Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance
Please take notice that the Common Council adopted the following ordinance on
January 11, 2022:
Ordinance #1467 – An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of
Muskego for Tax Key Numbers 2173.995, 2173.995.001 and
2173.996.001 located on Martin Drive. The Ordinance amended the
zoning from M-1 – Light Industrial District and RSE – Suburban Estate
District to PD – Planned Development District (based on RS-2 Suburban
Residence District) for the purpose of allowing a future single-family
subdivision known as The Glen at Park Hill.
Ordinance #1467 also amended the 2020 Comprehensive Plan from Low
Density Residential Land Use to Medium Density Residential Land Use.
The full text of the above ordinance may be obtained from the City of Muskego
Clerk’s Office, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 during normal
business hours.