PSM19780913s • PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman Tomezyk. Also present were Committee Members Van Lanen and Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried, Is names Scholz and Ald. Wallner. Also present were several residents whose names appear on the attached list. Requests for various signs and street lights in the Muskego Shores area were discussed. The committee advised the people present that all of the committee members have had an opportunity to view all areas in question personally. Ald. Pienkos moved, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, to recommend to the Common Council that a 4-way stop sign be erected at the intersection of Forest Dr, and Hiawatha Dr. Motion carried. Ald. Van Lanen moved, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, to ask the Public Works Department to install two stop signs at the Hiawatha Dr. and Muskego Dr. Motion carried. The committee noted that since Muskego Drive has been designated as a "Thru Street" Council action is not necessary, The committee discussed the other requests made; street light at the intersection of Lake Street and Muskego Drive. The committee decided not to install street lights as requested due to the expense that would •be involved. Also, the committee felt that the "no parking" sign requests along Muskego Drive could not be granted due to the shortness of driveways in the area. It was felt that perhaps temporary "No Parking" signs could be installed when warranted. Mr. Walter Spann, representing the Board of Appeals, advised the committee that they had deferred a variance request from Mr. Larry Fischer (Muskego Beer Depot) because of their concern of the proximity of his driveway to S.T.H. 24. Mr. Spann indicated that Mr. Fischer who wishes to build an addition does have sufficient driveway to permit a greater distance .from that driveway to Highway 24. He further indi- cated that at the hearing one of the residents in the area brought this matter to their attention. The committee deferred action on the matter to provide them sufficient time to view the area in person. Mr. G. Rocke, Center Drive, appeared at the meeting to voice his opinion on the variance request of Mr. Fischer. He suggested the driveway on Lannon Drive be moved north 20 feet. Ald. Van Lanen advised the committee of a complaint of one of his constituents regarding the use of sidewalks on Pioneer Drive by motorbikes, bicycle riders and horseback riders. Following discussion, Lt. Scholz asked that anyone noticing this kind of activity should contact the Police Department. Mr. Earl Barwick appeared before the committee to express his concern over activities in the area of Lakeview Gardens Tavern on Lannon Drive. e compained of traffic problems, speeding, strewn garbage and loud Oise. He emphasized his concern over safety in the area. Most of the incidents usually occur between 10:00 P.M. to Midnight although not exclusively. Mayor Gottfried explained there are two questions involved, those being 1) safety in the area and 2) licensing of the tavern. Ald. Tomczyk stated he had talked to the new owner of Lakeview Gardens regard- ing complaints he had heard. Lt. Scholz also indicated that an officer had also talked to the new owner. Mr. John Ebli, a resident in the area on Schubring Dr, stated that during the last two weeks it has been more quiet in the area. A comment was made that several vehicles in the park- ing lot area do not have license plates. The Police Department is looking into the concerns expressed by those attending the meeting and will report their findings at that time. Ald. Pienkos requested the Police Department report on the progress of heating the present animal shelter. Monies for this had been approved in the 1978 capital budget. Ald. Tomczyk stated he would invite Mr. Whitehouse to the next meeting to discuss this matter. • Public Safety Committee September 13, 1978 Page 2 The committee will review the police survey of public/private parking • lots on highway 24. A tour will be made by the aldermen to view these areas. Building Inspector's reports from 7/2/78 to 8/28/78 were received and placed on file. The committee recessed at 8:45 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at 10 40 1) M. Following discussion regarding the parking of cars near the high school, Ald. Van Lanen moved, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, to recommend to the Common Council to approve the installation of "No Parking" signs on both sides of Racine Avenue 1/8 of a mile north of Woods Road during the hours of 7,30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M,, Monday thru Friday. Motion carried. Police Department requests for a new Court Clerk at a salary of $726.14 per month were discussed. Lt. Scholz explained the need to have this position filled. He also requested that in the event the • present Receptionist -Typist II is hired to fill the new position that she be hired at the second step of the range. Ald. Van Lanen moved, seconded by Aid. Tomczyk, to recommend to the Finance Committee the establishing of the position of Court Clerk - Dispatcher, Motion carried Ald. Pienkos questioned why the entrance from S.T.H, 24 to Guernsey Meadows Add. #1 Subdivision was placed where it was. He indicated that he had received calls from individuals who were concerned about any potential hazards that might have been created. During the discussion that followed it was pointed out that the entranceway is part of a = parkway system which eventually will connect Highway 24 to Woods Road. It was also pointed out that sometime in the future Martin Drive will be reconstructed so as to align itself with the parkway. • Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Tomezyyk, Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:03 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MP/je Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Soc'y. _. • • LJ I A17-� J V/ /90 S 66 sv u S ?7 -f �d- A), �1QJ 33PD