Commuinity Development Authority- MINUTES - 7/17/2012 CITY OF MUSKEGO unapproved COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA) MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2012 Chairman Glazier called the meeting of the Community Development Authority to order at 6:00 PM. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PRESENT: Commissioners Dan Draeger, Rob Glazier, Robert LeClaire, Larry Lefebvre, Bob Mueller, Ald. Wolfe (6:04 p.m.) and Executive Director Muenkel APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 2012 MEETING: Commissioner Draeger moved to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Mueller seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve the minutes carried. DISCUSSION ON CDA CHAIRMANSHIP Chairman Glazier advised the members of his recent appointment as alderman and that the Mayor did not change his appointment to the CDA. As the CDA by-laws did not specifically address whether or not an alderman can serve as CDA chairman, he asked for input from the members. The members had no concerns regarding Ald. Glazier continuing to serve as chairman of the CDA. PUBLIC INPUT: None. NEW BUSINESS Resolution to adopt the new Redevelopment District #4 Plan - Mill Valley Commissioner Lefebvre moved to adopt the Redevelopment District #4 Plan—Mill Valley. Ald. Wolfe seconded. Executive Director Muenkel shared that the only real change coming from the public hearing was the following on the stream corridor: “STREAM CORRIDOR A major stream corridor exists on the northernmost parcel within the RD #4 boundaries. The stream is actually part of headwaters to Little Muskego Lake and runs on the far northwestern portion of Tax Key Number parcel on the direct southeast corner of College Avenue and Racine Avenue. Utmost care should be taken when development is proposed on this parcel or on the roadways surrounding the stream corridor. The stream also runs thru the Mill Valley New Berlin site. As part of this item, the following implementation measures may take place: 1 . The stream corridor is to be recognized as an important part of the Muskego community and all future development proposals around the stream corridor (in Muskego, New Berlin, or the roadways) should pay specific attention to the offsets of the development proposed and the measures taken to preserve the corridor from any disruption.” Commissioner Lefebvre stated this addresses the main concern expressed by the representatives of the Little Muskego Lake Association and the Lake Conservancy. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. CDA Minutes, July 17, 2012 2 Detailed Budget Discussion Executive Director Muenkel went over the budget and the options available to the CDA. These consisted of the CDA’s annual budget, RLF (Revolving Loan Fund), Redevelopment District #3 Balance and TIF Residual Funds Balance. The items in the CDA’s annual budget amounted to funds for supplies and expenses, professional services, attorney and property sale balance. At this time, he did not feel there was a need to increase the annual budget amounts. He pointed out that the balance of the professional services and a portion of the property sale balance were earmarked for the Janesville street-scaping design. Further, he explained how the other funds available can be used. The RLF is for businesses to use for working capital, improvements, and more; however, the loan was based on the requirement to create a full- time equivalent position for each $20,000 requested. The balance is high right now due in part to Stella and Chewy’s and recent repayment of their loan. Commissioner Mueller inquired about the current interest rate. Executive Director Muenkel said it was 50% of the current prime which he believed would be at about 1.75% interest today. In regard to the Redevelopment District #3 fund balance, years ago funds were established for development/improvements in this industrial park and are to be used for that purpose. TIF Residual Funds are funds left over at the closure of the TIF districts and can be used at the discretion of the Common Council. Some of these funds have been used for the CDA’s grant and loan programs. There is $375,000 in TID 8 funds. As this money was borrowed specifically for TID 8, this money must be used to show it benefits that district. He has approached some owners in the area that loan and grant programs may be used to help them beautify their area and increase the tax base. Delta restaurant and Muskego Liquor border the area and they have been contacted that this money would be available to improve their properties but they are waiting to see what impact the Janesville Road project will have on their businesses. This money could be used to make them look better. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel reported that the money has been approved to start the street-scaping project. The city conservation coordinator has recommended that next spring would be the best time to start the project. At that time, the Janesville Road landscaping for Phase 1 will be done. Commissioners agreed on this timeline. Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Executive Director Muenkel stated that the rezoning for DJs did not get approved at Council. It did not go through in part because the site drawing lacked detail and scale. He hopes the Council will reconsider it at the next meeting after receiving a more detailed site plan. Chairman Glazier, in whose district DJs is located, shared that he had spoken to constituents and they had voiced no direct opposition to reestablishing the business use but just wanted to be assured the use is controlled and hopefully the new site plan and possibly a few more conditions on the rezoning will suffice. On the BP parcel, Executive Director Muenkel said the county has yet to respond to the city. Commissioner Draeger shared that he had not yet seen any county agenda item referring to the BP parcel. As a member on the county’s finance committee, the only thing he saw was the right-of-way on Phase 2 of Janesville Road and acquisition of properties. Executive Director Muenkel stated the 90% design for Phase 2 the county will submit to the State shortly. He expects to have it available at the next meeting and then they can commence talking to the property owners. Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Results of the recent survey were shared with the commissioners. They had sent out 92 surveys and received 16 responses; one-half owned the property and the other half leased the property. The idea of the CDA Minutes, July 17, 2012 3 survey was to find out what else the city can do for the business parks besides aesthetics Responses included:  updating the façade of their properties, landscaping  making financial aid programs available,  business signage  tax abatements,  security not an issue,  improve intersections, possibly install signals  trails within the park, not necessarily outside the business park  help with networking for businesses The CDA may want to consider establishing a grant program similar to what has been done for Janesville Road. Commissioners discussed having breakfast meetings or night meetings to get a greater turnout on what the business owners would like for the industrial park and what the city can do for them. For the next meeting, Executive Director Muenkel will present some programs that the CDA members may want to consider. Marketing Plan Implementation They are going to have an area in the marketing plan for the CDA. He is presently compiling all the recommendations and determining what is needed to make those recommendations happen. There will be cost to them as well as staff time. Within the next couple of months, he’ll present to the Common Council what the impacts are on staff and budget and what is needed to keep the marketing plan going in the near term, mid-term and long term. He’ll keep the CDA up to date on the progress as there are considerable items to implement. Chairman Glazier mentioned that some of the CDA fund balances should be considered for implementation of the economic development items. They would not necessarily have to rely totally on Council. The rest of the CDA agreed. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Any redevelopment updates were discussed earlier in the meeting. Next Meeting Date Members were advised that there may not be a meeting in August. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Ald. Wolfe moved for adjournment, Commissioner Draeger seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Stella Dunahee, CPS Recording Secretary