PSM19780809r PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 9, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 7:07 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Van Lanen, Pienkos, Ald. Ford and Wallner, Police Chief Kraus, Mayor Gottfried and several people whose names appear on • the attached sheet. Mr Robert Iverson, Wildwood Drive, appeared before the conunittee representing several citizens living in the Muskego Shores area. His group requested the following 1. 4-way stop signs at the intersection of Forest Drive and Hiawatha Drive 2. "Stop" signs at the intersection of Hiawatha Drive and Muskego Drive (on Muskego Drive) 3. A street light at the intersection of Lake Street and Muskego Drive 4. "No Parking" signs all along Muskego Drive Mr. Chris Youssi, Hiawatha Drive, also expressed his concerns f't)r safety in the area Concern was also expressed regarding visibility at intersections due to overgrown hedges and trees. Aid. Tomczyk suggested any action on the above requests be deferred until the next meeting after the committee has an opportunity to personally view the areas in question. Mayor Gottfried indicated that requests for street lights within residential areas (subdivisions) have been turned down sevt•ral times. It has been the policy of the city not to place lights in residential areas Mr Robert Sullivan, Hardtke Drive, indicated that he felt "No Parking" signs are a necessity. Mayor Gottfried expressed concern that the street is narrow and the driveways are short, therefore, "Nu Parking" signs all along Muskego Drive could present more problems, especially for residents living in the area. Discussion took place on high number of boats on Little Muskegn L:. o :uid it was questioned whether or not the number could be limited "Id. Ford stated that a study done a few years ago resulted in the 1'igure of 36 to 48 boats of any type would constitute the maximum amount of boats desired on the lake. He indicated that 18 parking spaces on Idle Isle were created. • Ald Pienkos indicated his opposition to removing the "Step- F'•n 111c northeast corner of Hawthorne and Somerset. Chief Kraus expl:'ink•tt he study that has been done. The committee agreed that no chLinge w:i:• necessary and no action would be taken at this time. The n::tt1er tas therefore tabled. Building Inspection Dept. correspondence from 7/17/78 to reviewed and placed on file. Chief Kraus indicated the he hoped to receive printed 111aturi;LI crime prevention from an insurance company that could Le d;• t„ the public \Ald. Pienkos requested a study be done on parking lot exit>; " The Police Department will report its findings at a future The minutes of the previous minutes were reviewed and placed tTn Ald: Pienkos moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. M-I i-ol carried. The meeting adjourned at 8 20 P.M. Respectfully Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y �n w Iw DKI I