Park & Rec Board - MINUTES - 10/10/2005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF MUSKEGO October 10, 2005 Approved, as amended, 11/14/05 Audio Recording Available Board President Toby Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, City of Muskego, to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on Thursday, October 6, 2005. Present: Mr. Eric Hetzel, Mr. Jerry Hulbert, Mrs. Kelly Koble, Mr. Richard Manchester, Ald. Bob Melcher, Mr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Toby Whipple and Director Craig Anderson GUESTS: Dave Birkle, Gary Christopher, Dan Lecus, Officer Leon, Officer Rens, City Administrator Sheiffer, Boy Scout and His Father APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 12, 2005 Board Meeting Mr. Manchester moved to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2005 meeting, seconded by Ald. Melcher. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: City Administrator Mrs. Jennifer Sheiffer presented herself to the Board members and thanked them for their service to the city, recognizing it takes away from their personal lives. Snowmobile Trails Mr. Dan Lecus of the Muskego Icetronauts presented his verbal request for permission again to mark snowmobile trails through Bluhm Farm Park, Denoon Park, Big Muskego Launch Lake Overflow Lot and Little Muskego Lake Access #17. He inquired about the Kelsey Drive parkland area. Director Anderson informed him this was now under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. He would need to contact them for usage of that area. Mr. Manchester inquired if there were any problems last year? Director Anderson responded with no problems. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the trails through Bluhm Farm Park, Big Muskego Lake Launch Overflow Lot, Denoon Park and the Little Muskego Lake Access #17. Mr. Hetzel seconded. They would be putting up the necessary snow fencing. Director Anderson requested the department be provided with a map of their snowmobile trails. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. . Soldier Monument Director Anderson shared with the Board members that a gentleman had stopped by the department and had asked about donating a soldier statue to be placed in the food court area of Veterans Memorial Park. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 2 Board members were provided with a picture of the statue since the gentleman was not in attendance. He had been advised the request would need to be presented to the Board as there would be questions on maintenance, anchoring, and graffiti removal. Board President Whipple inquired about the finish of the monument. Director Anderson said the gentleman indicated two versions, one concrete and the other painted. Mr. Hulbert moved to defer the item. Mr. Schneider seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Water Bug Ski Team, Inc. Annual Overview Mr. Dave Birkle and Mr. Gary Christopher were present from the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. (Water Bugs) to answer any concerns relative to the past season and to comment on the shelter agreement. Director Anderson summarized the monthly reports from the past summer. The issues that were addressed on the compliance checks were noise, operating after 8:30 p.m. and inside the orange buoys, excessive announcer volume, skiing after dusk, and skiing on the ramp without Water Bugs permission. Officer Rens informed the Board members that they do receive complaints about the noise, but unless it is extremely loud, they consider them in compliance as the Board has given permission for them to use the facility. At one time, they did do a decibel reading. They observed at times the announcer was too loud. Mr. Schneider mentioned the noise problem has been occurring for the past three years and he thought the police should start issuing citations. He lives about 1/3 mile from the park and he can hear the announcer and there’s no need to have the announcer that loud. Mr. Birkle stated they would need a guideline to follow, a decibel reading, they can set the readings and abide by them. In the spring, they can work with the officers, Director Anderson and Mr. Schneider to get decibel readings and put some sort of volume control on the speakers. Mr. Schneider mentioned other issues like the buoys and being inside, to keep at the proper distance, and he observed skiers going inside the buoys on several occasions. Part of the agreement was they would stay 100 feet from the island and the fishing pier and he would like the ski club to observe these rules, structuring their ski show accordingly. The ski pattern exhibited with the contract, Mr. Schneider did not think they were following, but going way out beyond it. Mr. Birkle stated that on show nights, the pattern is harder to follow because of boat traffic on the lake, watching the show. Not every act can run the pattern and some acts would be impossible for the skiers’ safety. They can amend the pattern to what they actually do and put the drawing to scale. Mr. Schneider thought the area should be defined and to scale. Shelter Agreement Director Anderson advised the Board members that the agreement was the same as they reviewed in the spring. The caveat that changed was in Section Two, items a-b-c-d, and were added at the request of the Water Bugs. Another item that was added by the parks staff was on Tuesday evenings, being able to have the help of the Water Bugs because of the fishing tournament being there on those nights. Other items of a legal nature were recommended by Attorney Molter. Committee of the Whole had reviewed the document shortly after the Parks and Recreation Board and agreed with the term of 10 years and the dollar amount which was included. Ald. Melcher added that it had been approved at a Special Common Council and the Committee of the Whole was after that meeting. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the agreement. Mrs. Koble seconded. (At this point, Mr. Birkle introduced the new president of the Water Bugs, Mr. Gary Christopher.) Mr. Christopher did not understand why they needed to provide two attendants to assist with the parking on Tuesdays, does the fishing club have any obligation to provide attendants? Director Anderson stated the department does not have an agreement with the fishing club as they are just using the park to launch their boats to go and fish. The Water Bugs are asking for special consideration. The agreement indicates two on Tuesdays, but Director Anderson thought one would probably do. On Wednesday evenings, two would be needed to help the park manager especially if they are going to be Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 3 requesting to park on the grass. Ald. Melcher proposed an amendment to Section Four (G) to provide one attendant on Tuesday evenings and two attendants on Wednesday evenings at the discretion of the park manager. Mr. Hulbert seconded. Mr. Birkle ask the Board to consider a change in paragraph 1, page 1, of the agreement, to add after 10 years, the Water Bugs could resume paying $1 per year thereafter as it has been for the last 25 years. Mr. Hulbert did not think that they could make that statement as that would be for others to decide. The Water Bugs would like an understanding that the payment will cease after the completion of the agreed price of $94,390. Board President Whipple stated that the agreement does have a term. Director Anderson added if the city had to shut down the lake, the revenue dollars needed by the Water Bugs to pay off the amount, would be prorated after the ten years and they may be paying off after ten years. Mr. Schneider commented it was a good deal for the Water Bugs. Director Anderson pointed out that in addition the Water Bugs would be paying for portions of the open air shelter and combined concessions. Referring to Section Eleven (O), Mr. Birkle would like to see it rebuilt. Director Anderson said if they don’t, then the Water Bugs don’t pay. Mr. Christopher questioned sufficient supply of all merchandise in Section 11 (B)? Director Anderson stated it refers to their concessions and has been in the other lease. In Section 13, Mr. Birkle stated there was no agreement for the Water Bugs to remove the orange buoys after the end of the year. Director Anderson explained this would be after the last show to take them out and bring them in. The paperwork has been submitted to the WDNR (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) for putting the buoys in next year. Mr. Schneider read in Section Eleven (K) the Water Bugs being responsible for restoring public property and questioned where it would be stated to restore private property? Mr. Birkle said the Water Bugs have an insurance policy to cover private property damage. Mr. Manchester commented the replacement of the building was the right thing. Mr. Manchester called for the question. Upon a voice vote, the motion on the amendment to the agreement carried unanimously. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the agreement carried, 5-1 with Mr. Schneider opposed. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Veterans Memorial Park Director Anderson informed the Board of the damage to the boardwalk and tree. The broken board was fixed and the fallen tree removed. Mrs. Koble brought up the condition of the signs and missing signs in the park. Director Anderson stated that Mr. Tom Zagar is redesigning the signs to display the information. Mr. Hulbert had observed the same as Mrs. Koble. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Trail Map Board members were previously mailed copies of the trail map. Mr. Hulbert would like to see some rationale indicated behind doing some connections. Previously, it had been agreed that if there is a public facility such as a school or church, somewhere close or adjacent, they would make a physical connection to it. He pointed out the connection of Champions Village to the trail and mentioned should they have a large subdivision adjacent to the trail, one guideline would be to have a connection every 1,000 feet, about every 10 lots have a connection. In his opinion, the Janesville Road trail should be double, on both sides, down to Racine Avenue; then as it goes south on Racine, it should be double to the high school. Ald. Melcher advised that for the reconstruction of Janesville Road from Lannon to Racine, they are looking at a smaller lane division. Because of businesses being so close to the road, he did not know of the possibility of a path on both sides. Mr. Hulbert said the Board could show the double and then let Council make the decision and it may not need to be eight-foot wide pass the businesses. He pointed out the stretch of path depicted on the map in the area of Kelsey Drive which is on the road plan. Along Henneberry Drive, the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 4 trail could be traffic bond to allow for horses and suggested doing the same along Parker Drive. This may also be the time to take a look at the trail from Henneberry Drive to Big Bend as far as implementation. Director Anderson asked if the Board was in agreement with the 1,000 feet for the large developments in the narrative as he is looking at getting the park open space plan and the