Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 5/9/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO May 9, 2005 Approved, as amended, 6/13/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, May 5, 2005. Present: Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider and Mr. Toby Whipple Absent: Director Craig Anderson (excused), Mr. Eric Hetzel (excused), Mrs. Kelly Koble GUESTS: Those per attached list. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 11, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Jerald Hulbert moved to approve the April 11, 2005 minutes. Ald. Melcher seconded. Ald. Melcher corrected the minutes on page 3, under the lease agreement for the building, remove the to from for changing to 15 hours per week to 3 hours per week, and on page 5, correct typo error by deleting t from Boxthorn in the last sentence on the page. Mr. Schneider commented that on page 3, he had no problem thth with practicing on the 5 of July, it was the Thursdays after the 4 of July. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve, as corrected, carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. (Water Bugs) During their show nights (Wednesdays), Mr. Dave Birkle proposed to let the team members park on the grass area behind the normal paved parking area to alleviate having them park on Muskego Drive. There have been some complaints in the past on the Muskego Drive parking. This would be under the Parks and Recreation Director’s supervision, obviously when it is not raining, to have 15-20 cars park on the grass area. The Water Bugs would be responsible for any turf damage. In his conversation with Director Anderson, Board President Whipple mentioned the concern was that the park manager on duty should be the one to make the determination on parking. Board President Whipple asked for a motion to approve the parking request subject to the park manager making the call and the Water Bugs being responsible for restoration to the grass area. Mr. Manchester asked for clarification on the area where they wanted to park? Mr. Birkle stated it was north of the current parking lot on the channel side. Mr. Manchester said the Board has allowed parking in those areas on special occasions, weather permitting or grounds permitting, that the grass would not be torn up and an agreement that any damage to the turf be restored within a week. Under those conditions, Mr. Manchester did not see a problem. Mr. Manchester moved, Mr. Hulbert seconded, to approve the parking request subject to the park manager making the call and Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, May 9, 2005, page 2 the Water Bugs being responsible for restoration of the grass areas and any damaged area to be restored within a week. Mr. Schneider asked what the status was of the Park Arthur/Martin Drive parking lot? Board President Whipple had no knowledge on the status, but he did think it was to be done this year. Mr. Schneider did share that the park manager has stated the problem with the parking on Muskego Drive and if this helps alleviate the problem, he was in favor of it. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously Lions Club Pavilion Agreement Mr. Jeff Hoeser and Mr. Jack Spoerl were present to discuss the proposed Lions Club Pavilion Storage Agreement with the Festival Committee. The one concern that they had was prorating the restoration of the building, Section Five. The nine groups that make up the festival committee are essentially, all but one, service clubs and they put money back into the community. Mr. Hulbert stated the percentage that they use would be the percentage of responsibility. Mr. Hoeser said the building itself was essentially paid for by the Lions Club and they contributed the labor for the building and he believed the city paid for the bathrooms. Mr. Spoerl mentioned their response that if staining needed to be done on the building or shingles repaired and they would have to pay a percentage of the cost, it was a city-owned building and should be the city’s responsibility; however, if improvements were to be done in the area, they would be involved with the cost of the improvement. It’s a city-owned building. The festival put the money into the building to allow them to have storage in the building as long as the festival committee was in existence. If the festival committee would disband for some reason, obviously the building would be used by the city at that point in time. They recognized that they would be responsible for the liability on the contents they have in the building and did not think the city’s insurance would cover that part of the liability. Mr. Hulbert shared that the catalyst for this agreement was the Idle Isle building and the Water Bugs involvement with that building and is the private organization on public property that they are upholding their end of it because maintenance could be large in the future. There may be other public service groups with similar requests and the Board wants to have consistency in the agreements. Ald. Melcher thought that Item H in Section Three would cover the concern expressed by Mr. Hoeser. Mr. Hulbert was okay with the agreement as it was written and noted that the final lease would up to the Common Council and also reviewed by the attorney. Mr. Schneider was not comfortable with the 10-year lease. He thought 5 years would be better. Mr. Hulbert said it was to protect the petitioner that they would guarantee their use of the money they had invested in it. Mr. Hulbert moved to defer. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Spoerl shared that at the festival they will be having a circus, fishing pond, Repena’s steak and chicken dinners and a fish fry on Friday night. Mr. Manchester asked if some of the funds could be turned over to the historical society for repairs that are badly needed? Mr. Spoerl stated in conversation with Ron Peters in having the circus on the Old Settlement Centre grounds, funds from the opening of the historical buildings during that time, would go to the society. Athletic Field Area for Football Mr. Doug Roskoph presented information on the new youth football league in Muskego/Wind Lake. They are looking for a practice field in Muskego, either at the schools or at the parks. This would be contact football for ages 6 to 10 years. The majority of the games are played in parks in Racine. Any home game would be at Meyer Park in Wind Lake. Board President Whipple mentioned that there is a shortage of fields in Muskego or where they could go within the current park structure, possible Park Arthur when