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PSM19740826MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE • MEETING HELD AUGUST 26, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 8:10. Present were Ald. Knudsen, Ald. • Wallner, Ald. Colburn, Ald. Ford and Mayor Gottfried and Chief Kraus. Appearing to contest the street name change of Tower Drive between Lannon Drive and Westwood Drive were Ms. Bernadine Lindner, Ms. Roland P. Radish, A Ms. Gary Larsen and Ms. Sam Gilberto Jr. The suggested change is to continue Westwood Drive around to Lannon and eliminate Tower Drive. Ald. Ford moved to defer action on this name change for two weeks, seconded by Ald. Wallner. Motion Carried. All respondents expressed their opinion in favor of an east and west Tower Drive change. Anthony Petriana appeared to discuss the speed of vehicles on Durham Drive between Janesville Road and Cornell Drive. He would like a lower speed limit posted. The committee will view the area and discuss the matter at the next meeting. Ald. Knudsen moved to recommend to the Common Council to change Hi-Y Drive west of Racine Avenue to Williams Drive. Seconded by Ald. Wallner. Motion Carried. The Committee discussed correspondence from Mr. Demshar regarding bike trails. Ald. Ford will contact Mr. Demshar regarding his criteria for an accurate count. The Committee discussed shadow lanes in front of Parkland Plaza. The Committee discussed street names criteria for new subdivisions in order to avoid duplicate conflicting names. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee to rescind the 45 MPH speed limit on Tess Corners Drive between Sherwood Drive and the east city limits. Ald. Wallner seconded. Motion carried. Ald. Knudsen moved to recommend to the Finance Committee that each person affected by a street name change be compensated by the City in the amount • of $10.00. Ald. Wallner seconded. Motion carried. Ald. Ford opposed. Ald. Ford moved to recommend Council approval of a street light at the 10 entrance to Idle Isle at Muskego Drive and Hardtke Drive at the request of the Park and Recreation Board. Ald. Wallner seconded. Motion carried. Correspondence received from T.R. Kinsey P.E. District Engineer regarding STH 24 and east of the City limits. State will try to apply for Federal Funds under Highway Safety Act of 1973 Section 209. The Committee reviewed the Humane Officer's and Police Dept. Reports for the month of July. Same placed on file. *The Committee reviewed the Tess Corners Fire Dept. Reports from 2/20/74 thru 7/6/74. Same placed on file. The Committee reviewed Rescue Reports from 6/14/74 thru 8/11/74. Placed on file. • Motion was made to adjourn meeting, meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ald. Richard Knudsen je