Commuinity Development Authority - MINUTES - 6/19/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 7/17/12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Rob Glazier, Robert LeClaire, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller, Ald. Wolfe and Executive Director Muenkel GUESTS: 15, including Mayor Chiaverotti, Denise Konkol of Muskego Patch, Howard Schneider, Bob Bueckers APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 15, 2012 MEETING: Ald. Wolfe moved to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Lefebvre seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS Members introduced themselves and gave a brief account on their residency, occupation and public service. ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR, AND SECRETARY: Members moved and seconded to nominate/elect Rob Glazier to serve as Chairman, Larry Lefebvre as Vice-chairman and Bob Mueller as Secretary. Motions carried. PUBLIC HEARING – TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A PROJECT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #4 – MILL VALLEY Reading Of Public Notice Reading of the public notice to consider adoption of a project plan for Redevelopment District #4 (Mill Valley) was read by Executive Director Muenkel. Presentation by Jeff Muenkel, Community Development Director Executive Director Muenkel made a power point presentation on the proposed project plan for Redevelopment District #4, including a historical account leading up to the CDA members initiation of the plan as well as background information on the formation of redevelopment districts by the CDA. He explained the catalyst for the CDA to form the plan was the development that is taking place in the neighboring New Berlin/Mill Valley quarry site and the impact it will have on the City of Muskego. The city has had some negotiations with them relative to sewer and water in the area. The CDA has worked implementing things in the area such as the gateway signage. Implementation measures for the plan would include:  Identify and inventory of the development and redevelopment opportunities  Beautification and gateways  Marketing  Financial aids (RLF)  Outside the box incentive techniques  Acquisitions and relocations CDA Minutes, June 19, 2012 2 Also, there is a portion in the plan regarding roads, sewer, water and storm water. He further reviewed the steps to take to finalize Redevelopment District #4. Statements by the Public: Bob Bueckers inquired about the dirt from Janesville Road project being dumped in the redevelopment district area. There is some grading being done. Who is responsible for the grading? Executive Director Muenkel stated it was part of the Janesville Road project as the contractors look for local residents to take the spoils. The site has been approved by the DNR and the City of Muskego and they are watching over the site. Howard Schneider, a member of the Muskego Lakes Conservancy, expressed some concerns over a portion of the land containing a creek that leads to Little Muskego Lake and how it would be protected from development. He would like to see the water quality maintained and voiced concern about the wetlands. Debbie Baseler made inquiry on when Racine Avenue would be four lanes. Executive Director Muenkel stated it was a county roadway and not right now in their capital budget or the five-year plan. It’s a possibility if the Mill Valley quarry development occurs. However, he did not think it would be any time soon. Ms. Baseler asked if there was some place to find out what New Berlin was planning. Executive Director Muenkel directed her to the New Berlin web site. If New Berlin developed, how would the sewer/water be handled? Executive Director Muenkel said if they tied into the Muskego sewer/water, the City of Muskego would have an intergovernmental agreement with New Berlin approved by the Common Councils. Elizabeth Leah, resident on Muskego Drive, questioned where the water lines were on the map. Executive Director Muenkel pointed out the water lines that could eventually service the area. At this point, he wasn’t sure what lots were on water or wells. Most of the maps do show the utility lines. CDA Members Input Commissioner LeClaire asked if the intergovernmental agreement was how the City of Muskego would control what New Berlin does. Not necessarily, responded Executive Director Muenkel, as New Berlin could do it all on their own. Chairman Glazier noted on page 20 of the document, Hillendale was spelled wrong. Executive Director Muenkel will make sure the document is complete at the next meeting. Closing of Hearing Chairman Glazier closed the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. PUBLIC INPUT: As the whole city is concerned about the tree farm, Mr. Bueckers questioned if the tree farm was included in the Downtown Redevelopment District #2. Executive Director Muenkel informed him that it was included. However, there is no ongoing business regarding that parcel. (For the public’s knowledge, Chairman Glazier explained that the CDA lists ongoing business on the agenda should Executive Director Muenkel have some updated information to share with them.) Mr. Bueckers further questioned if the CDA was considering having the parcel be something other than a tree farm. Chairman Glazier stated that any parcel in the development district is on the CDA’s radar; however, at this time, they don’t have any active discussions on the parcel. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation CDA Minutes, June 19, 2012 3 Executive Director Muenkel provided an update on the landscaping plan which mimics the street scaping of the Janesville Road project. The estimated cost of the plan was $72,500 and includes the 10% contingency. When the CDA first considered the plan, they had asked Graef to keep it under $100,000, hoping to utilize monies leftover from the Janesville Road project. He shared that the items desired to be added at the last meeting—more lighting and crosswalks would add about $79,000 for the lighting and for the crosswalks $40,000 and $10,000 for the design work. He would be forwarding this information on to the Common Council for possible future budgeting for the added lighting and crosswalks. Commissioner Lefebvre moved to forward the landscaping plans on to the Common Council with the estimated cost of $72,500. Commissioner Draeger seconded. Ald. Wolfe said to stick with the original plan and leave the additional lighting and crosswalks for another time. Executive Director Muenkel will be sharing these additional items for discussion at the Common Council level. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel discussed with the CDA members the rezoning request from the owner of DJs Pub to go from RL-3 to DR-1. The reconstruction of Janesville Road will have an impact on this parcel and in order to rebuild a commercial restaurant, a rezoning is required. If the CDA has any concerns, he’ll pass them on to the Plan Commission and the Common Council. The CDA agreed that the proposed rezoning makes sense as far as the Redevelopment Plan goals are concerned. He announced that the former BP gas station on Janesville Road is now owned by Waukesha County and the county may be willing to sell the parcel to the city. The Council reviewed this and was interested and is awaiting word from the County Board. The CDA may have an interest in it in the future. Several options were discussed on how the CDA would use the parcel as they could see potential in the acquisition. Executive Director Muenkel shared that the work on Pioneer Drive is underway. Staff is looking to have meetings with the property owners to discuss the reconstruction and get their input. Council is still working on some of the way finding signage. He is still having discussions with the bank on the loan program and should have more details within the next few months. Staff is still having discussions with landowners regarding utilizing TID-8 funds for the redevelopment of their businesses. Again, the business owners are waiting to get more finalized plans from the county before making any commitment. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel said they are still doing business visits at least once a month. He drafted a second survey for the business owners in the district to find out what the city could do to make the business park better for them. He suggested having breakfast meetings with the owners again or invite them to meetings in the evening to find out what the city can do. He asked the CDA members to submit comments on the survey to him prior to sending it out. Commissioner LeClaire inquired if surveys had ever been sent to the businesses that had left the park. Executive Director Muenkel stated that they had not although they had talked to some of the larger businesses that had left the park. Marketing Plan Implementation Executive Director Muenkel shared that the Council had not approved the marketing plan and wanted some minor modifications. Modifications concerned the sentences on a lake park and high density uses being allowed. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW CDA Minutes, June 19, 2012 4 Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Executive Director Muenkel advised that next month, the CDA will have to determine if they need additional monies in the budget next year. He announced that with the repayment of loans, the RLF is up in funds, roughly $405,000. Extra promotion of this fund will be done this summer. The State is looking at pulling communities together for these funds, making more dollars available. Next Meeting Date The next meeting date was set for Tuesday, July 17, 2012. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Lefebvre moved for adjournment, Ald. Wolfe seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary