Plan Commission Minutes 03022021 ApprovedAPPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES 03/02/2021 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL C4 af �MUSKEGO Present: Mayor Petfalski, Alderman Kubacki, Commissioners Bartlett, Graf, Gazzana and Oliver, Planner Trzebiatowski. Absent: Commissioner Buckmaster STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the February 2, 2021 meeting. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the February 2, 2021 minutes. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for a renewal of Conditional Use Grant in accordance with Section 14 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance for Payne & Dolan for the purpose of continued mining and processing of sand and gravel and the extension of use of an asphalt plant at the NW corner of Crowbar Road and Janesville Road, in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Section 13 (Tax Key No. 2230.996 / W217 S8425 Crowbar Road). Planner Trzebiatowski provided an overview of the annual review for Payne & Dolan to address any issues/concerns. Clint & Brianna from Payne & Dolan introduced themselves and mentioned they are operating as usual. They do have the ability to run nights from that facility and as of right now there are no plans to run nights this year, but if things change, they will run the normal process. There was an issue last year where a couple trucks did not follow the provided instructions and there were some complaints. Payne & Dolan corrected the issue immediately. Mayor Petfalski added that they have been very responsive to any issues. Public Hearing closed. CONSENT BUSINESS RESOLUTION PC 006-2021 Renewal of a Conditional Use Grant for the purpose of continued mining and processing of sand and gravel, and the extension of use of an asphalt plant for Payne and Dolan at W217 S8425 Crowbar Road / Tax Key No. 2230.996. RESOLUTION PC 007-2021 Approval of an Annual Review for the Loomis Court LLC. property located at S98 W12575 Loomis Court & W125 S9912 North Cape Road / Tax Key No. 2257.973.001. RESOLUTION PC 008-2021 Approval of an Annual Review for the Durham Hill Auto property located at S98 W12608 Loomis Drive / Tax Key No. 2257.982.002. RESOLUTION PC 010-2021 Approval of an Annual Review for Schaefer Snowplowing and Grading LLC located at W195 S9773 Racine Ave. / Tax Key No. 2274.998. RESOLUTION PC 011-2021 Approval of a Two -lot Certified Survey Map for Patrick Thompson of PLC Properties, LLC. located along Durham Drive / Tax Key Nos. 2213.997.001 and 2213.997. RESOLUTION PC 012-2021 Approval of a One -lot Certified Survey Map for Dan Schweitzer located at S67 W21885 Tans Drive / Tax Key No. 2183.998.004. RESOLUTION PC 013-2021 Approval of a second accessory structure for Richard Zarate located at S106 W20683 North Shore Drive / Tax Key No. 2281.985. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the consent business engross. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Alderman Kubacki noted that Payne & Dolan has been a good neighbor. Also it was good to see that there wasn't any major issues with the annual reviews. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 004-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operations Amendment for Waldera Enterprises, LLC. located at S82 W19246 Apollo Drive / Tax Key No. 2225.999.010. Planner Trzebiatowski gave a synopsis of the building, site and operations. Waldera is currently in the business park and are seeking to relocate to a different site within the business park. The business is roadside assistance and a towing business. The BSO amendment is to allow for the vehicles to be stored on - site. Typically, impounded vehicles are not on -site for more than five days. There are six parking stalls in front of the building for employees and people to pick up their cars. The towed vehicles will be located along the east side of the building and two spots on the north side. The hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Any damaged or wrecked vehicles and company vehicles will be stored indoors at all time. By June 1, 2021 all parking stalls must be marked and one-way signage must be installed. Mayor Petfalski asked for clarification on the hours of operation. The applicant stated the 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM hours are for customers to pick up their vehicle but there could be a vehicle towed to this location at night. Mayor Petfalski's concerns are the homes immediately to the north with the back-up alarms in the middle of the night for the vehicle deliveries. The applicant stated they could disable the backup alarms or put the alarm on a switch to easily turn on and off. Mayor Petfalski said this would go a long way with the neighbors across the street. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Resolution PC 004-2021. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 009-2021 Approval of an Annual Review for Frey Auto located at S106 W16301 Loomis Road / Tax Key No. 2293.996.002. Planner Trzebiatowski gave a summary of the inspections and the annual reviews from 2020. At the follow-up inspection the site was in compliance. As drafted, the annual review will be back at the Plan Commission for review in September 2021. Commissioner Graf said that if we do monthly inspections it will be out of compliance, but the follow-up inspection will be compliant. Asks how often should the City go inspect. Mayor Petfalski wanted to recommend staff go out more often and come back in six months with a report. Alderman Kubacki says this will take so much staff time with the same issues over and over and it has been going on for years. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that the only time there has been a significant difference is when a citation was issued. The City doesn't like to do that as we want to remain business friendly, but with this property this is the only thing that has made changes. Alderman Kubacki said his issue is when there are triple -parked cars and there is a hazardous situation, emergency vehicles cannot get there. Commissioner Graf thought staff should review monthly for six months and come back with the results in six months for Plan Commission review. This way the Plan Commission can see results for six months and determine future steps. Commissioner Gazzana asked what the penalties are. Planner Trzebiatowski explained they are financial. Mayor Petfalski likes Commissioner Graf's idea to review for six months and bring to Plan Commission in September. Planner Trzebiatowski suggested language to be added to the Resolution including staff conducting monthly reviews to ensure compliance. Commissioner Graf makes a motion for staff to audit the property for six months and report back in six months to the Plan Commission. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Resolution PC 009-2021. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Commissioner Graf made a motion to amend the resolution, Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Motion to amend Resolution PC 009-2021 passed unanimously. Motion to approve Amended Resolution PC 009-2021 passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Discussion of April Plan Commission date due to spring elections. April Plan Commission will be scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2021. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gazzana made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Fahl, AICP Associate Planner