Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 3/14/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO March 14, 2005 Approved 4/11/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:49 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, March 10, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple, and Director Craig Anderson. GUESTS: Jeff Musialowski, Dave Taube APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 14, 2005 Mr. Manchester moved, Mr.Hulbert seconded, to approve the minutes of the February 14 meeting as amended. Mrs. Koble corrected the minutes on page 3, under Recreation Trail Snow Removal, replace 5 miles with 1 mile. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes, as corrected, carried unanimously. Mr. Schneider who was not present at the February meeting asked for a correction to be made to the January minutes. This will be an agenda item for the April meeting. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Community Festival Committee Mr. Jeff Hoeser and Mr. Jeff Musialowski were present to address the use of Veterans Memorial Park for the 2005 community festival. Director Anderson stated that in the past, the festival committee came before the Board to ask for approval to use the park and to request waiver of fees as well as provide a site plan for the Board’s review. He mentioned that last year to restore the park after the festival, the Department of Public Works put forth quite a bit of time. With that in mind, he cautioned them that the Finance Committee might request the festival committee to pay for the restoration of the grounds after a maximum amount of dollars had been spent by the city. Mr. Musialowski presented the Board members with a site plan. He elaborated that they plan to also use the Old Settlement Centre grounds. They have discussed with the Muskego Historical Society their plans for a circus on the site. The society will also have their people on staff so the historical buildings could be open. For the circus, they would be asking for the use of the pavilion bathrooms from 2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday during the circus performance. They will be hiring a professional janitor service and this service will be dedicated to keeping the facility clean. Director Anderson inquired with the Old Town Hall, would they be just using the bathrooms or also the main floor with the stage? Mr. Musialowski did not have the details, but he did think that the historical society was going to have some type of display or they may sell soda or hotdogs. He continued, that the festival is an official city function and the city’s contribution in the past was the restoration. He asked what the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, March 14, 2005, page 2 Finance Committee was looking for as in the past the festival committee paid for light poles that had been tipped over and other damages. In conversation with the Mayor, some aldermen, Mr. Tom Zagar and the Board, Director Anderson stated that there may be a recommendation from Finance Committee that there be a dollar threshold that the city would go up to. Anything above that would be the responsibility of the festival. He said the festival committee would have to take it to the Finance Committee. The Board would make a recommendation for approval of the usage dates, covering the issues of portable toilets, garbage, etc. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the dates (August 22-30, 2005) for use of the Veterans Memorial Park and at the discretion of the Finance Committee for use of the Old Settlement Centre for the community festival. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Archery Range and Toboggan Run Mr. Dave Taube, representing the Kiwanis Club of Muskego, came before the Board to advise them of two of the club’s major projects. One of the projects was providing an archery range for the citizens. He had discussed this project with Director Anderson and Mr. Tom Zagar. At one time, the location of an archery range was in the Park Arthur plan, but due to objection from a neighbor with a horse livery service, the Board decided against it. He has had conversation with Mr. Zager who recommended that the Ewald-Engle property would be a good site for an archery range. Mr. Schneider, as a member of the Conservation Commisson, will present the Kiwanis’ proposed project to the Conservation Commission on installing an archery range at that site. Mr. Taube had investigated the archery site at New Berlin’s Valley View Park and the target range in Waukesha County’s Minooka Park and shared his observations with the Board. Mr. Taube stated the second project the Kiwanis Club wanted to do was have a toboggan run at Park Arthur on the hill. The research he had done on this project was to visit the toboggan run at Lowell Park in Waukesha and the toboggan run at Whitnall Park in Hales Corners. He shared his observations with the Board members and also provided pictures of both facilities. Knowing that the final grading plans will soon be done for Park Arthur, he wanted to let the Board know of the Kiwanis’ desire to fund a toboggan run at the park and for the Board to give consideration in the grading plan for a potential toboggan run at the park. He estimated both projects would be in the neighborhood of $25,000-$30,000. At this moment in time, the Kiwanis Club does not have that amount of dollars. Mr. Hulbert asked what their time frame would be for raising the money? Mr. Taube projected 3-4 years. Mr. Hulbert moved that the Board continue to explore the possibilities of a sledding hill enhancement of a sledding/toboggan run with the local Kiwanis Club. Mr. Schneider seconded. Mrs. Koble asked if the archery range was going to be included with the motion? Mr. Hulbert indicated no and Board President Whipple said it would probably go with Conservation Commission. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Taube will be in contact with Mr. Zagar on the archery range and when the next Conservation Committee will be held. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Idle Isle Building Turf and Vandalism Director Anderson reported, and provided pictures, of the vandalism to the Idle Isle building and turf area. He advised the Board members with the current building to be replaced, the department will not be putting any money into the building. The lights will stay out and the glass block boarded up. Turf damage will be repaired. One person was caught and will be going to court. Victim restitution form will be provided to the court. City Engineer’s Status of Park Projects A memo from the city engineer on the status of the park projects was distributed to the Board members. Highway 36 bridge is to be installed the week of March 7. The plans for the overall development of Park Arthur will be started later this year. The Idle Isle launches should be completed by or not later than April Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, March 14, 2005, page 3 15. With the installation of the Janesville Road path in summer of 2005 from Northfield Green, the city will be requesting permission from the county to install either a culvert or spancrete bridge to complete the path to Martin Drive. The Moorland soccer fields are targeted to be ready for the summer of 2006. The parking and paths for the skateboard park will be constructed as part of the 2005 road improvement program. Bluhm Park Usage Request Board members reviewed the request for tent and DJ at Bluhm Park on Saturday, July 23. Some discussion on how large a tent would be acceptable as most of the area is pitched. The director will get back to them that the tent size cannot prevent other park uses from occurring safely. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the DJ and the tent with size to be determined with staff. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Alderman Melcher reported the credit card policy was approved allowing department heads $3,000 and staff members $1,000. Travel policy was approved including meals, etc. Pepsi contract was approved. Preliminary approval of the skateboard park and acceptance of In Pro’s donation. Committee of the Whole has been discussing a city administrator position and a job description has been formulated. Change of the ordinance for the Board of Review is being discussed. Ordinance states that no public official can serve on the Board and they want to change it to no City of Muskego official. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider reported nothing new. He referred to the Conservation Commissions desire to establish a connecting trail between the Ridges Subdivision and other properties in the area. That as the land is developed in the area, they could obtain easements to establish cross-country ski trails or walking trails. Mr. Hulbert recommended that the Conservation Commission should make the Mayor aware of their plans so he can present it to the Plan Commission. Mrs. Koble asked if there was a possibility of getting an equestrian trail through the Ridges area? Mr. Schneider said that is a possibility but may not be suitable for horses, but they can look into it. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson advised the Board on the status of the following projects: Old Town Hall—Director Anderson, Director McMullen and Mr. David Simpson met with the architect and construction company representative and walked through the Old Town Hall. They should be getting some estimates on the interior work sometime next week along with a timeline and then have an idea on how to proceed. Right now they have spent roughly $27,000 on the roof and associated costs. Now, they will be looking at the interior to make sure it stays within the allotted dollar amount that was approved. Skateboard Park—Looking at putting together the bid package as indicated in Director McMullen’s memo. Director Anderson advised that the price of steel has increased and this will have an impact on the project costs. They are targeting the bid packets to go out in May with construction starting in the summer. As a result of the signage that was put up, telephone calls have been received not wanting the skateboard park to be put in. The Mayor is meeting with one of the developers to see what can be done about the location but the prime concern of the location is to have visibility for the activity in the park; policing by the police department and staff. It cannot go behind a berm and it cannot go in the middle of Moorland Park as the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, March 14, 2005, page 4 visual factor would be lost. Sound dampening will be a part of the construction. Geese Program—In response to Mr. Hulbert’s inquiry, Director Anderson said he would start counting geese the middle of April. The control program will start the middle of April and continue through September. Mr. Hulbert further questioned the oiling of the eggs? Director Anderson stated that is done by Tom Zagar and it will continue. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Summer Program Guide Staff is working on the summer program guide. It goes out the end of April. With some of the programs, the department is waiting on the Old Town Hall. By the middle of next week, the department should know if the facility will be able to be used for summer programs. Head Custodian Meeting Staff met with the head custodians regarding school usage. They meet every six months to make sure everything is going correctly on both sides. The department has a very positive relationship with the head custodians. Parks Park Vandalism Report/Camera Procedures Board members were provided with the incident report form the department will be using for vandalism occurrences. This will also serve to track the occurrences. Also, within their packet, was the step-by-step guide that the staff uses for the security cameras. The department will be training some of the police officers how to retrieve information from the cameras and how to reset the cameras. NEW BUSINESS: Director Anderson provided the Board members with a synopsis of the 2005 service contract bids along with recommendations. He advised the Board that the total contracts came to $27,049, which was well under the budgeted $47,820. 2005/2006 Mowing Contract For the 2005/2006, mowing contract, Director Anderson recommended Bluemel’s. Mr. Hulbert moved to award the 2005/2006 mowing contract to Bluemel’s Maintenance Service, Inc. in the amount of $14,000 for each year. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2005 Grounds Maintenance Contract For the 2005 grounds contract, Director Anderson recommended Terra-Firma. Mr. Hulbert moved to award the 2005 grounds maintenance contract to Terra-Firma Landscape, Inc. in the amount of $3,915. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2005 Weed Eradication Contract For the 2005 weed eradication contract, Director Anderson recommended F & W Landscape. Mr. Schneider moved to award the 2005 weed eradication contract to F & W Landscape, Inc. in the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, March 14, 2005, page 5 amount of $1,750. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None. Next Meeting—April 11, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Alderman Melcher would like to see on a future agenda the topic of the increasing of the recreation paths and the maintenance of the paths. Director Anderson mentioned that when the Durham path gets extended to Highway 00, it may become an issue on how the department wants to proceed. Mr. Hulbert shared he noticed weeds growing up on the Loomis and Highway 00 trail. Director Anderson stated the department sprays in the spring. Mr. Hulbert further mentioned that some of the trail had been washed and was in need of renourishment. Director Anderson said they do add stone and in the future, they will be going back to adding pellets to the trails, which was not done for the extension of the Highway 36 trail. Director Anderson reiterated that at next month’s meeting, the Board could expect to see more refined plans for the Idle Isle building and there would be the opportunity to make changes at the meeting. It would be going to the bidding process in June. The razing of the building is slated for after Labor Day and expected occupancy in spring of 2006. Ald. Melcher stated the Board could expect some discussion at Common Council relative to the festival committee’s use of the Veterans Memorial Park building and the question of the contract with the festival committee. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 8:27 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,