pieces of equipment—a mower, a ¼-ton pickup and replacement for a Kubota base field implement. Managing Summer Programs There has been growth in a lot of programs. The strength and conditioning program has increased greatly in numbers. The all-sports camp was a success and will consider offering it again next year. Parks Baseball Tournament Update Baseball tournament was full with a number of teams. They used a number of the fields. Due to it being wet that weekend, they used up all the diamond dry. They will more than likely request permissions for fields for next year. Recreation Trail Map Director Anderson shared that he is working with Planning Department staff looking at individual section maps of southern Muskego to see who owned the land and to determine if easements would be needed or the right-of-way could be used for trails. A full trail map should be available in a few months. Budgets Parks is working on operating, capital and park dedication budgets to present at the September meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Woodland Creek Estates Board members reviewed again their request for a paved trail through the Woodland Creek Estates to access the Ewald-Engel conservation property. Director Anderson informed that they could realize about $144,000 in park dedication fees for this subdivision. The Board members would have to decide if they are going to pay for a trail estimated at $35,000 for the public to go through the subdivision to get to conservation land. People could still get to the conservation land by using the road. How much use and who would use the trail was discussed in detail. It was speculated that only the residents of the subdivision would impact the trail the most considering the adjacent properties. Mr. Schneider moved to not put in the trail and explore putting a trail along Henneberry Drive instead assuming Racine Avenue has one. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. In conjunction with the Woodland Creek Estates, the developer is trying to tie two different developments together. The proposal is to donate the 49+ out lot acres in the Big Muskego Lakes Estate area in lieu of park dedication fees for the other subdivision. Director Anderson said there was an access to Big Muskego Lake, however, there is a lot of wetlands and also a detention pond. This brings it down to 25 acres and of that possibly 15 acres for building. The developer is asking if this would be a nice area for a park? The area is already earmarked for conservation land so they would have to go to the Conservation Commission. The Board members were not interested in accepting the property for a park. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 11, 2005, page 6 Fencing, Mill Valley Director Anderson reviewed the estimate for replacement of the fencing at the backstop and the side fencing at Mill Valley. M.A.A. (Muskego Athletic Association) had originally brought the idea up and offered $3,500 for the project. The estimate is for $30,000 to do the fencing. The fencing is very old. Mrs. Koble asked what hours is the ball field used? Director Anderson responded just for the summer games. Mrs. Koble did not think it was a safety concern as she has been up there for games. Director Anderson said it’s not a safety issue, just not aesthetically pleasing. The Board members will visit the site before next month’s meeting and look at the fencing. Fencing, Bluhm—Director Anderson informed the Board members that the side line net at Bluhm IV is part of the utility project that the city is doing. They are taking out the turf along the Bluhm Court drive along the third base line. They will be putting rock down and eventually paving it so there would be extra parking in the area. He mentioned that there was set aside $6,000 in park dedication for the parking lot. By incorporating the parking lot into the utilities project, all the department would have to pay for is the net. This would give nets on both sides and increased parking. Ald. Melcher moved to approve the expenditure for fencing. Mr. Schneider seconded. Mrs. Koble mentioned that when she was at the park for ball games, there were people parking on the grass. They would go off the pavement and park on the grass. Can something be done to prevent them going and parking on the grass? Director Anderson said they have put in bumpers to keep them from going off the pavement. He will look at resolution of this problem next year. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission--None Next Meeting—August 8, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Director Anderson shared, with pictures, that on July 4, the police rescued a turtle from the toilet at Kurth Park. The police had responded to a call from children abusing the turtle. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Schneider moved for adjournment at 8:58 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,