PSM19780222• PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 7 05 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Committee Members Wallner and Pienkos, Ald. Tomczyk, Police Chief Kraus, Mayor Gottfried and several other people whose . names appear on the attached list. Mr. Tony Zinski, President of the Hillview Homes Association, presented a petition signed by 40 citizens. The petition requests that Hillview Drive, at the lake, be used only as a fire lane. Discussion regarding "No Parking" signs on Hillview Drive took place. Chief Kraus indicated that the large distances between the present "No Parking" signs has prevented Muskego Police from ticketing any parked vehicles. It was established that there is a "No Parking" Ordinance in the city to cover the situation. The problem is that more signed are needed. Chief Kraus indicated he will request Supt. of Public Works Bertram to place additional signs when they are available and when weather permits. The committee discussed the petition requesting the end of Hillview Drive at the lake be made a fire lane. Mayor Gottfried advised that • this area has always been the property of the city according to a title search made in 1968. The possibility of a public hearing on this access was discussed. Also a suggestion was made to have an access created with the new Dandilion Park Development. Chief Kraus will get a traffic counter to determine the number of vehicles using this area In answer to a question Mr. Zinski indicated that the Hillview Association plans to install its own launch sometime after the frost melts. Mr. William Phipps advised that an estimated 30 to 40 cars traveled the road during the week and 90 to 120 vehicles on the weekend. Ald. Schaumberg moved that an informal public hearing before the Public Safety Committee be held after Sufficient notice is given to listen to citizen input on the Hillview Drive situation. Seconded by Ald. Wallner. Motion carried. Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Wallner. Meeting adjourned at 8 15 P.M. The motion carried with Ald Pienkos voting "no" Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y. • Public Safety Committee MEP/je