conservation plan in the same five-year period. Mr. Hulbert would like the verbiage brought back to the next meeting. Also, have in the verbiage, that where there is a traffic bond trail indicated, it may revert back to paved due to development in the area. Another item, he pointed out was in the Bay Lane area, the undeveloped area, there needs to be a path over to Martin Drive. Mrs. Koble inquired about the trail at Woods Road in the area of the high school. Mr. Hulbert said it is on the map. It follows the edge Ewald-Engel property, abutting the edge of the subdivision. Mr. Manchester inquired who would be paying for these trails? Mr. Hulbert replied the cost is paid by the developers and the park dedication fees and the fixed income people will not pay for it now or in the future, however, the maintenance may be. Mr. Manchester’s concern was the trails being high maintenance and the Board going overboard on the paths for the amount of use they get. Director Anderson informed the Board that they would have to look at the priority list and determine the trails that will have snow removal at a later meeting possibly November or December. He and the parks supervisor will be looking at the trails and making a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Schneider mentioned that Martin Drive is heavily traveled, if they could widen the shoulder pavement to accommodate a lane from College Avenue up to Hardtke Drive. Mr. Manchester voiced his concern that with putting these in and the developer paying for it, 10-20 years from now Muskego will be like Milwaukee, needing to hire 20-30 people to do the maintenance, the taxpayers will revolt and call for a cut in taxes, and the first thing being cut will be the parks and the recreation so why overburden ourselves. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the trail map with the mentioned changes. Mrs. Koble seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried 5-1 with Mr.Manchester opposed. Muskego Kickers Fall Soccer Schedule Board President Whipple provided the department with a copy of the fall soccer schedule. ALDERMAN'S REPORT Ald. Melcher reported the city administrator had been hired. Council talked about some rezoning issues. Chamberlain Hills homeowners association is disturbed about the multi-family units and are asking for reconsideration. The Parks and Recreation Department items were approved by the Committee of the Whole. Council approved the expenditure for the Idle Isle building. He shared the changes made in the TIF #8. A significant change being the removal of the Parkland Mall property. Other properties were added along Janesville Road and included the Burger King area, the Mobil station on the north side of the street east to the stop light at Bay Lane and the Pick N Save area. This was done to preserve the TIF funding. CONSERVATION COMMISSION REPORT: Mr. Schneider reported the Conservation Commission is looking at the Loughney request for a Conservation Commission subdivision. This would involve three extra lots and preservation of a wooded area. One Commission member thought they may want the bigger lots. They are addressing the erosion control on Holz Island. The will be putting $1,900 towards a plan in the amount of $3,800 to control it. The lake association contributing $1,000 and the lake district $10,000 towards the project. Mr. Hulbert inquired what the project would involve. Mr. Schneider said on the west side of the isle he thought they would use riprap and on the back of the island do more of a natural area with coconut logs that would be environmentally friendly. He said the Commission was discussing a plan for planting trees in memory of someone. Director Anderson cautioned that should it turn out the tree needs to be removed or die, this may be upsetting to the person. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 5 STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director Anderson updated the Board members on the following projects: Kurth Park South—This project will now be held off until the spring of 2006. They need to grade it towards the swale and seed. They may have to raise the traffic bond trail for drainage reasons. Park Arthur—They are waiting on the WDNR’s review before they can redistribute the topsoil. They will be changing the angle on the sledding hill to 47-51 degrees. Recreation Trail—Director Anderson and Mr. Simpson and Mayor met with the homeowners on the Woods Road trail concerns. One question they wanted to ask the Parks and Recreation Board was if anyone of them decide to hook up to city water; one indicated he was going to do it in the spring of next year, would the patch work that needed to be done to the asphalt trail be paid for by the Parks and Recreation Board? Mr. Hulbert said if you run a gas line or sewer and tear up the public right-of-way, you are responsible for putting it back. Board President Whipple agreed if it’s in the right-of-way, the one making the cut should pay for it. It was the consensus of the Board that the property owner or the one making the cut pay for patching it. Idle Isle Building—Director Anderson informed the Board members that some asbestos needs to be removed from the windows and a cost would be incurred. Mr. Schneider was concerned that the trees may be damaged during the razing of the old building. Director Anderson said the firemen will be hosing down the trees so they will not be harmed. An overlay was distributed showing the old and the new building. Old Town Hall—There was some structural work that needed to be done below the stairwell. The risers were inadequate so they added three more and this affected the headroom at the top of the stairs. Taking that away, they found the 2”x10” were not really resting on anything so they had to bring steel in to reinforce the area. Board members were provided with a revenue versus expense record on the Old Town Hall. The amount of money additional for the project is $7,645.62. The changes have been made and the th department should be able to get occupancy in the upper level. Programs should begin the 24 with the th final inspection this Friday, the 14. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the expenditure of $7,645.62 from park dedication. Mr. Manchester seconded. Mr. Manchester inquired how it affected the historical society’s area in the lower level? Director Anderson it just affected the cosmetics of their area. The historical society can do the painting of walls themselves, base molding and tile work in the bathroom. The stairs extend into the hallway and does not take away from the usage area, just restricts some hallway space. Approval had been received from the historical society for using the upper level by the department. Ald. Melcher shared that the members of the historical society have been working on the grounds, doing some power washing on the storage building. They have been accomplishing things. They have a set of goals and priorities set. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously Skate Park—Payne and Dolan have excavated out the area for the skate park, the parking area and the thth trail. Showcase Concrete should be in on the 17 and True Ride on the 25. Looking at doing a grand stnd opening on the 1 or 2 of November. A unit has been contacted to do a demonstration for the grand opening. Invites will be sent out this week to those who have made donations and involved in the project. Mr. Hulbert asked about the rest of the park area, soccer field and grading. Director Anderson said the grading work is still slated to be done this fall. Seeding may take place next year and they still have to remove the tree line that’s on the west side where the west soccer field is going to be. A hydrant will be going in this year as well as the electrical for the vending machine. The sign for the rules has been received and will be up so users will know the rules right away. Mr. Hulbert asked if there would be a Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 6 streetlight to mark the entrance. Director Anderson will check on it. Mr. Schneider asked what was being done with the pile of topsoil. It was part of the agreement with the hauling company that the soccer fields could be done free. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation The staff had a meeting with Dr. Drury, George Haynes, Bob Rammer and the PAC manager on the operation of the PAC (Performing Arts Center @ Muskego High School) and how the department can get use of the facility. Also, discussed what other facilities the department could use for the spring dance recital. The department is looking at using the PAC for the recital in 2007 if the cost isn’t a real high impact to the participants. If it was too high, the department may look at using the Salentine Gym at the high school. Parks Manchester Recreation Trail Painted Walkways Director Anderson reported that the recreation trails now have painted walkways on the streets. The department was able to get it done by a company in the industrial park for $261. Mr. Hulbert asked if they could do the marking on the county highways. Director Anderson will find out. Pioneer Drive crossing was not done due to the path not being a straight crossing. Season Pass on Boat Trailers An individual asked if the Board would consider the placement of the season pass on boat trailers instead of the vehicle windshield. Ald. Melcher said with the State of Wisconsin park stickers, it is with the vehicle. Board members were in agreement that the pass was issued to the individual. The department should follow the current policy. NEW BUSINESS: InPro Skate Park Monument Board members reviewed the monument design submitted by InPro for the skate park. The material is Belbein Black Granite finish vinyl. InPro has designed it as Muskego Skate Park instead of InPro. The Board felt since InPro was given naming rights in exchange for their donation, then the name would stand. Mrs. Koble would like to see it vandalism resistant. Mr. Hulbert said it was polished and Board President Whipple said it was like a tombstone and would withstand power washing so did not see a problem. Mr.Hulbert moved to approve the monument sign and in addition to allow Inpro to refer to it as Muskego Skate Park that would be left up to InPro. Mrs. Koble seconded. Director Anderson advised that the rules sign stated InPro Skate Park with the City of Muskego logo. Material of the monument was discussed and Board President Whipple thought it was a man-made granite. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission—None Next Meeting—November 14, 2005 Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 10, 2005, page 7 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Director Anderson shared that the person sponsoring the Battle of the Bands at Bluhm Farm Park on October 23 did secure the services of Waukesha County Sheriff’s Lt. and Deputy Sheriff. Their employment was verified by the Parks and Recreation Secretary and they were in receipt of the minutes so they know what the Board expects of them. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Koble. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson email: Mayor, Alderpersons, Department Heads, Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn,