Park & Rec Board- MINUTES - 11/14/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO November 14, 2005 Approved 12/12/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, November 10, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson GUESTS: Dave Birkle, Gary Christopher, Matt Jeske, Karl Jeske, Dr. Lanham, Ald. Schroeder APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 10, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Manchester moved to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2005 meeting, as amended, seconded by Mr. Schneider. On page 3, change sentence They need a sunset, and to read The Water Bugs would like an understanding…; on page 4, change sentence …area, US Bank and to read area and Mobil station on the north side east to the stop light at Bay Lane and…; on page 5, change 2’x10’ to 2”x10”…. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes, as amended, carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Ald. Schroeder shared with the Board members that he did some follow-up calls on the skate park and most respondents said it was great and for a city of this size, it was above their expectations. Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. 10-Year Lease Ald. Schroeder addressed the Board on six items on the lease to get a better understanding for himself. Board members were in receipt of a memorandum listing these items. He thought for the most part, it is a sound agreement. (1) Board members advised him that they were in agreement with the changes that Attorney Molter had made to Section 2b, 2c and 3A. (2) Ald. Schroeder understood that to the benefit of the Water Bugs, the Board had set a minimum number of show and practice dates in Section 3A. He had no issue and knew that there had to be some buy-in for the Water Bugs to participate in this agreement but wanted to know if there should also be a maximum number to get more buy-in from the city. President Whipple said the numbers were set as the minimum the Board thought the Water Bugs needed. Mr. Schneider thought it was more or less set as a maximum to be more correct as the ski team always wanted more and this was the amount the Board allowed. Director Anderson said a minimum was given to the Water Bugs and they could request more as in years past. Also, based on any infractions or occurrences, the Board could take dates away. Ald. Schroeder inquired should there be a maximum? Board President Whipple did not think that was necessary as if they want more dates, they would have to come before the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 2 Parks and Recreation Board. He could not see where the Board would set the maximum. Director Anderson mentioned that the Board would not want to tie the hands of future Boards by setting a maximum. Mr. Schneider made a motion to change the minimum to maximum and set the show dates at 15. Motion did not receive a second. (3) Reference Section 3E, Ald. Schroeder asked if they had come up with any solution to measuring the sound? Director Anderson stated at the last meeting it was decided that Mr. Schneider, the officers, Water Bugs and himself would be taking decibel readings based on the new shelter and what would be acceptable. Both the Water Bugs and the city will then know the acceptable decibel reading. (4) Section 4D, anchoring location for the ski jump, Alderman Schroeder asked the status of the request to turn the ski jump 180 degrees. Director Anderson stated with the cooperation of the Water Bugs, this had been done. He also advised that the Board did not have jurisdiction over the placement of the ski jump, that was under the Common Council. (5) In Section 12a, Alderman Schroeder questioned if the entity making the determination on substantiated non-frivolous claims shouldn’t be named? Director Anderson said the Board reviews whatever complaints come in to the police department or him monthly. The police department will make the determination and report to the Board. Ald. Schroeder would like to see this stated in the agreement. (6) Section 13, Ald.Schroeder was under the impression that the city would remove the buoy. Director Anderson stated for this year, the city will be removing the buoy; however, next year the Water Bugs will be removing it after their last show and put them in the shelter. (7) Ald. Schroeder asked if the Board had set aside a minimum amount of recoupable money no matter what happens to the Water Bugs in the future. Director Anderson’s underlining theme was that if the Water Bugs go defunct, how do you get money from a non-profit, and if they do go defunct and then change their name, wouldn’t the Board be entering into a new agreement with that entity for the use of the park. They would have to come before the Board and enter into an agreement with the new name. Ald. Schroeder said it could be that the new entity would be willing to pay rent but not the amount agreed to in the lease. He thought the Board needed the understanding that they may not recoup a $1 or $94,000 of the money and be comfortable with it. Director Anderson stated ultimately it is the city’s building and if the Water Bugs go away, it becomes the city’s building. Board President Whipple did not think the Board would have built a substantially different building at Idle Isle even if the Water Bugs didn’t exist. The Board was going to replace the building regardless so he did not have a problem with it. Mr. Schneider commented that the Board would have built the building any way and if it is not going to be used by the ski club, it’ll be used by the city. Mrs. Koble moved to approve the Water Bugs 10-year lease agreement with the amended language from the city attorney. Ald. Melcher seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 5-1 with Mr. Schneider voting against. Mr. Birkle and Mr. Christopher of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. were fine with the 10-year agreement. Ski Jump on Little Muskego Lake Dr. John Lanham lives on Little Muskego Lake and he spoke to the Board about the impact the location of ski jump has had on his life and others in the vicinity. He was trying to find out where to address his complaint on the ski jump. He would like to see the ski jump rotated annually to other areas of the lake so they could experience some annual relief. He had a petition sign by eight property owners asking to move the ski jump or get rid of it. Board members advised that the ski jump was not under their jurisdiction. Dr. Lanham needed to take his concern to the Common Council. They recommend that he have his alderman, Neil Borgman, place the issue on the Committee of the Whole agenda. Eagle Scout Project Mr. Matt Jeske thanked the Board for the opportunity for an Eagle Scout project. He reported completing the refurbishing of the war memorial at Horn Park. He totally redid the monument including caulking and cleaning and adding chain around the whole area. Cleaned up the whole area and planted shrubs and Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 3 flowers and installed three benches. He added a light mounted on a pole to protect it from vandalism. Director Anderson said it was unbelievable the improvement and Dick Horn was very proud of what was done. It is probably one of the best Eagle Scout projects. Mr. & Mrs. Jeske requested that a commemorative plaque be placed on the back of the monument acknowledging their son’s accomplishment. Mr. Manchester moved, Mr. Hulbert seconded, to allow them to place the plaque at the top middle on the backside of the monument. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Vandalism Reports Director Anderson reported there was graffiti on the dumpster enclosure and signs at Denoon Park. At Schmidt Park, the bubble panel on the playground equipment was lost. Considering the $100 cost of replacement of the bubbles, they may not be replaced in any of the parks and instead be kept as open circles. A bench on the Muskego Recreation Trail near Mystic Drive broke in half. On the skateboard equipment at Moorland Park, someone wrote in chalk “the rocket was here.” Mr. Hulbert inquired if the finish was such to allow easy removal of graffiti. Director Anderson stated it was and most graffiti removers will work. Mr. Manchester noted that the rules sign was tipped over. Director Anderson said once the earthwork is done, it will be set on a sturdier foundation. NEW BUSINESS: InPro Skate Park Board members present at the grand opening reported it went fine. There were about 45 young people. Some did not have helmets. Director Anderson reminded the Board members that the helmet rule is posted to cover the city. He continued, that the biggest problem at the park is garbage. This seems to be the same problem everywhere. A dumpster has been provided at the site for garbage rather than multiple garbage cans because it has been observed that the users tip the garbage cans upside down and use them as accessory equipment with jumping. Mrs. Koble offered maybe one of the groups looking for community service could pick up the garbage. Director Anderson said they would need to do it twice a week and now the adopt-a-park groups do it twice a year. The department is planning to put a small fence around the area to trap the garbage. BMX Usage at Moorland Park Mr. Hulbert had reported there were a number of children that showed up at the grand opening with their bikes and trick bikes that had pegs on them. Previously, it had been explained by Director Anderson that they would not want bikes on the skateboard equipment as the pegs on the bikes would dig up the surface and once the surface is dug up, it ruins the smooth ride for the roller bladers and the skateboarders. With that in mind, he was wondering if the Board could provide something for those that want to bring their trick bikes in the same general area. It’s a different type of recreation and a segment that the Board may want to address. Mrs. Koble had talked with a couple of the kids and received the understanding that there is a real difference between taking the BMX bike on the dirt and the pipes. What they want is a facility much like the skateboard park only larger, deeper and bigger; they want the bowls. She thought it would be okay to let them go around in the dirt, but there would still be those that want the bowls. Mr. Schneider inquired if they could do something with asphalt and have the Department of Public Works build something that is safe. Mr. Hulbert recommended that they take the same approach as they did with the skateboard people. Send a note to the Teen Advisory Board to see if they would like to get involved and maybe they would come up with an idea that the Board could explore. Director Anderson had received several emails Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 4 regarding the bikes not allowed and that it was unfair. He researched the Internet and found that some have put another component next to the skateboard area. Most of those are steel or concrete which increases the price substantially. As longer runs are needed, it would have to be bigger. From a funding standpoint, if the Board directs the Teen Advisory Board, they can expect a cost to be directed back at the Board and probably in excess of what was given for the skateboard park. Mr. Manchester did not think it was fair to the taxpayers to come up with the funding for such a minority group. He continued, that he believed Muskego has more open space for the population than other cities in Waukesha County. Everybody is cutting budgets. How soon is this going to happen in Muskego and our programs will have to be cut and our parks start looking shabby because the city can’t support them. He saw no reason for the Board to consider the area for the BMX bikes. Board President Whipple stated that if the Teen Advisory Board wants to discuss it, then it is up to them. Mr. Hulbert said if they can supply some need by bulldozing some dirt around and they want to ride in the dirt, then maybe the Board can do it. Mr. Hulbert asked that the emails be forwarded to the Teen Advisory Board. Board President Whipple did not think they should allow the biking on the equipment or around the skateboarders. Board will pass this issue on to the Teen Advisory Board and if there is no interest, then the issue will be dropped. CDBG Grant for ADA Accessibility Director Anderson reported that the low bid and the only bid was for $34,650 and the CDBG grant was for around $21,000. He recommended that the bid be denied. It was thought that because it was done so late in the year that the price was inflated. He will send a letter to Glen Lewinsky at Waukesha County asking for an extension and then try and bid it again in the spring. Mr. Manchester moved to deny the bid and to apply for an extension from CDBG. Mr. Schneider seconded. This project would be to excavate the sand out of three playground areas and replace with wood chips to make them ADA accessible. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. MRT Trail Verbiage Director Anderson stated that in the current Park and Open Space Plan, the first two paragraphs under Recreation Trail Recommendations covers the networking of the trails. “It is also recommended that a citywide system of supplementary local trails be developed to connect the existing and planned City of Muskego park and open space sites and Muskego Park (Waukesha Park System).” Mr. Hulbert would like it to cover other public use buildings; connect the public facilities with the recreation trail including the schools. Board will review the language in the plan and discuss it next month. Mr. Hulbert moved to defer the item until December agenda. Mr. Schneider seconded. This would be just the verbiage for the trail again. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Moorland Park Entrance & Old Town Hall Park Lights Director Anderson asked for the Board’s recommendation for type/design of the entrance light for Moorland Park and park lights for the Old Town Hall. For Moorland Park entrance, Mr. Hulbert thought not a standard light pole, but a decorative light pole in keeping with the downtown design guide and what the residential areas are required to have in the vicinity. At this time, he recommended putting a temporary pole in the ground until the issue is researched. With already investing $212,000 in the Old Town Hall, Director Anderson questioned if they wanted to invest in lighting for an area that is used by a multiple group of people, and put in the decorative lighting as in Veterans Memorial Park and light the entrance and the parking area. He is meeting with We Energies in the next week and they will be putting together a proposal for lighting the area. The halogen lights that are there now are temporary. Mr. Hulbert, Mrs. Koble and Board President Whipple recommended the same as Veterans Memorial Park as it is so close and will tie the areas together. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 5 Idle Isle Security Cameras Director Anderson presented the quote in the amount of $5,241 from Shield Security for cameras at Idle Isle Park. It is proposed to install three cameras—one showing the entrances into the bathrooms, one that would show the underside of the open-air portion of the shelter concession area, one that would focus on the launch area. He did want to have one focused on the playground, but found the distance and the trenching for the lines would be too expensive. Mr. Hulbert would like to get another bid for comparison. He asked about the time frame. Director Anderson stated that with the building going up, they will be putting conduit to the actual sites so the installation time shouldn’t take that long, possibly three weeks. Board members were okay with the locations and directed Director Anderson to come back with at least one other bid. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Ski Pattern Maps Director Anderson had met with Mr. Birkle to get the ski pattern to scale and to mark the buoy placement and mark the outer edge of their routines. Board members reviewed the map. Mr. Hulbert would like a buoy marking the island so the police can see where they are skiing in relation to the island and also the ski driver would know to stay off. According to the scale on the map, the buoys were not 100’ off the shore. Director Anderson will take the map back to the GIS staff and have a revised one at the December meeting. Item for December agenda. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher reported on the Common Council activities since the last Board meeting. In regard to the 2006 budget, they were able to lower the tax levy. The agreement between the City of Muskego and the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc.’ use of Idle Isle was deferred. It was confirmed that the lower portion of the Old Town Hall could be used for Treasure of the Holidays. He presented to the Board the three options available to the Muskego Historical Society. All resulting in costs that the Muskego Historical Society would have to reimburse the city. With the Parks and Recreation Director’s permission, they would be able to schedule functions serving as fund-raisers in the Old Town Hall. Mr. Manchester could not see how the Muskego Historical Society would be able to replace the money for the repairs to the buildings. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider had nothing to report this month. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson updated the Board members on the following projects: Kurth Park South—nothing new to report. It is still scheduled for next spring. Park Arthur—nothing heard yet from the WDNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources). The plan is still the same to address the sledding hill. It will not be this year, however. Idle Isle Building—a second project meeting will be Thursday. They are starting to put the foundation in. He reported several things that were out of the scope of project. There is a power box/transformer that needs to be relocated for safety. We Energies has been contracted for about $3,000 to move it. Board President Whipple inquired if they were on target with the construction schedule. Director Anderson said they are about a week off because they had Department of Public Works take the old building down instead of burning it. Mr. Schneider had noted that they had to go down more for the footings and inquired if Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 6 that was an extra cost. Director Anderson said it would be an extra cost and estimated between $8,000- $15,000. He said they had ran into bad soil and had to go down to good soil and then bring in material. Board members commented on soil borings. Director Anderson and Mr. Dave Simpson had mentioned this to the architect who indicated they were going to but then they were going to wait until the dig and then have the analysis people come in and tell them what to do anyway, whereas, city staff had been led to believe that soil borings would be done from the very beginning. Mr. Schneider said that where they are putting the extra in for the Water Bugs, then they should be paying a portion of the extra costs. Mr. Manchester stated even if the Water Bugs were not to be a part of the project, the city would still have to pay the costs. Mr. Hulbert queried if the percentage should be passed along and commented Mr. Schneider brought up a good point. Director Anderson recommended they do something before the agreement is passed as a dollar amount is in the agreement. Mr. Hulbert moved to propose that any cost overruns would be shared by the Water Bugs the same portion as the storage area exist in the main building. Mr. Schneider seconded. Mr. Hulbert said they are paying for the storage area at 100% but the storage area is a certain percent of the whole building and their payment is based upon their percentage of use of the building. Director Anderson pointed out that the Water Bugs portion is based on percentages in the areas they use. Mr. Hulbert said he would like that tied into cost overruns on the building. Director Anderson asked if they wanted to take the dollar amount they’re spending in relationship to the overall project costs and get a percentage that way? Mr. Hulbert thought that would make sense. Mr. Manchester said they’d have to amend their recommendation to Council. Mr. Hulbert said there are always overruns in a project and that should have been worked into the original plan and he assumed there would not be any major overruns. Director Anderson said the transformer had to be moved, the siren had to be turned off. Mr. Hulbert said he was looking at the footings. Director Anderson stated then they would pick and choose. Mr. Schneider thought the rest would be straight forward, but the footings are something else. He thought this cost should be passed along proportionately. Mr. Hulbert inquired if he wanted to limit it to just the footings. Mr. Schneider thought so. Mr. Hulbert amended his motion to reflect the percentage increase due to the footing difficulty be born by the Water Bugs proportionately. Mr. Schneider seconded. Director Anderson asked if they wanted to recoup the architectural services that are outside the scope? Mr. Hulbert said not. Director Anderson questioned if they had a dollar threshold in case something else comes up or did they want to wait until they get into a certain portion of the building, once it’s in its shell, what did they want to do? Mr. Hulbert deferred to Mr. Schneider and Mr. Manchester having experience in building. Mr. Schneider thought everything else would be a known factor, but when dealing with underground, they did not know what would happen there. Mr. Manchester thought the architect should absorb the cost of the foundation. Director Anderson assured the architect would not. Mr. Hetzel asked about the percentage. Director Anderson said roughly 33%. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 4-3 with Ald. Melcher, Mrs. Koble and Board President Whipple voting against. Director Anderson will make the notifications on this change to the dollar amount in the agreement. Old Town Hall Director Anderson reported the department has had Pilates, younger children and one adult program in the Old Town Hall in the upper level since October 24. Everything is working out great. The concern is for the lighting for the parking lot. There are still some minor issues in the lower level that need to be done as a result of a punch list. Final occupancy was received for both levels contingent upon the architect signing off on the punch list. The punch list should be done within a week and a half. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Winter/Spring Program Guide The program guide should be mailed out before Thanksgiving with registration starting shortly after. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, November 14, 2005, page 7 Town Hall Work Mrs. Dunn and Director Anderson have spent hours over the last two weeks cleaning, painting and other things to get the upper level ready for programming. Winterizing Parks Parks crew is winterizing the parks right now. Field Aeration The crew should be done now with the field aeration. Handicap Parking Signs Installed @ Parks Handicap parking signs are being installed. The marking was on the pavement, but the signs needed to be installed. The department is waiting on two signs yet to be done. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None Next Meeting—December 12, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Mr. Hulbert inquired if there was going to be progress in putting the last field in at the high school. Director Anderson has advised Gary Rosploch that the softball field be turned so it would not be in the wetland area which was recommended by Tom Zagar. Also, checked with George at the school district to make sure the money in reserve for the field was still there and it was. The field will hopefully be done next year. Director Anderson shared that the Muskego/Wind Lake Youth Football League completed its first year and they were very successful with over 100 youth participants. Mr. Manchester commented he read that there were only two children injured seriously and again he thought the children are too young for contact sports. Director Anderson said they will be back again next year to request a practice field. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 8:46 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,