Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 6/13/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO June 13, 2005 Approved 7/11/05 Audio Recording Available Vice-President Howard Schneider called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, June 9, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider and Director Craig Anderson Absent: Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mr. Toby Whipple (excused) GUESTS: Muskego Sun Reporter, Dan Kappel ELECTION OF OFFICERS Plan Commission Mr. Manchester moved to nominate Mr. Hulbert for Plan Commission contingent upon his acceptance of the appointment. Ald. Melcher seconded. No other nominations. Upon a voice vote, motion for the nomination carried unanimously. President Director Anderson advised that Mr. Whipple would accept being nominated for President. Mr. Manchester moved to nominate Mr. Whipple as President. Ald. Melcher seconded. No other nominations. Upon a voice vote, the motion for the nomination carried unanimously. Vice-President Mr. Manchester moved to nominate Mr. Schneider as Vice-President. Mr. Hetzel seconded. No other nominations. Mr. Schneider accepted the nomination. Upon a voice vote, the motion for the nomination carried unanimously. Secretary Mr. Schneider moved to nominate Mrs. Koble as Secretary. Ald. Melcher seconded. No other nominations. Mrs. Koble accepted the nomination. Upon a voice vote, the motion for the nomination carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 9, 2005 Board Meeting On page 1 under Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., Vice President Schneider would like it clarified that the parking on the grass would be on Wednesdays during their shows. Ald. Melcher moved to approve the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 2 minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Hetzel. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the May 9, 2005 minutes as amended carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Athletic Field Area for Football —Dan Kappel Mr. Kappel, representing the Muskego/Wind Lake Youth Football League, requested use of Jensen Park for a practice site during the week. He reported that they had registration last Wednesday. Director Anderson reported receiving a listing that showed 44 of the 80 participants are from Muskego. He further mentioned that the Muskego were registered as non-residents and no complaints were received on this issue relative to the fees. Director Anderson said that the outfield at Jensen Park would be conducive to this type of activity as it is pretty quiet during the fall for outdoor activities. Vice President Schneider inquired about the possibility of injuries for the younger age group. Mr. Kappel indicated that the contact is very minor and the injuries have usually been ankle sprains or twisted knee, no spinal cord injuries. Mr. Manchester still maintained that if there is a strike, the injury doesn’t show up until much later and he was against the program. Director Anderson said they would have to provide a practice schedule and be responsible for any turf damage or other damage directly caused by their usage. Mr. Kappel said they have insurance and are willing to repair any damage contributed to their usage. Ald. Melcher asked if their insurance would cover the city. Mr. Kappel said it’s a national insurance. Vice President Schneider said they would be willing to provide the field if they provided the insurance. Mr. Manchester asked if they were asking for a playing field? Director Anderson said they were asking for a practice field. Ald. Melcher inquired where the home game would be played? Mr. Kappel stated they have secured Meyer Park in Wind Lake to play their home game. Mr. Manchester’s motion to deny the request did not receive a second. Mrs. Koble moved to approve the usage of Jensen Park field for the Muskego Wind Lake Youth Foot ball League for practice with the provision that the department receive copy of their practice schedule and the city listed as an additional insured on their insurance policy and the league responsible for any turf restoration or other damage contributed to their usage. Mr. Hetzel seconded. Director Anderson inquired how many days a week they would be using the field? Mr. Kappel said each team practices three days a week and it will be up to the head coach to determine the days of the week. There are six total teams and three sites for practice. Mr. Hetzel suggested they move around within the area for practice to prevent turf damage. Vice President Schneider would like the Board to receive a report on the practice at the end of the year. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 3-1,with Mr. Manchester opposed. Lions Club Pavilion Agreement Director Anderson included in the Board packet some of the changes. He had received more information on the insurance. Because they are really a tenant on the property, the insurance they should be required to have is renter’s insurance to make sure their contents are insured. This is under Section 5 of the agreement. They would be required also to furnish a certificate of insurance to the city annually. The other issue recommended by Mr. Hulbert was charging the Festival Committee a portion for maintenance of the building. Director Anderson put in the agreement that if they are going to make any improvements to the shelter, they would have to come before the Board and they would have to pay 100% for the improvements. He felt that the maintenance of the building should be done by the city as the property belongs to the city. Mrs. Koble commented that it’s the city’s building and the city is using it the majority of the time. This particular building the club should not be responsible for maintenance. It’s up to the department to keep the building maintained. Mr. Manchester did wonder how many organizations would be buying a building and donating it to the city and expecting the city to maintain it. He referred to the Lions Park building that was donated. Ald. Melcher added that Champions Village donated their water facility to the city and now the city is expected to maintain it and absorb that responsibility. Director Anderson could foresee an entity wanting a storage facility at Denoon Park and they may foot 100% of the cost. Board Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 3 members agreed that they should take care of the maintenance of the building. Director Anderson mentioned that the Muskego Lions Club if approached, they would probably come forward with funds for maintenance in the future. The other issue discussed was the duration of the contract. Ald. Melcher was in favor of recommending a ten-year contract, rather than a five-year contract. Vice President Schneider was okay with a ten-year contract. Mrs. Koble moved to approve a 10-year agreement with the Festival Committee as presented and if capital expenditures do arise that it does not prevent the Parks and Recreation Board from making a verbal request for donation of funds to offset the cost. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Durham Boat Launch Vandalism Director Anderson reported that the police department observed the pay box was broken into; the perpretrators tampered with the lock. Fortunately, the park ranger had emptied the box before the break-in occurred. July 9 Birthday Party at Idle Isle On July 9 from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. a party is requesting to set up a 30’x40’ tent for a birthday celebration at Idle Isle Park. They will be using electricity. They have been advised that it could be crowded and the usage of the park is on a first-come, first-serve basis and they will be paying for parking. They have not requested permission to use speakers, but Board members felt it would be prudent to indicate any speaker usage must have the sound directed towards the lake. Ald. Melcher moved to approve the 30’x40’ tent and that any sound from speakers be directed towards the beach. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Idle Isle Building Vandalism Director Anderson reported there was a break-in at the Idle Isle building with one of the Water Bugs’ speakers being stolen. The police were notified. The parks crew boarded up the window. In view of the building soon to be razed, the department is not investing in improvements. Notice of Violation Director Anderson shared that the city engineer had received a notice of violation from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regarding Park Arthur. A hearing is scheduled for June 20 to be attended by Director McMullen and Attorney Riffle. City engineer had indicated that grading will be done and silt fencing installed soon. Vice President Schneider commented that what the city asks of developers should be complied with also by the city. Director Anderson stated the Board has been diligent in asking for updates from the city engineer. Letter to Property Owner along Martin Drive by Park Arthur A letter was sent to the property owner with a detailed map showing where the parking lot was going. The only response was last Friday when they called to ask if they could use Park Arthur’s grassy area to park their guest’s cars. At that time, they indicated to the department’s secretary that they might be selling the property. They have not called objecting to the parking lot. Director Anderson will keep the Board members advised on both issues. Vice President Schneider inquired if the same grassy area could be used for overflow parking for ski shows? Director Anderson will consult with the city engineer on this usage. Manchester Hill Park Caution An email had been sent to the police department advising that there has been more activity around Manchester Hill Park. It was also a request for additional patrol. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 4 Water Bugs (Water Bug Ski Team, Inc.) emails Board members were provided with copies of emails received from the Water Bugs. They consisted of notice of repair of a broken gate, approval of change of practice date in May to free up the park for residents on Memorial Day, turning of ramp 180 degrees, etc. Vice President Schneider commented that the neighbors like the turning of the ramp better. Director Anderson recommended that this be added to the 2006 agreement for the ski jump. Director Anderson shared that the ski team is getting use to the 100’ buoys. Muskego Lions Club Lobster Boil—Waiver of Fees Gary Stewart was requesting a waiver of fees for their lobster/steak event on Saturday, September 17, 2005. The event will include an entertainment tent, beverage sales and a band. It is the same as requested last year. Ald. Melcher moved to approve waiver of the fees for the Muskego Lions Club lobster boil on September 17. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Program Registration Revenue/Expense Graph Director Anderson explained the revenue/expense graph. The department is starting to graph during certain periods of the year the revenue and expense. The department is about $8,100 better than last year for the recreation portion of the department. Town Hall Bid On June 2, 2005, the city conducted the bid opening for the project. Board members were provided with a financial timeline for the project and Director Anderson reviewed it with them. The majority of the work, about 95%, is work from two to three years ago on the project that has to be redone. He pointed out the alternate bids for exterior painting in the amount of $19,900 and entryway carpeting in the amount of $3,000. He shared that the Mayor’s office is trying to work on getting local entities to contribute dollars toward the project and if this occurs, the money would be used to recoup park dedication funds. He mentioned additional information requested by the State was on the footings. There is no documentation on when the footings were put in and the calculations on them. Bonestroo, the company doing the architectural work, for these additional scope of services to send to the State is $2,950. This has to be done and sent to the State within 30 days. If it is not sent within the 30 days, then the new code would apply. If they then fall under the new code, this would mean looking at a sprinkler system, etc. If this would be the case, Director Anderson felt it would be better to tear the building down and start over. He noted that the contingency of $10,000 recommended by the city engineer, if not spent, would return to the park dedication fund. With the final inspections of $1,000, the project total comes to $201,530 which makes the project revenue funds short by $56,110. He continued that the revenue program analysis would be increased from 5 years to 8 years, and this was conservative, based on sure programs that would be held in the facility. He said in order to move forward on the project, they need to get the permit from the State. The $3,000 would have to be spent to do the structural analysis. Once the permit is awarded from the State, then the Common Council would award the contract. He stated to date they have spent $34,000 for the work by the Department of Public Works and the Bonestroo work amounts to $10,000 of the $15,000 spent for re- creation of plans for the building. Director Anderson said it is a building that would get tremendous use and the funding would get paid back over time. It would be similar to the recent Pepsi agreement whereby the department is realizing revenue over seven years. Ald. Melcher thought the amount for painting was a little high. Director Anderson said there will be pressure washing of the building, then three primers and two coats of paint proposed for the building. Vice-President Schneider did not think the 8 years payback was that bad. Director Anderson recommended that the foundation and the $3,000 be spent to do the work and Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 5 it moves on to the State for them to review it and once that comes back, then the bid would be awarded. If this doesn’t happen and there’s additional work, then the Board would want it to come back and ask for an extension to go through the process to get the money allocated. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the additional $56,110 and require that the structural analysis be done and sent to the State to get the permit before the bid is awarded. Ald. Melcher seconded. Mrs. Koble stated they need to get the project done. Director Anderson advised that other designated projects would not be impacted by using the additional funds, noting that funds allocated for the Paepke property in the amount of $62,000 were not used because of conservation funds being spent for that purchase. Also, funds allocated for the rink at Park Arthur going with recommended asphalt instead of concrete would save $22,500. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Muskego Kickers Schedule for Spring The department is still waiting to receive the soccer schedule. Revised Muskego Recreation Trail Map Board members reviewed the revised trail map. Once approved, it will be sent on to the Common Council and South East Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to update the park and open space plan. Vice President Schneider would like to see the trail put in along Martin Drive as indicated on map. Mr. Manchester commented that the trail along Janesville Road, connecting with College Avenue on the east abruptly ends. Director Anderson informed the Board that this was as designed by the county when they did the road program. Mrs.Koble moved to approve the revised Muskego Recreation Trail map and corresponding text. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Alderman Melcher reported on what transpired on issues at the Committee of the Whole and Common Council meetings. Going before the Common Council from the Finance Committee is a request for approval of $137,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for easement to wetlands for the Ewald- Engle conservation site. There will also be a recommendation to reject the bids on the skateboard park as some items were missing on the bids. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Vice President Schneider had nothing to report. