Commuinity Development Authority- MINUTES - 11/20/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 1/15/13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2012 PUBLIC HEARING: Public Hearing Regarding the Proposed Amendment of Boundaries and Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. 8 in the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, its Boundaries and the Project Plan Amendment. Chairman Glazier called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Executive Director Muenkel went over the details of the amendment to the TID No. 8. Amendments included addition of parcels along Janesville Road; some west of Lannon Drive and east on Janesville Road to Bellview Drive. The reason to amend the plan is to allow the CDA to embark on some new redevelopment projects with some of the property owners in the district. Also, to harness some of the new tax increment that would be generated from some of the vacant parcels in the area. There is a $375,000 fund balance that can be used towards redevelopment projects. He mentioned if the city were to acquire the BP parcel, the money could be used to help clean up the parcel and make it marketable and possibly recoup the money in the future through a sale. Also, there would be low interest loans to help out the owners who want to put money back into their property by doing their facades and landscaping. The joint review board made up of members from each taxing authority approved the amendments. The only change they recommended was putting a threshold of $600,000 for projects; thus, the CDA would not have to go through the amendment process if a future project necessitated more dollars than $375,000. He had notified all property owners in the district of the public hearing. Only one property owner spoke to him about it wanting to know what the TID was all about and in the end, they had no issues. Chairman Glazier summed up that the purpose of the public hearing was to inform the public and gather public input. There was no one in attendance to offer public input; therefore, Chairman Glazier closed the public hearing at 6:08 p.m. and the CDA members convened into their regular meeting. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Kevin Kubacki, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller, Ald. Rob Glazier, Ald. Wolfe and Executive Director Muenkel ABSENT: Commissioner Robert LeClaire (excused) GUESTS: Mayor Chiaverotti, Alderman Borgman, Denise Konkol, Ald. Madden APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 16 MEETING: Ald. Wolfe moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Lefebvre seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. PUBLIC INPUT: None CDA Minutes, November 20, 2012 2 NEW BUSINESS Community Development Authority Action Regarding the Proposed Amendment of Boundaries and Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. 8 in the City of Muskego, Wisconsin and Approval of Project Plan Amendment (See the Resolution “A Resolution Designating the Proposed Amended Boundaries and Approving a Project Plan Amendment for Tax Incremental District No. 8, City of Muskego, Wisconsin”). Executive Director Muenkel presented the resolution for the approval of the TID #8 amendment. Commissioner Kubacki moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Alderman Wolfe question if once it is approved, would the property owners be notified of what it entails and how it would benefit them. Executive Director Muenkel stated he would be contacting them and also offer them some ideas, encouraging them to have a discussion on what’s available to them. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Revolving Loan Fund Manual Changes Chairman Glazier stated there were some interesting changes to the revolving loan fund. Executive Director Muenkel shared that the Wisconsin Department of Administration recently applied new rules on how municipalities must run their Revolving Loan Fund programs. These new rules established by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) included the following major changes:  51% of the jobs an approved loan created must be filled with a low to moderate income individual. Previously they only had to show that the job was offered to people of low to moderate income; never had to show that they were hired.  A new sheet must be filled out by the business receiving the loan each year demonstrating that the jobs are continually filled by people of low to moderate income. This sheet is attached to the end of the new manual.  A new “anti-pirating” rule is now in effect in which a municipality can’t give a loan out to a business that is simply relocating jobs from one labor market area to another. This would include a business moving from one state to another or one community in Wisconsin to Muskego. He stated that the municipality must show that they approved these new rules in their local manuals by December 31, 2012. CDA members discussed the hurdle that the low to moderate income stipulation on jobs and job relocation may turn businesses away from applying for the loans. It makes the loan program unworkable for most businesses noted Chairman Glazier. Ald. Wolfe moved to adopt the revisions to the RLP manual. Commissioner Kubacki seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reported nothing new since the last meeting. Staff is still working on continual marketing and commercial opportunities; looking at doing the landscaping in the spring. He will also continue to work on grant implementation to be made available to the businesses in this district. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel stated the big thing right now is the TID #8 amendment which is currently under discussion and it should be adopted by end of the year. In January, he would expect to start discussions with the property owners. On the BP parcel, the city by way of resolution informed the county that they want to be involved with it. The county may take longer on this issue as they are looking at the process of getting appraisals. This issue is still ongoing. He further shared that staff is still working with BMO Harris on establishing a new loan program. The branch manager is optimistic and very interested. They have money that they try to invest in the communities. CDA Minutes, November 20, 2012 3 Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel stated that the changes as requested by the CDA members have been made. This included adding a timetable for the grant program as well as a grant amount of $5,000. Also, a listing of the eligible and ineligible activities was added to clarify the requirements of the grant program. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to approve the Business Park Grant Program. Ald. Wolfe seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Mill Valley Redevelopment District (#4) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel had nothing new to add since last month. He will continue to report in the supplement the status of the items that will be ongoing. Some items were noted as completed and others were planned for completion next year. Status of some of the items are dependent upon what New Berlin does in the area. Marketing Plan Implementation Executive Director Muenkel stated the most important item at this time is the rewards program which was approved by the Common Council. He will be working on getting this information out to residents and brokers in the coming month. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Executive Director Muenkel shared that DJs Pub and Grill’s plan was approved by the Plan Commission and should be rebuilt in 2013. Next Meeting Date: Executive Director Muenkel will advise the CDA members if a meeting will be held in the month of December a couple weeks in advance. If no December date, the next meeting would be on the third Tuesday in January. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Ald.Wolfe moved for adjournment. Commissioner Draeger seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary