Commuinity Development Authority - MINUTES - 5/15/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 6/19/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:02 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Rob Glazier, Robert LeClaire, Larry Lefebvre, Ald. Wolfe and Executive Director Muenkel EXCUSED: Dan Draeger, Bob Mueller, Ald. Werner GUESTS: Denise Konkol of Muskego Patch APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 2012 MEETING: Commissioner Lefebvre moved to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Glazier seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. INTRODUCTION OF NEW CDA MEMBERS Chairman Glazier welcomed the new members, Robert LeClaire and Ald. Wolfe, to the CDA. Members introduced themselves and gave a brief account on their residency, occupation and public service. PUBLIC INPUT: None ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR, AND SECRETARY: Due to all the members not being present, Commissioner LeClaire moved, Commissioner Lefebvre seconded, to defer the election of officers until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Mill Valley Redevelopment District (#4) Review For the benefit of the new members, Chairman Glazier stated the intent was to go through the plan and have a public hearing next month in June. No impending need to move forward with that tonight. Executive Director Muenkel spoke about the three development districts and that the fourth one was proposed about a year ago as the Mill Valley area near New Berlin is going to develop. The area is one of Muskego’s gateways and some opportunity for commercial development. He went over the work the CDA attempted to do on the District #4 plan. Section 5 of the proposed plan sets forth the main recommendations to cover during the next year. He explained how redevelopment plans work. He pointed out the borders of the district on the map. Gave background information on the way development districts are started. Commissioner LeClaire commented on the Muskego corner which is agricultural, open space and closest to the district. Why no retail on that corner? Executive Director Muenkel stated it was in the comprehensive plan as future commercial. It is zoned as residential right now so the residents have that opportunity. Ald. Wolfe as if any business approached and talked about a site in that location. Executive Director Muenkel said he has had inquiries over the last five years. The owner is open for future development There has been several owners of the Gateway Entertainment Center. Commissioner Lefebvre asked what would be going CDA Minutes, May 15, 2012 2 in there. Executive Director Muenkel did not know what the new owner wanted to do. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to take Redevelopment District #4 plan forward to the public hearing. Commissioner LeClaire seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel is working on looking again at the streetscaping of Janesville Road, the portion which was reconstructed in 2002. During the public hearing, the people wanted more thought put into the streetscaping. The Council approved the CDA working with Graef who is also doing the streetscaping design for Janesville Road, Phase I. CDA will be covering the cost for doing the design process with the design process to be done this year. He showed the first rendition of the streetscaping and it concentrates on the medians and mimics what is planned for Janesville Road, Phase I. The designs also have to follow the county’s guidelines in regard to plantings and location of plantings. The whole project plan focused on the median areas and each one with the same type of density and same type of use. There was some discussion about doing the terraces; however, this was not recommended by the county. He had just reviewed the plan and was going to ask them to look into the cost of putting some more crosswalks in at Kohl’s/Waukesha State Bank intersection, Golden Country Estates and Lincoln Point. There is some time to look into this as he didn’t expect any plantings to be done before the fall. He’ll provide the plan so the CDA members can look at it in more depth and get ideas back to him. Ald. Wolfe suggested the possibility of investigating more lights extending east to the gateway sign as this area is deficient in both streetscaping and lighting to let you know that this is a gateway to the community. Mr. Muenkel will look into these costs as an alternative for the CDA and Council to review. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel updated the CDA on the status of the marketing plan. The Common Council deferred action to give members more time to read it over. He thought it would be approved by the next meeting in June. They had no objection to the CDA monitoring the plan. Pioneer Drive has been successfully bid out and work has started on the utilities this past week. The zoning is in place to allow mixed use. Some may stay residential and other parcels may go commercial. Good opportunities for CDA to work with local owners once this construction project is compete in the near future to promote redevelopments and work with the parks Maintenance site with Council. Way finding signage became an idea with the Janesville Road reconstruction project discussion five years ago. It was put into the comprehensive plan as an implementation. It was something that city board and commissions wanted to work on but were waiting for the Janesville Road project took place. These signs could be put in with the streetscaping and utilize the moneys borrowed for this streetscaping. Public staff started to put the plan together earlier in the year internally. It was now ready to be brought forward. The basic locations have been mapped out. Executive Director Muenkel will be bringing the plan to the Committee of the Whole probably next week and informing them of the plan and the source of the funding. He showed some designs for the signage. He has worked with the sign developer who did the gateway signs and for $12,000, for 28 large signs and 16 small signs. CDA members felt the signs would help bring businesses to Muskego as the signage meets the goals of the redevelopment district plans and promotes the various business parks, Downtown, and Pioneer Historic District. Executive Director Muenkel reported he is still working with the bank on the business loan idea. Janesville Road reconstruction is in full swing and Phase II plans are about 60% completed. Utilities will be buried later this year. CDA Minutes, May 15, 2012 3 In regard to the TIF funds, there are a couple of businesses that are interested but they are waiting to see what impact the Janesville Road reconstruction has on them before moving forward on site planning. They have been advised that the CDA would be willing to help them out with low interest loans. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel stated there will be something coming up in the future. They will be re-issuing a survey to the business owners and, possibly, have a meeting with them as well to get their input. He shared that over the past few months, the staff have been doing monthly business visits. The Mayor has taken an issue to schedule one business visit every month. He has been accompanying her. They have visited M2M Machining and Alpha Plastics. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Executive Director Muenkel reminded the CDA members of Jammin’ on Janesville to occur the first Friday in June, July and August. The City of Muskego will have a booth in front of the Library and he will info on grants and loans the CDA has to offer. Other city departments will be involved as well. Next Meeting Date The next meeting date was set for Tuesday, June 19. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Lefebvre moved for adjournment, Commissioner LeClaire seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary