CCM.2022.02.08 (Appr)CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES 1A � C of February 8, 2022 6:00 PM a SKEGO Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Alderpersons Wolfe, Terrence, Kapusta, Engelhardt, and Madden. Also present: City Attorney Warchol, IT Director Louden, Lead Planner Trzebiatowski, and Assistant Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Crisp. Absent: Alderpersons Hammel and Kubacki STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Ms. Crisp stated the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. PUBLIC COMMENT No one spoke. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE None. CONSENT AGENDA Alderperson Madden moved to Approve the following items under Consent; Alderperson Engelhardt seconded. Motion Carried. • Approval of Common Council Minutes - January 25, 2022 • Resolution #007-2022 - Approval of a two -lot Certified Survey Map for Ryan Janssen • Resolution #008-2022 - Approval of a two -lot Certified Survey Map for Daniel Scardino and Dennis Bohrer • Resolution #009-2022 - Approval of a four -lot Certified Survey Map for James Baseler • Resolution #010-2022 - Approval of a second four -lot Certified Survey Map for James Baseler • Resolution #011-2022 - Approval of a two -lot Certified Survey Map for James Baseler • Resolution #012-2022 - Approval of a Revised Preliminary Plat for the Kirkland Crossing Subdivision Common Council — February 8, 2022 2 NEW BUSINESS Resolution #013-2022 - Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Muskego-Norway School District, City of Muskego, Fiber Network Alderperson Madden moved to Approve; Alderperson Wolfe seconded. A short discussion followed with Ms. Louden responding to questions of the members. Motion Carried. Resolution #014-2022 - Recognition of 32 Years of Service - Jill M. Blenski Alderperson Madden moved to Approve; Alderperson Engelhardt seconded. Motion Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance #1468 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (BP-1 and BP-3 to PD). Second Reading. Alderperson Madden moved to Approve; Alderperson Terrence seconded. Mr. Trzebiatoiwski stated that at the last reading there was a discussion regarding having the Ordinance be conditioned upon the approval and recording of the CSM. If that is the intention of this Council, we should amend this Ordinance. Alderperson Madden made a Motion to Amend the Ordinance to include as part of Section 3 that the rezoning is "subject to approval and recording of a Certified Survey Map". Alderperson Terrence seconded. Motion Carried. The Ordinance as Amended passed unanimously. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS • Finance Committee Minutes - December 14, 2021 • Committee of the Whole Minutes - December 14, 2021 • Plan Commission Minutes - January 4, 2022 VOUCHER APPROVAL • Utility Vouchers - $52,327.64: Alderperson Madden moved to approve. Alderperson Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. • Tax Vouchers - $117,943.35: Alderperson Madden moved to approve. Alderperson Kapusta seconded; motion carried. • General Fund Vouchers - $774,220.81: Alderperson Madden moved to approve. Alderperson Kapusta seconded; motion carried. • Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals - $408,586.64: Alderperson Madden moved to approve. Alderperson Terrence seconded; motion carried. CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS None. Common Council — February 8, 2022 3 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Updates from Aldermanic Liasons • Little Muskego Lake District - Alderperson Engelhardt. The Lake District will have its monthly meeting tomorrow. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Alderperson Wolfe moved to adjourn at 6:14 p.m. Alderperson Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Ms. Crisp.