Plan Commission Minutes 02022021 ApprovedAPPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES 02/02/2021 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 1 IDc C4 of JUSKEGO Present: Mayor Petfalski, Alderman Kubacki, Commissioners Bartlett, Buckmaster, Graf and Gazzana, Planner Trzebiatowski. Absent: Commissioner Oliver. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of the Minutes of the December 1, 2020 meeting. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the November 9, 2020 minutes. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Wisco Carts & Milwaukee Camper Rental requesting a Conditional Use Grant for the purpose of allowing the sale and service of new and used golf carts and camper rental in the B-3 General Business Zoning District located at S80 W19025 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2225.984. Planner Trzebiatowski provided an overview of the proposed project. The Public Hearing is for the Conditional Use Grant. The applicant is looking to reuse the old pool store for golf cart sales and service in addition to pop-up camper rentals. A public hearing for the rezoning portion of the project was held in front of Common Council on January 26, 2021 and there were no comments. One neighbor came in to City Hall to talk with staff and had no issues with the proposal. A CUG is required for the sales and service of anything motorized is considered motor vehicles. The site will be set up with three parking stalls in front along with an area for daytime display of up to six golf carts. Four additional parking stalls are located toward the rear of the building. The golf cart business aside from the small display area will be web -based or enclosed in the buildings so there will be no outside storage. The applicant is requesting the area between the main building and outbuilding, which is currently gravel be allowed to remain gravel for the area to store the pop-up campers when not in use. Staff is recommending the area be paved, but that can be amended by the Plan Commission. The applicants have noted that there may be a need for future parking area behind the buildings for additional pop-up camper parking, but that will need a separate approval. The area for storing the campers is not proposed with any screening due to the fairly dense vegetation present that provides a buffer to the area. Public Comments: George DeGraffenreid, co-owner, stated that the area that will be used for storage of golf carts (gravel pop-up camper parking area) that is currently gravel will be hard -packed and there will not be any traffic over the gravel, just parking of the campers. Steve Pavlons, S80 W19020 Janesville Road, wanted confirmation that there will not be any campers visible from the road and six golf carts. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that the campers will be on the gravel area and the six display golf carts will be moved indoors outside business hours. Public Hearing was closed. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 001- 2021 Recommendation to Common Council to Rezone a property from B-2 Local Service District to B-3 General Business District, approval of a Conditional Use Grant and approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Wisco Carts & Milwaukee Camper Rental located at S80 W19025 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2225.984. Alderman Kubacki asked if all of the campers will be stored outside. Mr. DeGraffenreid said yes, all of the campers will be stored on the gravel area while not in use. From April through October they will be rented out most of the time. Mayor Petfalski wanted confirmation on the gravel area. Mayor Petfalski asked the difference between this and Soiree who needs to install the parking area. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that Soiree is for customer parking while this gravel area is only for the storage of the campers. Commissioner Graf and Alderman Kubacki have no problems. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that if dust or something else become problematic that we can force the business to come to the Plan Commission to resolve this issue. Mayor Petfalski would recommend leaving the gravel area and if there are dust issues in the future that they must come back to Plan Commission with a solution to the dust issue. Commissioner Buckmaster asked if we can make this an annual review. Planner Trzebiatowski said we could if that is the desire of the Plan Commission, or the Plan Commission could do a one year review and see if there are any concerns. Commissioner Gazzana asked if there were any plans for the back half of the property. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that in the future they may want additional storage but they will need to come back to Plan Commission for approval. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve Resolution PC 001-2021. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to amend the resolution to leave the camper parking area as gravel with a one-year review for any issues. Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Motion to amend Resolution passed unanimously. Motion to approve Amended Resolution PC 001-2021 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 002-2021 Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment for the Muskego-Norway School District located at W185 S8750 Racine Avenue / Tax Key Nos. 2242.999, 2237.999.001, 2237.999. Planner Trzebiatowski provided a summary of the lighting proposal for the eastern baseball field and the western softball field at the Muskego High School. The proposal includes 6-70' tall lights and 2-80' light poles on the eastern baseball field and the western softball field will include 2-60' tall lights and 2-70' tall light poles as designed by Musco. These lights are similar in height to the lighting on the football field and other local field lighting in the City. The ordinance has a 50' height limit for athletic field lights, but allows the Plan Commission to grant a waiver as a mechanical apparatus to exceed the height limit. Commissioner Gazzana asked about any light pollution for the abutting neighborhood and if there are any restrictions for the time limits of the game play. Planner Trzebiatowski mentioned that he is not aware of any time limits for play on the either field. As for the light pollution there is a substantial tree line between the neighborhood and the field. Additionally, the photometric plans show that they are not close to the City limit of 0.5 footcandles at the property lines and in fact are zero just a short distance from the playing field. This doesn't mean that in the distance someone will not see the light source, but the light levels are where they need to be. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve Resolution PC 002-2021. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion to approve Resolution PC 002-2021 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 003 -2021 Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Denoon Country Estates North located along Crowbar Road west of Kelsey Drive / Tax Key No. 2279.993. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that this is a conservation subdivision plat that was approved by the City back in the 2005/2006 with a base yield plan of seven lots and by using the conservation principles were originally granted an additional three bonus lots for a total of ten lots while preserving at least 50 percent of the area. There will be small changes made to resolve comments and concerns from the State, County and City so this could include slight lot changes or possibility of losing a lot. Commissioner Buckmaster recalls the original approval in 2005 and there was significant discussion at that time. Happy this project is coming back. Alderman Kubacki said there are concerns regarding groundwater. Lake Denoon is sensitive to the quality and quantity of water entering with three tributaries to the lake. The subdivision to the south of the proposal was created before all the stormwater regulations and when it rains a plume of sediment flows into the lake. Alderman Kubacki asked if Tim Laseke could present the concerns of the lake district. Tim Laseke, president of the Lake Denoon Lake District said their concern is the decline of water quality due to the phosphorus and aluminum sulfite that is entering the lake with stormwater. Mr. Lasky's questions were specifically related to the design of the new storm water pond and what the City can do if the pond is not constructed to specifications and does not work as designed and planned. Planner Trzebiatowski explained that the developers are required to follow all City and MMSD stormwater requirements, so they are subject to very intensive requirements. Additionally, the original rezoning for the bonus lots included conditions that they will exceed the City storm water ordinances. As for the pond not being constructed or working as planned, the City requires as -built drawings when completed and if the built stormwater improvements do not match the plans, the developer will need to correct the issues. Mayor Petfalski also added that the City has in the past and will in the future continue to make sure the stormwater improvements are constructed as planned. Commissioner Buckmaster asked for confirmation that this was the preliminary plat and even though the final plat was approved in 2006 that they will still need to go through all reviews including the engineering review. Planner Trzebiatowski added the process has changed a little but they will still need all construction reviews and the final plat approval. Also, the original stormwater area on the 2005 plans is rather small and with the new storm water requirements the size of the pond is significantly larger. Mayor Petfalski added that this is in the MMSD area and this is the southern edge of the MMSD area. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Resolution PC 003-2021. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to approve Resolution PC 003-2021 passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Nothing at this time. ADJOURN Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Gazzana seconded. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Fahl, AICP Associate Planner