Commuinity Development Authority- MINUTES - 9/18/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 10/16/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:02 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Kevin Kubacki, Robert LeClaire, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller, Ald. Rob Glazier, Ald. Wolfe and Executive Director Muenkel NOT PRESENT Commissioner Dan Draeger GUEST: Denise Konkol APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 17, 2012 MEETING: Commissioner Lefebvre moved to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 meeting. Ald. Wolfe seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. PUBLIC INPUT: None Chairman Glazier welcomed Commissioner Kubacki. Members introduced themselves and gave a brief account on their residency, occupation and public service. NEW BUSINESS Resolution to Certify New Redevelopment District #4 Plan - Mill Valley Executive Director Muenkel advised the last step in the redevelopment plan was approval of the resolution certifying the redevelopment district. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to approve the resolution. Commissioner Mueller seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reported, at this time, there was nothing going on. As directed, they will look at redoing the landscaping needs and bidding the project out in the spring. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reviewed again for the benefit of the new member(s) that the CDA is looking at new ideas and bringing in different loans for the community and the ways local businesses may benefit from them. After sending the notices to different banks, BMO Harris is the one that responded and would like to partner in the loan program. They do have a redevelopment program in several communities. Once their current merger is finalized, they will be contacting the city; possibly within the next month. Executive Director Muenkel updated the CDA members on the status of the old BP gas station. He further addressed the TIF 8 Funds. There is money available for projects in the TID area. He has been working with the owners of Delta and Muskego Beer and Liquor on possible loans to improve their businesses. Now that the county’s plans have been finalized, they are excited about updating their sites/facades to the extent they CDA Minutes, September 18, 2012 2 have engaged a developer to work out the cost and to apply for a loan. Also, he mentioned the businesses that are west of the TID area that may be interested should the district be amended to include them. They may be interested in putting money into their sites and their facades as the next phase of Janesville Road reconstruction becomes a reality. The other issue of the BP and Shell gas stations may be available for them to be redeveloped in the future whether they are cleaned up through grants or other sources of funding. Also, the vacant parcel at Janesville/Westwood may become available to be put back on the tax roll. With all these parcels, the CDA may want to look at amending the boundaries of TIF 8 and use the money for redevelopment. He would like to receive a recommendation from the CDA for the Common Council to move forward with amending the district boundaries which was shown on a visual pdf file. It would then go through a lengthy process of public hearing and getting approval of the joint review board and all municipal entities which could take from 60-90 days. In regard to the BP and Shell parcels, the county may want to get rid of these parcels. There could be advantages to the city in pursuing acquisition of the parcels. TIF money could be used to clean up the parcels and grants from the Federal government are available for clean-up purposes. Then, the CDA could put the parcels on the market similar to what was accomplished with the present Firestone location. Once developed, these parcels could then be put back on the tax roll. He has contacted the Sigma Environmental Group and they have advised it would take approximately $2,000 to assess the cost to clean up the contaminated sites. They would also help pursue the grants that would be available. Chairman Glazier thought this BP issue is another one to take to Common Council to say the CDA is interested in exploring what can be done with the parcel and what is involved in cleaning it up. Ald. Wolfe thought it was a great block for a major development. Back to the financial status of the TIF, Executive Director Muenkel forecasted the debt $1.5 million would be paid off in about thirteen years as is. By amending the TIF district, adding more properties, he felt the debt could be paid off even sooner with the investment in different areas. He felt it was a good time to start pursuing the TIF 8 amendment; then the CDA could work on developing a TIF 8 plan, creating more opportunity for parcels in the area. Chairman Glazier stated that one of the challenges of the CDA is they have all the tools in place, money and ability to loan money at low interest rates, the challenge is to get businesses to take advantage of it. He noted that businesses are waiting to see what will happen with the road so now with the 90% plan finished, some of the businesses should know exactly where that road is going to be and the impact; they may now start to plan ahead. There are two things in play; one is the road and the other issue is what is the CDA not doing to or could be doing to get businesses to take advantage of these resources. The CDA needs to be proactive to stimulate development. CDA members unanimously recommended to the Common Council to amend the TIF district. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel referred to the survey that was sent out prior to the last meeting. The department did not receive too much information back. Some owners mentioned that the CDA has the low interest loan programs; however, not available to those in the industrial park except for the Revolving Loan Fund. The business owners would like to see a small loan program that they could use to make some minor improvements. He will see what he can do to put together a small loan program. There are some monies for the industrial park which in the past have been used for road improvements, signage and trees. He shared the information on the county’s leverage loan program for up to $50,000 for project financing. He could probably mirror a loan program after the county’s. Commissioner LeClaire questioned if in the survey they had wanted better signage. Executive Director Muenkel stated there were a couple that wanted the direction to a business expanded. It would be difficult to maintain as businesses come and go unless the signage was flexible. Commissioner LeClaire shared that he had been to Green Lake central business district and had found the signage indicating the direction to take for a business very helpful with arrows pointing towards the business. Mill Valley Redevelopment District (#4) Implementation CDA Minutes, September 18, 2012 3 Chairman Glazier mentioned the only thing taking place was the certifying which took place earlier in the meeting. Marketing Plan Implementation Executive Director Muenkel provided spreadsheets, color-coded on how the marking plan would be implemented as set forth by the consultant—near term, mid-term, or long term. The life of the plan is about five years. He had assessed whether it would take funding or staff time to do certain items. It was apparent to him that staff time was the biggest issue. He proposed to Council to hire a GIS Planner. The position would also offset some of his planning duties so he could spend time on the marketing plan. This would be the big item to focus on to keep the marketing plan going the next year. He mentioned some of the funding sources that the CDA has available. Chairman Glazier asked how much of the marketing plan requires the additional person. Executive Director Muenkel saw the part-time planner doing more of the day-to-day planning duties, taking the load off himself, and his time becomes more economic development duties, establishing relationships with businesses. There are some specific projects that the planner could do for the marketing plan and economic development. Chairman Glazier would like to know which of the items are facilitated by having another person in the planning department. Executive Director Muenkel stated he planned on sticking to the time frames set forth by the consultants. Chairman Glazier said the CDA has a vested interest in this because they are shepherding the marketing plan and he believed they were interested in advocating for these items. Commissioner Lefebvre commented that if you want to move forward and you have a marketing plan that has been approved, it’s common sense that there is going to be more time involved in doing it whoever it is and, of course, there is going to be a cost. CDA commissioners were in receipt of the business recruitment awards program from Grandview, Missouri. Executive Director Muenkel felt that the CDAs program would be a little bit different. The Grandview community has a program that individuals receive cash for businesses brought into the community. He had talked to the planner in Grandview who indicated he gets two people a week calling and asking about the program and how they might fit into it. Commissioner Mueller had review the document and questioned if they dollar amounts could be larger. Executive Director Muenkel indicated the amounts could be larger depending on funds available. The CDA commissioners would like to see a document based on a Muskego application. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates No updates. Next Meeting Date: October 16, 6:00 PM ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Mueller moved for adjournment, Ald. Wolfe seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary RESOLUTION NO. CDA 002-2012 CDA Minutes, September 18, 2012 4 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CERTIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 PROJECT AREA TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment District No. 4 Project Area (the “Redevelopment Plan”) was duly approved and adopted by the City of Muskego Community Development Authority (the “CDA”) on the 17th day of July, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan was duly approved and adopted by not less than a two-thirds vote of the City of Muskego Common Council (the “Common Council”) on the 24th day of July, 2012; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CDA that the Redevelopment Plan, a true and correct copy of which is attached to this resolution, is hereby certified to the Common Council pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 66.1333(6)(e). Adopted this 18th day of September, 2012. Rob Glazier, Chairman City of Muskego Community Development Authority Attest: Bob Mueller, Secretary City of Muskego Community Development Authority