PSM19771103• PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 3, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7.32 P.M. by Acting Chairman Wallner. Also present was Committee Member Ald. Pienkos, Ald. Tomczyk and Police Chief Kraus. ` Ald. Pienkos again object+lto the fact that there was no agenda for Safety Committee meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting was reviewed and placed on file.: Correspondence from Building Inspection Department was reviewed and placed on file (From 10/27/77 to 11/l/77). The committee reviewed a'memo from Mayor Gottfried regarding the feasibility of extending Moorland Road to S.T.H. 24. The memo indicated that the Plan Commission has previously developed a possible route of the extension of Moorland Rd., however, because of the terrain the cost would be so exorbitant it was decided that discussions on the matter would be discontinued until development in the area took place at which time a portion of the cost could be paid by -the developers. The committee requested that Waukesha County Highway Commissioner Demshar be invited to a future meeting to explain the costs and — what the possibility of extending Moorland Rd. to S.T.H. 24 would be. Correspondence from Gerald Heinz, Sewer Inspector, directed to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission, regarding sewer main corrections in the Freedom Acres and Bay Lawn Subdivisions, was reviewed. A discussion took place regarding the security alarm system for the business and residential security. There had been seven requests for bids that were sent out, but only Advanced Sound and Security, 1116 W. Windlake Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, returned a bid contract signed by a representative of their company. The document was read in its entirety and Ald. Wallner moved to recommend to the Common Council approval of the agreement between the City of Muskego and the Advanced Sound and Security Company. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Chief Kraus suggested the following amendment to be included in the agreement, "That the Advanced Sound and Security Company install and service the alarm modules at the police station for all municipal departments, including schools, without charge to the City of Muskego." After further discussion, Ald. Wallner moved to defer action on this matter until the next meeting of the committee to further investigate the fee schedule. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried. Ald. Wallner requested that City Attorney Buckley review this contract and report his opinion back to the committee Ald. Pienkos requested that a press release be issued to the newspapers . indicating that all house numbers or numbers indicating the address of a house be clearly visible for the purpose of emergency calls being - able to quickly respond. Ald Wallner moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8 16 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mark E. Pienkos, Secretary Public Safety Committee MEP/je