Plan Commission Minutes 04072021 ApprovedAPPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES C4 of 04/07/2021 6:00 PM USKEGO Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue am A CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Petfalski, Commissioners Buckmaster, Graf and Gazzana, Oliver, Planner Trzebiatowski. Absent: Alderman Kubacki, Commissioner Bartlett. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the March 2, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Gazzana made a motion to approve the March 2, 2021 minutes. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS RESOLUTION PC 014- 2021 Approval of a Metal Roof Accessory Structure for Philip Beiermeister located at W133 S8091 Northview Drive / Tax Key No. 2209.936. RESOLUTION PC 015- 2021 Approval of a Third Accessory Structure for Brian & Cori Koerner located at W219 S7562 Crowbar Drive / Tax Key No. 2187.996.006. RESOLUTION PC 017-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operations Plan Amendment for Wal-Mart located at W159 S6530 Moorland Road / Tax Key No. 2169.999.003. RESOLUTION PC 020 -2021 Approval of a Second Accessory Structure for Mark Holman located at S108 W19890 Charles Court / Tax Key No. 2287.016.004. RESOLUTION PC 021-2021 Approval of a Two- Lot Certified Survey Map for Mike Kaerek of Kaerek Homes, Inc. located at Priegel Drive and Durham Drive / Tax Key Nos. 2211.996.002 and 2211.997. RESOLUTION PC 022- 2020 Approval of a Metal Accessory Structure for Paul Diekfuss located at W207 S8602 Hillendale Drive / Tax Key No. 2232.981.002. Commissioner Graf made a motion to approve the consent business engross. Commissioner Oliver seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 005-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Tom Reck located at S76 W17822 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2196.998. Planner Trzebiatowski provided an overview of the project including rehabbing the building and expanding/establishing a drive aisle and parking area on the site. The first floor would be a retail use and some office space with the second level being used as office space. The second floor was previously used for residential, but that is not being asked for at this meeting. During the Janesville Road reconstruction project an access point was added to the east side of the property in addition to the access on the western side of the property. The petitioner is looking to create a 'loop' around the building for one-way travel with parking stalls off the drive aisle. Three parking stalls are identified on the eastern side of the site along with five stalls behind the building with new curb and gutter. There is approximately 1,000 square feet of space on the first and second floor. With retail on the first floor, seven parking stalls will be needed. The office area on the second floor will require four parking stalls for a total of eleven stalls needed on site. The owner noted that they are looking for a housing decor tenant use that is not a high traffic use. The two -car garage on site could also be used for parking, so the Resolution is drafted to say that the garage must remain open and accessible for tenant parking and cannot be used for personal storage. The owner has discussed with businesses nearby to see if overflow parking would be a possibility, which could be an option in the future. New lighting is proposed that will need to meet the ordinances and will be checked during permitting. Any new mechanical units will need to be screened and a Zoning Permit will be needed for the hardscapes and Business Registration will be needed. Commissioner Oliver asked if the ingress/egress is already established. Planner Trzebiatowski said that the approach is already there. When the petitioner comes in we will ask them to double check with the County that the access point is still OK. Mayor Petfalski asked about the garage and it says there can be two cars in the garage, but the scaled drawing does not appear to be able to fit two cars. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that he is not sure how accurate the drawing. The garage itself is 31' wide and if the door is not large enough we will need to speak to the owner to do some modifications. Commissioner Gazzana mentions that the picture makes it look like a 18' garage door. Commissioner Oliver has seen a trailer and car parked in the garage at the same time. Commissioner Graf asked about the signage without tenants. Planner Trzebiatowski explained they are allowed 5% of the wall area for the signs along with a freestanding sign. Permits for the sign will be needed. Commissioner Gazzana made a motion to approve Resolution PC 005-2021. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 016-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operations Plan Amendment for Flores Automation, LLC. located at S84 W18693 Enterprise Drive / Tax Key No. 2223.994.013. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the temporary structure being proposed for additional storage prior to a full- blown building addition. The 30' x 20' tent structure will be located on a gravel pad behind the building for approximately two years. Noted in the Resolution is that if the tent structure is still there in two years then re - approval is needed. The second part of the proposal is for a six-foot chain link fence to screen the outdoor storage as well as provide security for parts that will be stored outside. Typically, in the past Staff and the Plan Commission have encouraged and approved solid fencing rather chain link fencing as the chain link does provide full screening rather than the muting of the outdoor storage. Commissioner Graf asked for clarification of where the screening is located. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the location of the screening and then noted that there are residential uses behind this location. Mayor Petfalski noted that any screening will be an improvement to the neighborhood. Commissioner Graf asked what has been done historically. Planner Trzebiatowski said that for at least the last five to ten years there has been a push for solid screening. Commissioner Graf asked if there is a cost increase. Commissioner Oliver noted that with steel prices the wood will be less expensive than the chain link. Commissioner Graf would just like to be consistent moving forward. Commissioner Oliver asked the overall height of the tent (21 feet). Planner Trzebiatowski noted that the fence is not screening the tent structure but rather the outdoor storage. The fence as proposed is six feet in height. Mayor Petfalski asked what would be most durable. Commissioner Oliver said if hit by a vehicle it doesn't matter the fence. Otherwise, PVC would be the best without any maintenance. There is nothing wrong with the slats except the capacity of screening. