Commuinity Development Authority- MINUTES - 10/16/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 11/20/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES TUESDAY, October 16, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Kevin Kubacki, Robert LeClaire, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller, Ald. Rob Glazier, Ald. Wolfe and Executive Director Muenkel GUEST: Denise Konkol, Jim Ott APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 MEETING: Commissioner Kubacki moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2012 meeting. Ald. Wolfe seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. PUBLIC INPUT: None NEW BUSINESS Janesville Road Grant Request, L.Spa For the benefit of the new committee members, Executive Director Muenkel reviewed the grant requirements. He stated that L Spa had done a lot of work to the property. It has changed considerably since they bought it. He elaborated on some of the improvements as well as provided pictures. They are looking at a reimbursement matching grant in the amount of $3,000 though they spent more than that amount on the improvements. They are also looking to continue this and plan on being here long term. Based upon the merits of the grant program, he recommended approval of the grant request. Commissioner Draeger questioned how the grant was funded. Executive Director Muenkel stated that the funds are now from the TID residual fund whereas before they used the CDBG county funds which is now depleted. Commissioner LeClaire sought clarification if the recipient had to be an owner or tenant to qualify for the grant. Executive Director Muenkel said that tenants had been allowed. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to approve the grant request in the amount of $3,000. Commissioner LeClaire seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel pointed out several items still to be implemented in the Tess Corners Redevelopment District. These included to continue marketing of industrial and commercial opportunities, installation of landscaping and banners next spring and making the businesses aware of the financial aid that is available to them. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel shared that the Common Council approved moving forward with exploration of the amendment to TID 8. The next step would be to set the public hearing date in November. The CDA should start considering their project plan and what they envisioned for the area and what area they wanted to include in the amendment as well as any other details and the mechanisms to be included. He mentioned there was $375,000 readily available to be used in the TID 8 district. He pointed out on a visual display the CDA Minutes, October 16, 2012 2 properties that were now in the TID district and those that he was proposing to include in the amendment which were west on Janesville Road to include Tres Locos, the old Shell and BP stations, Jerome Drugs retail center, Muskego Beer & Liquor, Delta restaurant, DeWinter eye care, Ameritech building, and on the southwest corner is a couple vacant parcels. He felt there were opportunities for the CDA to help out in these areas. He asked for comments in amending the district boundaries. Ald. Wolfe would like the old Firestone property included; then, possibly the strip mall that is next to it. Executive Director Muenkel pointed out the vacant parcels in the area that could also be added. He expected the TID amendment to be approved by December at which time he’ll start contacting the businesses relative to redevelopment and the money that would be available to them. Prior to those businesses being implemented, they will receive a hearing notice. The notices will include the tax key numbers and a map. Chairman Glazier returned to the issue of the boundaries and what the CDA wanted to include—the old Firestone property, then the adjacent properties going west to the home next to the library adding five more properties. Commissioner Draeger moved to set the date for the public hearing on the TID amendment on Tuesday, November 20. Commissioner Kubacki seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Executive Director Muenkel stated he saw a lot of development potential for the BP parcel. There was discussion at the Common Council level in June about purchasing the property from the county. He has talked with county public works staff and attorneys and they will move forward and recommend to the County Board that the property be sold to the City of Muskego for $1. As that is a contaminated parcel, he has investigated different grants available to help with clean up. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource has a Ready For Reuse grant and the existing money right now is about $750,000. It’s a real easy program. They cover 78% of the clean-up cost if you own the property. He would like to propose to the Common Council that the CDA recommends the purchase of the parcel from the county for $1. Then, he will start the process to acquire the WDNR grant. One requirement of the grant is to show a Phase I environmental study. The environmental group, Sigma Environmental Services, Inc., that is doing the Janesville Road project gave him a quote of $3800. They will also provide an estimate on the clean-up work on the site to be shared with the WDNR. He said whatever the amount; the CDA could cover the 22% under the TID 8 funds. Once it is cleaned up, put it on the market with a RFP. The CDA could then recoup their expense and he felt it would be less than the worth of the property. During the process, the city attorney recommended that an environmental attorney be hired to oversee the project. The city’s liability would be very small, basically the soil contamination as there are no wells in the area. He would advise Common Council that the CDA has funds to cover the $3800 and attorney fees and they can use the TID money to offset the 22%. Commissioner Kubacki moved to recommend to the Common Council to acquire the BP property and spend the $3800 for the Phase I environmental study and document review subject to City purchase. Commissioner Draeger seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Executive Director Muenkel advised that staff hasn’t received any feedback from BMO Harris bank on the proposed new loan program and their involvement. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation CDA Minutes, October 16, 2012 3 Surveys were sent out to the business owners and not much feedback was received. They did inquire if there were any mechanisms for them to receive grants or loans if they redevelop or create more increment or jobs. At this time, all that is available to them is the Revolving Loan Fund. CDA had established a grant program for the commercial entities along Janesville Road so could they put together a grant program for the business parks. There is about $52,000 available for the existing business parks and could be used for a grant program. Staff provided a draft for the Business Park Grant Program for review which was patterned after the commercial grant program. Commissioners like the draft; however, would like to see some timeline attached for applications; a year seemed doable. Discussion will continue at the next meeting on eligibility requirements, monetary amounts for consideration of approval. Mill Valley Redevelopment District (#4) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel updated the members on items to be implemented. Some have already been completed and others are ongoing. Marketing Plan Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reported that the Common Council has debated budgeting on how the marketing plan may be implemented. The final budget has been approved for 2013. To help the marketing plan progress further, a couple thousand dollars was taken from the economic development budget; also, if need be, may use some of the CDA property sales dollars for some aspects of the marketing plan. One item would be hiring a part-time GIS Planner to help offset some of his activities so he can focus on the larger issues in the marketing plan. After last meeting, staff drafted a Business Recruitment Rewards Program for review. The rewards program was for people that would bring or encourage businesses to locate in Muskego. He provided more information from Grandview, Missouri on their program and patterned the proposed Muskego recruitment program. Once the CDA has reviewed it and approved it, it will go to the Common Council. CDA monies will be the funding source for the program such as the property sale money. The following was recommended as criteria for the rewards program:  $2,000 for a business prospect that employs three to fifty employees or invests $350,000-$700,000 in capital equipment or real and personal property;  $4,000 for a business prospect that employs fifty-one plus employees or invests $750,000 plus in capital equipment and real or personal property.  He further was recommending a bonus of $1,000 for bringing a business that owns and builds a new structure in the community. Commissioners agreed with the amounts recommended. They were in favor of moving it on to the Common Council. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Executive Director Muenkel, in view of the CDA overseeing any development in a redevelopment district, will be forwarding to them DJs Pub and Grill’s plans to redevelop their site. He would welcome any comments from the Commissioners. They would also be welcomed to speak at the Plan Commission meeting. Commissioner Draeger commented on how nice the Pioneer Drive project turned out and gave it a “thumbs up.” Next Meeting Date: November 20, 6:00 PM ADJOURNMENT: CDA Minutes, October 16, 2012 4 There being no further business, Ald. Wolfe moved for adjournment, Commissioner LeClaire seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary