Commuinity Development Authority - MINUTES - 3/29/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 4/19/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Rob Glazier, Gail Konkel, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller , Ald. Soltysiak and Executive Director Muenkel EXCUSED: Ald. Tracy Snead GUESTS: Errin Welty of Vierbicher, Brandon Rutz of Ady Voltedge APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 8, 2012 MEETING: Ald. Soltysiak moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Lefebvre seconded. Commissioner Draeger requested his name be corrected from Don to Dan. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve corrected minutes was approved with Chairman Glazier abstaining. PUBLIC INPUT: None NEW BUSINESS Final Marketing Plan Review Executive Director Muenkel advised that the Commissioners had received copies of the marketing plan prior to the meeting; however, current updated documents brought by the consultants were provided. A brief power point presentation was given by Consultants Welty and Rutz. Stakeholder Interview Summary Mr. Rutz stated he had interviewed a few industrial employers in the area. The main points expressed were: Productivity and work ethic in Muskego is excellent with hardly any turnover. Muskego has been good in maintaining the community feel. Mayor has been very helpful in reaching out to them and making their needs met; feeling wanted makes them move to or stay in the city. Low, local taxes and some rated Muskego as in the top ten in low taxes. Quality of life is wonderful but would like to see more lake accesses. Chairman Glazier inquired if these items made a difference in them locating in Muskego or staying in Muskego. Mr. Rutz stated the low taxes were a big issue and quality of life is another one but not as high as low taxes. A positive factor was Muskego was responsive to their needs. Strategy They added to the strategy document the groups and area that it focuses on that are an influence in terms of business, strategy, connectivity, business growth, and taxes. Four major groups and what type of business it tailored was discussed. Ease of implementation of the marketing plan and how much political, financial, and capital that it is going to take to accomplish it. Communitywide business and retention focusing on the businesses that are already in place. Business recruitment can be accomplished by making them aware of low taxes and the responsiveness of the government to their needs. Things to do to encourage development in different areas was brought out. General business climate that would mean it is CDA Minutes, March 29, 2012 2 a good place to do business. Commissioners discussed the viability of changing the addresses and notifying businesses of their option in using addresses. Marketing Tactics Included in their marketing tactics were tenant data bases, business visits, web site, and implementation of a CRM (customer relationship manager) was suggested by Commissioner Draeger, In reviewing of the web site, it needs to focus more externally. Ald. Soltysiak recommended having a micro web site for businesses and a micro web site for residents. Regional profile should also be done and that could be used in a brochure. Also, use direct mail and email depending on what they want to have as the focus of their marketing campaign, tailoring their campaign to the target. They should also look at going after a site selector using a direct mail campaign, email or familiarization tour. They could host site selectors for some big event in the area. These site selectors could be the regional brokers, large brokers or individuals. How big do they want their promotion to go. They also were recommending trade shows and to start talking to some of the companies that are regional in scope and to get in touch with the attendees prior to the trade show. It takes some planning to make these shows successful. In transportation/warehousing category, to show them that Muskego is close to major highways with possibly going to the Chicago area to advise them of the advantages of Wisconsin over Illinois. Commissioner Konkel mentioned that the publishers of the trade magazines may be someone to talk to and see what they suggest. Commissioner Draeger suggested to find out what problems a business has and then to offer a solution to the problems. Commissioner Mueller stated to do a site visit would be the best key to figure out what their problems are and how to solve them. Chairman Glazier called for anything the Commissioners wanted them to address. Commissioner Konkel inquired as they tracked the industries, are they making the assumption also that people who live in Muskego and work elsewhere will come back to Muskego to work. Ms. Welty stated that not so much the industrial /retail ones, but the office ones were based that way. Companies want to look at where they have workers. Chairman Glazier inquired if the lake park status was important in their study. Ms. Welty said when they started the project, it wasn’t a sure thing that the lake park would happen so they didn’t put any emphasis on it. If they do it, it is important that they capitalize on it. Ald. Soltysiak asked if they could analyze what impact it would have on economic development. Ms Welty said they could do some of it. Over the long term, it would have an impact but at this point, hard to say what the impact would be. Chairman Glazier added that if the city wants to have a park there, it is important to have a plan than just green space. Executive Director Muenkel stated if the city moves forward, it’s important to identify the land uses around it and then make a site plan for the community by identifying the parcels around the area and what they could be. Commissioner Konkel was looking for a summarization of the real good points in the plan to be part of the document so as not to get lost in the body of the document. Discussion also centered on how much of the development the CDA can control considering the proximity to the Milwaukee area. Looking for a visual picture of what they are looking for in the area to map out the city on what they want it to be. Ms. Welty cautioned that designating what they want in a certain area may turn developers/businesses away from the area. Chairman Glazier noted that there were 43 line items in the Marketing Strategies and basically four general themes….Moorland Road, Downtown, Business Parks, Tess Corners. Of these themes, he questioned where to begin. Before turning the document over to Council, he would like to have a recommendation to give them on a starting point, what it would look like, and the businesses they would target. Executive Director Muenkel thought the marketing timeline was more advanced than they wanted with implementation over 3-5 years. Was the CDA envisioning more than a 15-month period and he felt some items should be brought out further based on what is happening in the community, such as the construction projects. Ms. Welty explained that the timeline is only the near term items, the mid-term and long-term items on the plan are meant for 2-5 years. Near-term would be within the next 15-18 months, mid- term years 2-3 and long-term 4-5 years or longer depending on the economy. Executive Director Muenkel would like to not put it on a month basis, but a term basis. He would not like to hold himself or any board to feel they are missing their timelines. In looking at the plan and what it entails, Commissioners continued to CDA Minutes, March 29, 2012 3 discuss various aspects of the marketing plan and the possible need of hiring additional personnel or contracting out some of the items to get them executed. Executive Director Muenkel will work with Ms. Welty to establish what a timeline really is and what it equates to in considering the 43 line items. Chairman Glazier summed up that the next step would be to finalize the report and what does the CDA want to deliver to Council. The discussion on what the CDA wants to recommend to Council at the next meeting. He asked of Ald. Sotysiak what he felt he needed as a member of Council. Ald. Soltysiak said they would need to know what it would take to do it…people, money, time. Chairman Glazier suggested a joint meeting with Plan Commission, Chamber of Commerce, whoever they feel the stakeholders might be, is it too soon to bring in other groups. Executive Director Muenkel said that once it is adopted, that is what they are going to have to do to implement the plan. Ald. Soltysiak stated he would like the CDA to come up with an outline priority plan about the overall research and this is what the CDA wants to focus on first, etc. at the next meeting and then bring that to Council. (Consultants departed at 7:27 PM). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Executive Director Muenkel shared the following:  Young Auto Body is moving forward with their building. The CDA did help them out.  Janesville Road Phase 1 is beginning work earlier than the May 1 start date due to the mild weather.  He has had discussions with some local banks relative to setting up another source for funds for future loans.  Status of the lake park is on hold; Council approved funding for a consultant to work through a site development process. The Parks & Recreation Board will be seeking input from stakeholders and the public. He will keep the CDA updated on these meetings. Commissioner Lefebvre added that the lake district will be represented. Chairman Glazier commented that they should not only look at the lake park but possible development occurring around it. Chairman Glazier welcomed Commissioner Mueller as the most current new member of the CDA. He further announced that Commissioner Konkel will be leaving the CDA after the April meeting and thanked her for her 10 years of service. Next Meeting Date The next meeting date, either April 16 or 19, will be decided and members will be notified. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Ald. Soltlysiak moved for adjournment, Commissioner Lefebvre seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary