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PSM19680115PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 15, 1968 Chairman Linck called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. Present were Mayor Gottfried, Alderman Narlock, Alderman Linck and Police Chief Kraus. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Alderman Linck moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Alderman Narlock, motion carried. ' A letter from City Attorney Hippenmyer's office covering the use of a city public park as a driveway to private property was reviewed. Since it was indicated that the City may permit or prohibit this use, the Committee decided that each member should view the park before making a recommendation at the next meeting. Police Chief Kraus introduced a proposed ordinance giving the Police Dept. authority to have vehicles towed away under certain specified conditions. After reviewing the sample ordinance with Police Chief Kraus, Alderman Narlock moved to refer the ordinance to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee for a determination of the effect of the pro- posed ordinance on certain parking practices in the City. Police Chief Kraus referred to his request of January 2, 1968, covering • the transfer of funds from 1967 budget to a reserve account. It was indicated that this transfer was not required at this time since most of the items listed were paid for with 1968 budget funds. A future transfer of funds may be needed and it should be so noted by this Committee. The purchase of two radar units was mentioned by Police Chief Kraus. and they should be installed in the near future. The problem of supplying premium gasoline to the Police Dept. was dis- cussed. The report of Chief Kraus was examined and the.two low bids listed as follows: 1. Johnny's Petroleum Products 0.315 per gallon 2. E. J. Salentine0.329 per gallon Proposals to supply premium gasoline to an underground tank were also reviewed and it was decided that more information was required for a more complete study. Since considerable time was needed before a de- cision could be made and gasoline is being purchased at current retail prices, Alderman Linck moved to recommend to the Finance Committee the acceptance of the low bid from Johnny's Petroleum Products for a period of three months. Seconded by Alderman Narlock, motion carried. A proposal to study the need for additional equipment to be used by • the Humane Officer was introduced by Police Chief Kraus. The equipment desired is an animal tranquilizer weapon to be used for control of stray dogs. Estimated cost of this weapon is $200.00. The Committee will make a study of the need for such a weapon. In view of the many complaints of stray dogs and the fact that Humane Officer Duane Whitehouse has an occupation in the City of Waukesha, Police Chief Kraus recommends that Dale Whitehouse, who farms in the City of Muskego, should be named Assistant Humane Officer. Dale would be available for patrol duty and emergency calls more readily than his brother. The Committee will take this recommendation under advisement. Page 2. • • • Police Chief Kraus brought to the attention of the Committee the possibilities of the use of a snowmobile for enforcement purposes. It was pointed out that a police officer in a squad car finds it very difficult to apprehend law violators who are operating a snow- mobile in open country or on frozen lakes. Patrolling such areas is also a practical impossibility in a squad car. The Committee will make a further study of this situation. A study and clarification was requested by Police Chief Kraus of the fringe benefits that cover a police officer injured in the line of duty. The Police Department has submitted a report of a dangerous traffic condition that exists at the intersection of Poe Place and Highway "24". Alderman Linck moved to refer this situation to the Street Superintend- ent, Willard Bertram, for study. Seconded by Alderman Narlock. Motion carried. Alderman Linck moved to adjourn meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. FN/je Seconded by Alderman Narlock. The 2�L Q a1d^,1&,J Frank Narlock, Sec'y. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE