PSM19770623c PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 23, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Wallner at 7:11 P.M. Also present was Committee Member Ald. Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried, Alder- men Van Lanen and Constantineau and Chief Kraus. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee discussed the results of the special meeting between Muskego, New Berlin, Vernon and Big Bend officials regarding the possibility of establishing a cooperative shelter for animals and . recommended to the Finance Committee that in reviewing the city budget for 1978 a better way of disposing of animals in the city be donsidered which may require an increase in the budget for the Humane Officer. Ald. Van Lanen brought to the attention of the committee a request by a citizen from his district requesting that a tornado warning system be established. Discussion followed with Chief Kraus explaining what is done now in emergency situations (public address system on cars). The city is presently looking into the possibilities of installing some form of warning system. The committee discussed the Affirmative Action Plan for the Muskego Police Department. Ald {Vallner moved to recommend to the Common Council that the Affirmative Action Plan for the Muskego Police Depart- ment be approved with deletion of Section 5, under resignations of Exhibit A, forfeiture of pay. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos, motion carries An ordinance relating to regulations of emergency alarinr systems will • be discussed at the next meeting. Proposed qualifications for police ranks was deferred for discussion at the next meeting. Chief Kraus requested that'the Safety Committee meet two times per month or schedule the meeting on an evening where there are no other meetings. This request will be reviewed at the next meeting. Reports of the Building Inspector for the month of 5/25 to 6/20 were - reviewed and placed on file The police analysis from the Muskego Police Dept was reviewed and plac on file. Humane Officer Reports for the month of 5/l/77 - 5/25/77 were reviews and placed on file. Tess Corners Fire Dept Reports for the month 5/3/77 to 5/20/77 were reviewed and placed on file. Rescue Reports for the month 5/2/77 to 5/28/77 were reviewed and placed on file. The average daily traffic court report from the state was reviewed and placed on file • A petition from concerned residents was received regarding the possib- ility of making Highway 24 and Tess Corners a .,controlled intersection" Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald Wallner, motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8 32 P M. 11 ,MEP/je Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Acting Sec' Public Safety Committee