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The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman
Misko. Also present were Committee Members Woodard and
Sanders, Building Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra, Police
Chief Johnson, Ald. Schneider, Ald. Taube and Mayor De Angelis.
The Committee reviewed the corrected minutes of May 13,
1993,and placed on file.
Chuck Dykstra reviewed the attached report on condemnations
with the Committee. Ald. Sanders moved to direct Chuck to
write a letter to DNR requesting a written report regarding
Delta spill which would identify type of containment, extent of
spill classification, and recommend action to be taken by
Delta. Ald. Misko seconded, motion carried.
There were no updated forms or proposed ordinance changes.
The Committee further discussed intersection, of CTH Y (Racine
Avenue) and Hillendale Drive with Chief Johnson and reviewed
his written memorandum of May 20, 1993 which listed that an
accident survey for the intersection of Hillendale/Racine
. Avenue had been conducted for 1987 thru 1993. There were seven
reportable accidents during that period; four were caused by
"Failure to Yield" by a driver trying to turn onto Racine
Avenue from Hillendale, the other three were rear end crashes
or loss of control situations. Chief stated he did not feel
that the intersection was a major problem requiring traffic
lights. Chief does agree that the intersection poses a real
safety concern and presented several recommendations. Ald.
Sanders moved to send a request to Waukesha County Department
of Transportation to address the following:
Install caution signage to alert motorists on Racine
Avenue of either a dangerous intersection or children
crossing ahead.
Reduce the present 50 mph zone (College to Williams
Drive) to 45 mph
Reduce the present 40 mph zone (Williams to Janesville
Road) to 35 mph
The Committee requests that Waukesha County Department of
Transportation also give consideration for future
reconstruction of the intersection of Hillendale/Racine to
eliminate acute angle intersection now present. Seconded by
. Ald. Misko, motion carried.
Public Safety Committee - Page 2
June 10, 1993
The Committee discussed request for "Dead End" sign on
Bridgeport Way. Ald. Sanders moved to direct Supt. Loughney to
install a "Temporary -Dead End Street" sign on Bridgeport Way.
It was noted that the "temporary" can be a separate sign
attached to the top of the "Dead End" sign. Seconded by Ald.
Misko, motion carried.
Affected property owners with businesses on CTH L in the Tess
Corners Area appeared before the Committee to request further
consideration on anticipated parking restrictions in front of
their businesses. Chief Johnson will look into the feasibility
of restricted parking during peak hours for the thru lanes of
traffic when the -dedicated left turn lanes are constructed and
then will discuss with Waukesha County Department of
Transportation. This matter will be further discussed at the
next meeting.
The Committee reviewed request for "No Parking" on Shady Lane.
Ald. Woodard moved to recommend installation of "No Parking"
sign on both sides of Shady Lane. Seconded by Ald. Sanders,
motion carried.
. Ald. Taube appeared before the Committee to request to have the
"No Parking" sign on Pioneer, just south of CTH L moved
approximately 40 ft. south to the north side of the private
driveway (W180 S7673 Pioneer Drive). Ald. Sanders moved to
approve. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
Ald. Taube requested that something be done with excessive
speeding on Lannon and Haven Drives. Chief Johnson will do
selective speed enforcement on Lannon Drive and Haven Drive and
report back to the July committee meeting.
The Committee discussed dangerous condition on Lannon Drive
with Ald. Taube. Ald. Sanders moved to install a sign on both
signs of Lannon, south of Janesville, to indicate
"Caution -Vehicles Backing out of Driveways" in the vicinity of
W172 S7689. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
June 10, 1993
• North end of Overlook Bay Rd. - Terra Development - Bob Patch
#000233 Adjourn to negotiate stipulation.
NOT in compliance as of 6-10-93
Next court date 6-26-93
S70 W19295 Wentland Dr. - Donald Szmurlo
#000235 Permitting occupancy of a building without an
occupancy certificate
Found guilty, fined $625.00 on 5-22-93
Due by 6-23-93 with $67.00 per day accruing after
5-29-93 until site in compliance.
Site NOT in compliance as of 6-10-93.
W143 S7989 Durham Dr. - Dennis Kurer violated #30.05
#000242 Failure to obtain permits to build building.
Not in compliance as of 6-10-93
Adjourned until 6-26-93
Restfull Ln. Cul de sac. - Tom Wernette violated #29.06
#000243 Failure to submit erosion control plan or make
application for permit and pay permit fees for
disturbed area. Permit now issued.
Submitted plea of NO CONTEST on 5-13-93, fined
$125.00, due by 6-26-93
. Lakewood Meadows Sub. - Edward Lambert violated 29.06(1)
#000244 Failure to provide erosion control plan &
purchase land disturbing permit prior to
starting land disturbing activities
In compliance as of 5-18-93
Adjourned to 6-26-93
W163 S7346 Bay Lane - Mr. Giacalone received a citation for
#000245 repeatedly violating #16.20 regarding sump pump
discharge regulations.
Initial Appearance 5-22-93.
Further proceedings 7-15-93
Currently in compliance, will monitor till 7-15-93
W183 S8393 Mercury Dr - Delta Group received a citation for
#000222 discharging petroleum based products into the
roadside ditch.
NOT in compliance as of 6-10-93
Court date 6-26-93
Keiser Lane - Mr. Senger received a citation for keeping more
#000246 livestock on his property than zoning allows.
Current state of compliance unknown, follow up
inspection due.
Court date 6-26-93
. CONDEMNATIONS - S65 W17844-88 Martin Drive
No change as of 6-10-93
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