it’s done. Mr. Hulbert suggested that the south end of Kurth Park, Veterans Memorial Park or Idle Isle Park as possible areas. Mr. Manchester voiced his concern about having young children involved in a contact sport such as tackle football. Why is Muskego responsible for Racine and Wind Lake recreational activities? Ald. Melcher informed the Board of the City of Muskego’s relationship as part of the Muskego/Norway School District which includes Wind Lake and the Norway township. Mr. Hulbert questioned how many City of Muskego residents would be involved? Mr. Manchester also stated that the information indicates Muskego residents have to pay non-resident fees. Mr. Roskoph did not expect any Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, May 9, 2005, page 3 children from Racine to play in the Muskego/Wind Lake football. Initially, it was just going to be children from Muskego; however, Coach Sterner of Muskego High School, suggested they make it for all of Muskego/Norway. Therefore, they petitioned to make it the Muskego/Wind Lake youth football league. In respect to the young children playing, he did not see any hurt children on the field as most of them are the same size and speed. Board President Whipple questioned if it was sanctioned by some national body? Mr. Roskopf responded it was just a local body. They follow the guidelines of Pop Warner football. It’s a league that was started up in Racine. They petitioned them for a branch because they have the facilities and equipment. Mr. Hulbert moved to defer. Mr. Schneider seconded. The item was defer to obtain more information and research. The Board will have to explore the Wind Lake connection, the association and the resident/non-resident fees. Mr. Roskopf should contact Director Anderson. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Summer Beach Party TAB Chair Katy Kroening reviewed with the Board members the plans TAB had for a party at Idle Isle Park on Friday, July 29, with a rain date of Saturday, July 30. The group would be limited to 200 participants. The activities would include a volleyball tournament, music provided by a DJ, swimming and a bon fire. She mentioned that preliminary contact has been made with the fire department relative to the bon fire and the police department. Board President Whipple had discussed the event with Director Anderson. Director Anderson was concerned about the bon fire as there is no designated fire area at the park and he did not want it on the beach. Also, concerned about damage to trees from the bon fire. Miss Kroening said the bon fire would be on grass in a confined area and the fire department personnel would be present. Mr. Hulbert stated that if the bon fire destroyed any turf, then the TAB would be responsible for restoration. In response to the TAB’s plans to end the party at 10:30 p.m., Ald. Melcher said that the park closes at 10:00 p.m. Board members declined to act at this time on an extension of the park hours. In view of having the DJ playing music, Mr. Hulbert stated that the speakers would have to face the beach, not towards the channel or into the park. With having had problems with noise complaints, Mr. Schneider also was in favor of having the speakers face towards the beach. Mr. Manchester questioned how they would be able to limit the group to 200 people? Miss Kroening said they would have an admission fee, tickets and on a first- come, first-serve basis. Mr. Manchester further questioned what precautions would they take in case they had 500 show up and want to participate? Miss Kroening said they would hope that the police department would watch the area and make sure people would not come in exceeding the limit. Ald. Melcher stated the TAB would be responsible for clean up and any damages that the party causes. Board President Whipple also stated the TAB would be responsible for restoration of the park area. Mr. Schneider cautioned that they would dispose of the bon fire ash properly. Mr. Hulbert’s concern was that the bon fire not be under a tree for this could damage the tree. Mr. Hulbert moved to accept the hours with the closure/shut down at 10:00 p.m. and the bon fire, if it is not in an area of reconstruction, that the turf be restored and the bon fire will not be under trees, speakers facing towards the beach. With the understanding that the fire department personnel will be in attendance at all times, or the bon fire will not happen. There will also be police security present. The restroom issues to be sorted out with staff and the details of the event are to be worked out with staff. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Miss Kroening to fill out the paperwork for using the park. Public Input Mrs. Giencke was at the meeting in hopes the issue the TAB was going to address was the skateboard park. Board President Whipple informed her that the skateboard park had been approved in Moorland Park. That development project should be going out for bids within a few weeks. Mrs. Giencke said the boys would be interested in getting involved with it. Board President Whipple suggested she contact the TAB or Director Anderson. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, May 9, 2005, page 4 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Board members were in receipt of a letter from Thomas and Shelley Anderson in support of the skateboard park. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher shared that Mrs. Koble and Mr. Manchester, as well as himself, had been reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Board. Common Council approved the agreements with the Water Bugs. Mr. Hulbert asked if there was any discussion relative to the placement of the buoys to better protect the island? Ald. Melcher said they had talked about it and he believed the buoys would be worked out with public works. Ald. Melcher said there has been discussion of changing the ordinance to waive park dedication fees for immediate family members. He had discussed this with Director Anderson who indicated it would be judged on an individual instance. This one particular instance is a farmer deeding five acres to his son to build a home. Mr. Manchester offered that a person could have 60 to 70 acres and wanted to deed to his 6 or 7 children; then you’d have a subdivision and there would be the need for streets and for plowing of those streets. Ald. Melcher thought this was an exceptional case and this would be immediate family. Mr. Hulbert stated that this is a land division being made. When the land division is made, you generate the revenue. When the house goes up, people in the house will be using public services here in the city such as recreation. They may not be generating any need for conservation. He did not think the Board should be granting any exceptions. If he is dedicating a lot to his son, the federal tax laws will allow a gift of $10,000 a year. Whatever the five acres is worth, he is generating a gift tax that he will pay federal tax on. The house going up is generating services right away for the department. Mr. Schneider thought that the Conservation Commission would feel the same way. Ald. Melcher stated more committee appointments would be made Tuesday. Further, the Conservation Commission was combined with the Urban Forestry Committee. