FCM03232021CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES March 23, 2021 5:45 PM Muskego City Hall W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Approved u�c4 of MVSKEGO Present: Committee Members Alderpersons Wolfe, Kubacki, and Madden. Also present: Alderpersons Hammel and Terrence, City Attorney Warchol, Public Works & Development Director Kroeger, Finance and Administration Director Mueller, and Administrative Assistant Crisp. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Ms. Crisp stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 9, 2021 Alderperson Kubacki moved to approve. Alderperson Wolfe seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderperson Madden moved to recommend approval of an operator license for Savannah Dembosky, Joshua Overlee, and Lauren Wessel. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Change of Agent (Sarah Drezdzon) for "Class A" Liquor License held by Ultra Mart Foods, LLC (d/b/a Pick 'n Save) Alderperson Wolfe moved to recommend approval. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of a "Class C" Dance Hall License and a "Class B" License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor for Wisconsin Youth Sports Association (d/b/a Sport Development), Nicole Lutz Agent, located at W160 S6369 Commerce Drive Alderperson Madden made a motion to discuss at Common Council. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Recommendation to Terminate Tax Incremental Districts Numbers 8 and 9 Alderperson Kubacki moved to recommend. Alderperson Wolfe seconded. Ms. Mueller stated that this item was discussed during the budget process. Now that all of the relative debt Finance Committee Minutes March 23, 2021 has been paid in full and we have a fund balance, it is time to close the TIDs. The next step would be a final audit in which we have one year to conduct. Then we would distribute any remaining funds to the all of the taxing entities. Ald. Kubacki noted that we are required to do this. Mayor Petfalski asked approximately how much money would be distributed. Ms. Mueller replied that the total distribution would be about $1.875 million with $500,000 to the City, $1 million to the school district, $230,000 to Waukesha County, and $45,000 to WCTC. Motion carried. Recommend Approval of Developer's Agreement for PEGARL LLP Alderperson Madden moved to recommend approval. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Recommend Denial of Claims (Matthew & Danielle McCarroll, Trish Krocker, Michael & Sherri Hallmann, Richard & Virginia Randa, Michael & Susan Hauke, Michael & Jean Reitz) Alderperson Wolfe made a motion to move to Common Council for discussion. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. Recommend Award of Bid for 2021-2022 Parks, Boulevards, Terraces and Facility Landscaping and Game Day Field Preparation The following bids were received: Item Happy Mower, LLC Sebert Landscape Service 1: Lawn Mowing Per Year $55,000.00 $100,000.00 Service 2: Medians Per Year $67,500.00 $105,000.00 Service 3: Field Pre Per Game $175.00 $300.00 Total Lump Sum Fee One Year $122,500.00 $410,000.00 Contract Price Two Years $245,000.00 $410,000.00 *Cost to be passed on directly to anyone who requests that a baseball field be prepared for a game. The Public Works & Development Director reduced the amount of work to be performed under Service 1 and Service 2 in order to match the funds budgeted for this work. Therefore, he recommended the following reduced buds submitted by Happy Mower, LLC be accepted: Item Happy Mower, LLC Service 1: Lawn Mowing (Per Year) $43,500.00 Service 2: Medians Per Year $62,500.00 Service 3: Field Pre Per Game * $175.00 Total Lump Sum Fee One Year $106,500.00 Contract Price (Two Years) $212,000.00 2 Alderperson Wolfe moved to recommend acceptance of the bids from Happy Mower, LLC in the amount of $212,000.00 for two years. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Facilities Use Agreement between the Muskego-Norway School District and the City of Muskego Alderperson Kubacki moved to recommend approval. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. Finance Committee Minutes 3 March 23, 2021 Recommend Approval of Cobblestone Court Developer's Agreement Alderperson Kubacki moved to recommend approval. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderperson Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $71,652.53. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. Tax Vouchers Alderperson Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Tax Vouchers in the amount of $252,497.36. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. General Fund Vouchers Alderperson Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $315,231.48. Alderperson Madden seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderperson Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $367,678.07. Alderperson Kubacki seconded; motion carried. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None ADJOURNMENT Alderperson Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 5:53 p.m. Alderperson Wolfe seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Christine Crisp.