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Idle Isle Launch—Director Anderson reported the project has been completed. Mr. Dahms of the WDNR accompanied Director Anderson to the site last Friday and is now reviewing the submitted paperwork. The project cost was $37,653 and it was under budget. The share of cost for the city was $15,062 and the State share $22,591. They were able to do two launches and come in under budget. Mr. Manchester addressed the power loading of boats as he felt this caused the majority of the problems at the launches. Director Anderson said the power loading would wash out the end of the ramp; however, now with the extended cable concrete in place, it will not wash out. Mr. Manchester moved to go to Rules, Laws and Ordinances committee to pass an ordinance for a sign for no power loading at any of the launches. Ald. Melcher will have the issue discussed at the Committee of the Whole level. Ald. Melcher said if he wanted to modify the motion for Common Council to discuss the issue and recommend that a sign be placed there, he would second it. He seconded it on the basis of bringing it to the Committee of the Whole. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Park Arthur—The schedule was published in the Gleanings. This week Sunnyslope Grading and Mann Brothers will be out. Silt fencing will be installed and grading will start. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 6 Muskego High School Fields—Director Anderson reported there is a water problem on the varsity and junior varsity fields. This is due to the very hard clay in the area. Infield becomes very spongy. It takes a lot of time for the water to work through the clay. They are trying to work with the contractors to correct the problem. Goose Control—On June 7, there were not any geese and the grass will receive its June spraying this week. Idle Isle Water Quality—The first week, there was a count of 15 on May 23 and a count of 25 on June 9. If the count is below 250, it is fine. Mrs. Koble asked the day they do the water testing? Director Anderson said it is either on a Tuesday or Wednesday so the results are available for posting for the weekend. Water Bugs Ski Team Inc. Compliance Check—There will be more checks done by the police department this month. Due to the water level, the ski team did not practice until after May 16 and their first show as June 1. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Summer Programming th The summer programming is going very well. A lot of programs started on the 13. There is 70 children in the new all sports camp and it is going well. Yesterday, the staff brought the all-day playground children into city hall during the storm. Another need to have the town hall facility completed. Fall Programming/Facilities Requests for facilities for the fall programs have been sent to the schools before they dismiss for the summer months. Budget Director Anderson would like to know if the Board has any goals or projects they would like to get done and be included in the budget. He would like the information soon. Letter for Usage of Muskego High School Performing Arts Center A letter was sent to Dr. Drury requesting use of their performing arts center and reducing the fee. The request had gone before the school board and it was discussed. Director Anderson is still waiting for a reply. Parks Current Projects Parks crew involved in mowing and ball field preparation on a daily basis. Idle Isle Bridge Rail Extension Installed Director Anderson reported that the Idle Isle bridge rail extension has been installed. Budget Again, any projects or goals that the Board would like to be included in the budget, please advise Director Anderson by the end of June. Budgets will be completed in early July. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 13, 2005, page 7 NEW BUSINESS: Skateboard Park Bid The bid opening was done. Some firms did not send in their prequalification statement. Some of the bid sheets were filled out wrong. Four companies bid and the majority of them had something wrong with their bid. This project will be rebid. Chances are the new bid opening will be on July 14 and still in time to have the project completed in September. Mrs. Koble asked if next spring, some programs could be held at the park? Director Anderson thought something could be programmed as soon as fall. Mr. Manchester asked if there would be signage or format for usage of the park? Director Anderson said there will be signage and rules and these will be brought before the Board for review. Safety programs and camps will be offered at the park. It is being proposed to have the children using the park, have a waiver form on file. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission Woodland Creek Estates preliminary plat was reviewed. The Board requested previously a trail from Racine Avenue, through the property to access the Ewald-Engle property. They would be looking for an easement to complete the trail. Mrs. Koble moved to recommend that the city acquire an easement across the subdivision properties to the Ewald-Engel property, access off of Racine through the development along Eagle Drive, into Woodland Creek Estates determining some access point into Ewald- Engle. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Next Meeting—July 11, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Manchester moved for adjournment at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,