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider reported that on Field Drive, the development was not allowed smaller sized lots so they will not receive the 12 acres in the area. There are some wetlands in the area. On the Ewald-Engle property, an Eagle Scout planted 1400 hardwood trees. The conservation wetland reserve program is moving forward. The wetlands mitigation is still waiting on Director McMullen. Mr. Zagar did some burns at The Ridges, Bluhm Park, Guernsey Meadows and conservancy areas. Mr. Manchester commented on the trucks going in and out at the New Berlin/Muskego line and tracking on the highway. Board members discussed how other communities handle the tracking problem. Ald. Melcher will put it on the agenda for the next Committee of the Whole meeting. Mr. Hulbert considered that maybe there is an ordinance in New Berlin but they may not be enforcing it. Back on conservation issues, Mr. Schneider added that Mr. Zagar did some oiling of about 32 nests and 165 eggs in the area of Little Muskego Lake. Mr. Hulbert asked if they did any follow up on the oiling? Mr. Schneider thought they did. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Idle Isle Launch—The departments are closing out the project. Mr. Manchester would like to see a final cost on redoing the boat launches from Director Anderson. In regard to Idle Isle, Ald. Melcher had a constituent voice concern that he could not boat on the lake as it was so low. Mr. Schneider felt when the dam is open, lowering the 18” is sufficient and the 2’ is too much. Controlling of opening and closing the dam is done by public works with WDNR setting the perimeters. Mr. Schneider shared that the railings on Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, May 9, 2005, page 5 the bridge are short. Someone could walk off of the bridge very easily. Board members would like Director Anderson to investigate extending the railings. Park Arthur—Mr. Schneider, referring to the last minutes, would like to see the stables pick up the horse droppings on the equestrian trails, not rely on rainfall to dissipate the droppings. He could foresee runoff into the lake. He would like in the agreement that they pick up the droppings everyday. He also wondered when the park area would be seeded? Mr. Hulbert thought this could be discussed next month. Board would again like an update from Director McMullen on the park. Muskego High School Fields—minor punch list items are left. The project is ready to go. Old Town Hall—There was a kick-off meeting on April 15; bid notices scheduled to be sent on May 12 and May 19 with a bid opening on May 26. Ald. Melcher added that some of the actual repair work done on the basement level such as the handicap accessible restroom is a few inches off and problems with the staircase. An inspection was done of all the historical buildings and a four-page list of repairs needed was provided to them. Skateboard Park—Director Anderson has been working on getting the bid packet together. Goose Control—Goose count on May 4 was 11 at Idle Isle Park. The goosepooper buster was used on April 29 at Idle Isle Park. MRT—staff removed old telephone pole stump between Bluhm Farm Park and North Cape Road. Department had received a telephone request from a citizen requesting that the Janesville Road trail near Poe’s Place not be cleared in the wintertime. She was concerned that her yard not only gets the snow from the roadway, but then the trail snow when they blow it. In the springtime, after a heavy season of snow, she felt she would have a problem with water in her yard. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Recreation Instructor Discipline Staff met with a recreation instructor relative to comments made to parents after a class. Program Registration Program registration going very well. Graph showing revenue and expenses was provided. Board would like Director Anderson to review this at the next meeting. Parks Current Projects Basketball nets are up at Lee Hubka Park; the other hoops will get new nets as time permits. Signs at Boxhorn have been taken off the posts and put on the telephone poles. Veteran Memorial Park’s bubbler is fixed. Bluhm Farm men’s restroom urinal is fixed. One pier section installed at Idle Isle. Park manager started on Monday, May 2. The concrete slab has been repaired at Jensen Park. A fort was taken down at Denoon Park by the crew. Scoreboard checks out at Horn Field and ball field lights work at Mill Valley. Portable toilets have been delivered. The crack in the Boxhorn kiosk will be repaired as soon as Mr. Zagar can locate the key. Daily projects include preparation of ball fields and lawn mowing. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, May 9, 2005, page 6 Muskego Kickers Schedule for Spring Board President Whipple will provide Director Anderson with the Muskego Kickers spring schedules. MRT Trail Map Director Anderson is working on the update and should have it ready by next month. NEW BUSINESS: Public Relations by Board Ald. Melcher suggested that the Parks and Recreation Board allow three minutes per person for public input at their meetings. This was based on what transpires at other city meetings. Board members did not want to limit comments from the general public. The Board members preferred to let the public input at the discretion of the Board President (the Chairman). It has worked well. Water Bugs Roster Board members were provided with the 2005 roster for the Water Bugs. Baseball Field Maintenance Fees Mr. Hulbert moved to accept the maintenance fee schedule and the field usage fees for ball fields for 2005. Mr. Manchester seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None. Next Meeting—June 13, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Manchester moved for adjournment at 8:10 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Hulbert. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,