PSM19780518• PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 18, 1978 • The meeting was called to order at 7 02 P.M by Chairman Tomczyk. Also present were Aid Van Lanen and Aid. Pienkos, Mrs. Dorothy Van Lanen, Aid Wallner and Mr Bill Strerath. Aid. Pienkos volunteered to be the secretary for all Public Safety Committee meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Aid. Van Lanen stated that he had observed a change of speed limits on Highway 24 from 45 m.p.h to 40 m.p.h. Aid. Van Lanen requested that a rational explanation for this change by the State. Aid. Tomczyk said he would check into the reasons for this change and report back to the committee at its next meeting. Mr. Bill Strerath, S66 W12489 Somerset Drive, appeared before the committee to express his concern over the inattentiveness of many drivers on our streets, especially at stop signs Mr Strerath suggested some ways to curb this problem, one of which was to install a flashing light to warn people to heed this stop sign. A lengthy discussion followed. Some other suggestions were to have reflective lettering or reflective tape put on stop signs to alert people. Aid. Tomczyk said he would check with Supt. Bertram into costs of reflective tape and reflectors and also with Chief Kraus to see if any grant monies are available to cover the costs. Aid. Tomczyk will check into this situation and report back to the committee at the next meeting. Humane Officer Reports from 4/3/78 to 4/30/78 were reviewed and placed on file. Building Inspection Reports from 4/24/78 to 5/10/78 were reviewed and placed on file. Tess Corners Fire Department Rescue Reports from 4/1/78 to 4/23/78 were reviewed and placed on file. Aid Van Lanen requested clarification on who is authorized to be the Humane Officer other than Mr. Whitehouse Correspondence from Mr Dick Arrowood, dated 4/20/78, received concerning the Bay Lawn Sewer Project. The letter was referred to • the Public Sewer Committee and Aid. Van Lanen said he would talk with Mr. Arrowood to determine the reasons why he had addressed his letter to the Safety Committee Meeting Aid. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Wallner Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8 09 P.M. Respectfully submitted, y Mark E. Pienkos, Secretary MEP/je