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that if this was for security then a chain link fence may be acceptable, but since this fence is for screening also then a solid fence is recommended. Commissioner Graf said this is an upgrade to whatever is there and would be OK with chain link with slats. Commissioner Gazzana said that he is not a fan of slats and not consistent with past decisions. For maintenance the PVC would be best. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve Resolution PC 016-2021. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. PC 018-2021 Discussion of a conceptual Certified Survey Map for Neal Walloch located at S94 W13628 Ryan Drive / Tax Key No. 2255.980. Planner Trzebiatowski provided an overview of the conceptual land division. The applicant purchased the property years ago with the desire to split the land somehow. The owner frontage is just as important as area for land splits. Previously there was a proposed land division on an adjacent parcel. If the adjacent land split had been approved, a right-of-way would have been next to this property and would have provided additional frontage for this land. That development has not occurred so the petitioner is moving forward with a sketch land division seeking a waiver for the lot width where the large parcel is reduced to 25 feet near the existing house. Based on recent history the Plan Commission has granted reductions in the past of other sizes. This is in front of the Plan Commission for a discussion of a waiver because it is in the Land Division ordinance, whereas if this was in the Zoning Code the appeal would be before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Commissioner Buckmaster asked to compare this proposal to a flag lot. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that a flag is typically anything that is narrow in the front and wider in the back. This Ordinance allows for a flag lot, but the `pole' part of the flag lot should be 80 feet. Commissioner Buckmaster said that going back to around 2002 the Plan Commission has been trying to avoid these. Mayor Petfalski asked what the issues are with these lots. Commissioner Buckmaster said it was the property line the use from snowplowing to neighbor issues. From history and consistency, this is not bothersome and looking for the highest and best use of the land. Commissioner Buckmaster does not have any issues with this. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that the owner is willing to offer an access easement for if needed for the benefit of Lot 1, but this may be more of an issue being one lots property, but solely used by the neighbor. Mayor Petfalski agreed that adding an easement will be more of an issue. Commissioner Oliver asked about the existing house and garage. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that the garage would be removed and then the existing house would be compliant with current codes. Petitioner Walloch explained the history of the purchase of the property and his intentions. He has discussed the possibilities of joining his property to the neighboring property to be able to include his property with their development. The neighbor hasn't had interest in the proposal. Mayor Petfalski asked if the neighboring property does move forward, will this change the petitioners plans. Petitioner Walloch said he is not confident anything will happen, which is why he is moving forward with this proposal. Commissioner Gazzana asked for the intentions for the structures. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that they would only be allowed one primary structure, but due to the lot size, someone could build a guest house. Mayor Petfalski asked if the neighboring development does go through, could the small lot be divided into two or three lots. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that the only thing the neighboring subdivision will do is add frontage. One thing to think about though is that if the neighboring property is developed, then a stub road for access to the west, or this petitioners property may be needed at which time this petitioner would need to extend the road to the extent of his development, which all costs more money. Commissioner Buckmaster noted that this land split will not inhibit the highest and best use of anything being proposed or existing on this lot or the surrounding land. Commissioner Graf asked if anyone is in the home currently. Petitioner Walloch said no. Commissioner Graf asked why not modify Lot 2 to allow for more room for Lot 1. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that the Zoning Ordinance requires the minimum lot width which the Plan Commission cannot grant a waiver. RESOLUTION 019-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for a Two -Family Residential Structure located on Lot 17 of Northfield Green Subdivision / Tax Key No. 2172.027. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the two-family project in the Northfield Green development, which is part of the Moorland Corridor South design guide, which is why this building is before the Plan Commission. The buildings exhibit prairie and craftsman architectural features in accordance with the Design Guide. The only two issues include one of the enclosed decks is to close to the property line. The developer is aware and knows that this will need to be adjusted during permitting. The other issue involves the landscaping where staff is recommending additional landscaping to the back of the building to be reviewed during permitting. Otherwise the building features include exposed beams, shake materials, brick columns and brick banding. The building does not meet the 50% masonry but it was more important to look at high quality architecture rather than a strict material percentage. This building generally has more masonry that the other buildings. Commissioner Gazzana asked if the units will be sold individually like a condo or under a single owner. Planner Trzebiatowski said that the City cannot regulate one way or another, but the owners of past buildings in this development have been sold individually. Commissioner Graf made a motion to approve Resolution PC 019-2021. Commissioner Oliver seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Discussion of event(s) at Pop's MarketPlace prior to Plan Commission Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment approval for 2021 activities located at S70 W16050 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2172.999. ADJOURN Commissioner Gazzana made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Graf seconded. Meeting adjourned.