Commuinity Development Authority- MINUTES - 4/19/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 5/15/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Rob Glazier, Gail Konkel, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller , and Executive Director Muenkel EXCUSED: Ald. Soltysiak GUESTS: Mayor Chiaverotti, Ald. Borgman, Denise Konkol of Muskego Patch APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 29, 2012 MEETING: Commissioner Draeger moved to approve the minutes of the March 29, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Mueller seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. PUBLIC INPUT: None NEW BUSINESS Recommendation of Approval of Marketing Plan to the Common Council Executive Director Muenkel reviewed the final draft. He noted the changes that took place since the last meeting:  The vast majority of the implementation chapter was updated and revamped.  The textual contents were incorporated throughout.  Pages 70 and 71 were expanded to talk about strategies for successfully implementing.  There was a bit of expanded text on pages 75 and 76 to do the same for marketing. There a couple more technical corrections and staff will be working with Vierbicher to break up the recommendations in a bit more detail but overall the Plan seems ready for recommendation of approval to the Council if the CDA agrees. One item of note is that there is text added that City staff should be assessing the recommendations of the plan and how/who will implement them and that the need for other resources, possibly including additional staff would then be evaluated. Director Muenkel noted that this need evaluation would happen in the next couple months before next year’s budget discussions. He reviewed it again for technical changes; as well as the consultants adding some map changes. He was recommending approval subject to technical changes and give direction as to what the next steps should be. How involved does the CDA want to be? Some discussion occurred on bringing the new Council members up to date on the plan and offer up any recommendations with the plan. Executive Director Muenkel said he plans to present the plan at the May 8 Council, highlighting the points of the plan, how the plan came to be, and using the CDA as a vehicle to move forward with the plan. Executive Director Muenkel advised the CDA members what his plans are to get the plan moving forward and what the staff can do internally, along with determining the necessary funding. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to recommend the plan to go to the Common Council for their approval. Commissioner Mueller seconded. Commissioner Konkel noted on page 15, they had Governor, not General, Mitchell International Airport. Commissioner Mueller inquired on the cost of doing the marketing plan. Executive Director Muenkel advised that it was $30,000. The CDA Minutes, April 19, 2012 2 consultants would be available for future follow-ups. The marketing plan also establishes timelines for implementation. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mill Valley Redevelopment District (#4) Program Executive Director Muenkel provided again the draft for the implementation of the redevelopment district. He asked the CDA members to review and to put forth any new ideas they would have for the district. He mentioned that they would have to go through the public hearing process to establish the district. He would like to schedule the public hearing in two months. After talking with the City of New Berlin officials, he had some ideas what to add to the program. One being, how they expect to co-op with the City of New Berlin to beautify the area once they do develop it and, also, co-op with the State as he noted the roundabouts have weeds. Chairman Glazier questioned if there was anything to do with the sewer and water. Executive Director Muenkel shared that the City of New Berlin is looking at providing the sewer and water themselves. Timing wise, Chairman Glazier mentioned there would be several new members on the CDA and should they hold off for one month to give them an opportunity to review the plan. Executive Director Muenkel felt that the month of May they could review the plan sufficiently for a public hearing in June. OLD BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reported they are continuing to work on the landscaping plan. He received word from Graef that they will meet the May deadline and present their draft for revitalizing the Tess Corners stretch to the CDA. They can then provide comments on it at that time and maybe adopt it and forward it on to Council and how it would be funded. He thought there would be funds in the existing Janesville Road reconstruction capital budgeting. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation The marketing plan contributes a lot to the downtown area as discussed earlier in the meeting. Executive Director Muenkel stated he was continuing discussions with a local bank on creating a commercial loan program similar to what is available in Oconomowoc. The bank is interested in being a partner in the program by providing an outside source for the grant program. They were made aware that the city has an outside source that reviews the loans. In regard to the utilization of the TID funds, he reported that Muskego Beer and Liquor and Delta are still interested but waiting to see what the plans are for Janesville Road Phase 2. He shared that the Pioneer Drive redevelopment is currently receiving bids. The initial designs were provided to the CDA members and carried the theme from the Janesville Road project. They are trying to promote commercial development in the area. Chairman Glazier questioned if the business owners that showed an interest earlier are waiting for the road project to be completed. Executive Director Muenkel has been continuing discussions with the business owners. They are still interested and indicated it is hard to invest and do anything during the construction. After construction, he forecasted they may have another meeting of the business owners to see what can be done. He will bring forward the document again on the revitalization of Pioneer Drive at the next meeting and they may want to update it throughout the summer. Commissioner Mueller questioned if funds had been set aside and Executive Director Muenkel stated that the funds for the reconstruction had been set aside in last year’s budget. The road development is separate through the Common Council’s capital budget. CDA members further discussed the Pioneer Drive revitalization project relative to the phasing of the Janesville Road reconstruction and that it was a key element so as not to have construction of the downtown area in so many successive years. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel shared that one business had contacted him on the loan programs that the city has to offer. For this area, it is only the Revolving Loan Fund that is available. The business owner wanted to know if the CDA would extend the other business loan programs to district #3. He explained the grant/loan programs to the business owner and that the city might have additional programs in the future. They were looking not so much as creating jobs but working capital. Does the CDA want to change the CDA Minutes, April 19, 2012 3 grant/loan program and make it available for district #3? Commissioner Lefebvre commented with working with the bank on loans, maybe that could be made available to them. It may be premature to change what the CDA already has in place. Commissioner Konkel asked in working with the bank are they looking at a citywide program or more specific to district #1/#2; and what are the goals of the program. The bank staff wanted to know what he had in mind so he showed them the existing commercial loan program. It might be able to be broader in scope. Commissioner Konkel noted that if it is citywide, then it would be out of their purview. Chairman Glazier mentioned he would like the CDA to be flexible in giving help to businesses in district #3 so can they be fitted into an existing program or modify the program. Executive Muenkel will get more information from the business to see if they can tailor a loan to their actual needs. Overall the CDA didn’t see that working capital would be a priority for future loans but they want to be as open and as responsive as possible. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Chairman Glazier thanked Commissioner Konkel for her 10 years of service on the CDA. He wished her luck on her new projects. Next Meeting Date The next meeting date was set for Tuesday, May 15. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Konkel moved for adjournment, Commissioner Draeger seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary