PSM19770316• PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 16, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7.10 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Aid. Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried, Aid. Constantineau, • Aid. Colburn, Police Chief Kraus, Mr. Tony Zinski, Mrs. Clyde Heckert, Mrs. Sophie Hoppe, Mrs. Patricia Schultz, Gerri Nelson, Dorothy Van Lanen and Susan Rockhill, Post reporter. Mr. Tony Zinski, President of the Hillview Homes Association, presented a petition from members of the association requesting that "Children Present" signs and "Caution - Curve" signs be placed on Hillview Drive. He also requested that consideration be given to reduce the speed limit from 25 mph to 15 mph. The committee directed Chief Kraus to study the request and have his recommendations ready for the next meeting. The committee discussed the possibility of advisory speed signs. The entire matter will be reviewed at the next meeting. Aid. Constantineau appeared before the committee to discuss the problems of speeding cars on Lions Park Drive. Aid. Constantineau suggested one solution might be to make it a one way street north, however, he acknowledged that this could create problems for those people living on Oak Grove Drive. One other solution might be the • reconstruction of Lions Park Drive as it approached C.T.H. "Y". The committee directed Chief Kraus to review the matter and present some possible solutions at the next meeting. The committee reviewed a report from the Police Department regarding in -the vicinity of Bay Lane. Aid. Pienkos moved to recommend Council approval of the placement of "Stop" signs on the northeast and the southwest corner on Vine Street at its intersection with Bay Lane and to place a "Stop" sign on the southwest corner of Hilltop Drive at its intersection with Bay Lane and to designate Bay Lane as a "through" street from Highway 24 to Woods Road. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg, motion carried. Aid. Colburn requested that the committee consider a change in the Municipal Code which would permit automobiles on Little Muskego Lake at any time day or night. Following discussion the committee deferred action in order that they have time to review the request. Chief Kraus requested permission from the committee to develop an I-29 Employee Affirmative Action Plan. He indicated the plan would be required in the event federal funding were requested for any purpose by the city. The committee granted the request with the understanding that they would have the opportunity to review it prior to presentation to the Council. Aid. Colburn requested that the committee consider recommending "No • Parking" signs on the east side of Park Drive from Highway 24 to the end of the school property. It was noted by the committee that the restriction had already been adopted by the Common Council. Supt. Bertram will be directed to place the necessary signs. The committee discussed at length with several citizens present at the meeting the need for changing the present method of handling stray dogs. A list of several possible alternatives was presented to the committee. After a review of the options, which did not include all the necessary information needed to make a decision, the committee directed Chief Kraus to provide them with an estimate of the cost of upgrading the present shelter and change the method of disposal. The chief will also provide the committee with information regarding the relationship of the Humane Officer and the Police Department. The committee reviewed the Humane Officer's Reports from December 1, 1976 to Feb. 28, 1977, the Tess Corners Rescue Reports from 1/8/77 to 2/27/77 and the Tess Corners Fire Reports from 1/3/77 to 2/18/77. All reports placed on file. Aid. Schaumberg moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Pienkos, motion carried.\ The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ie \ Respectfully submitted, Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.