PSM19780712PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • J• • _0 0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 12, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 6:33 P.M., by Chairman Tomczyk. Also present were Committee Members Van Lanen and Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried, Aid. Wallner and Chief Kraus. Aid. Pienkos moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on June 14th with an amendment indicating Aid. Ford's concern over the intersection at Hiawatha and Forest Drives. Seconded by Aid. Van Lanen. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Following discussion, Aid. Tomczyk moved, seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, to recommend to the Public Works Committee that a "Slow -Children Playing" sign be placed at the intersection of Hillendale and School Drive (on School Drive). Motion carried. The committee reviewed the request for "stop" signs at the intersection of Hiawatha and Forest Drive. After discussion, the committee decided to take the recommendation of the Police Department to leave the inter- section uncontrolled at this time until the traffic pattern increases. The committee reviewed the report of the Police Department regarding the intersection of Somerset and Hawthorne. The report recommended that the stop sign on the northeast corner at the intersection of Hawthonre and Somerset be removed. After discussion, the committee decided to defer action on this report until our next meeting. Humane Officer Reports dated 6/2/78 to 6/30/78 were reviewed and placed on file. Building Inspection correspondence dated 6/22/78 to 7/10/78 was reviewed The committee again requested Police Chief Kraus to contact the State Highway Department to urge consideration for stop lights at the inter- section of Lannon Drive and S.T.H. 24 and Tess Corners Drive and S.T.H. 24. The Police Chief will report back to the committee at the next meeting. The committee reviewed a report from the Police Department relating to a reduction of speed on McShane Drive. Aid. Pienkos moved, seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, to recommend to the Common Council that the speed limit on McShane Drive be changed from 35 mph to 30 mph. Mayor Gottfried requested that 25 mph residential speed zones be posted in the Durham Meadows Subdivision. Aid. Pienkos moved, seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, that 25 mph speed zones be posted. Motion carried. Correspondence received from Chief Kraus, dated 7/12178, was reviewed and placed on file. Aid. Tomczyk moved to recommend to the Common Council that the retire- ment date of Chief Kraus be extended to December 1, 1980. Seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, motion carried. Aid. Van Lanen requested that a stop sign be placed at the intersection of Southern Drive and Hedgewood Drive, replacing a yield sign that presently is there. After discussion, Aid. Van Lanen moved, seconded by Aid. Tomczyk, to recommend to the Common Council that a stop sign be placed on the northwest corner of Southern and Hedgewood. Motion carried. Aid. Pienkos requested that the police department have a press release regarding crime prevention printed in the local newspapers. Police Chief will take care of this request. \ Aid. Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Pienkos. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MP/je Aid. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.